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  1. Anyone surprised. anyone ? What an Amazing Coincidence! Paul Pelosi Unloads $500k in Visa Stock Prior to Antitrust Lawsuit Ward Clark https://redstate.com/wardclark/2024/09/24/what-an-amazing-coincidence-paul-pelosi-unloads-500k-in-visa-stock-prior-to-antitrust-lawsuit-n2179732 .
  2. Pelosi Attacker Sentencing Brings out the Loony Left JAZZ SHAW Now that David DePape has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for his bizarre 2022 hammer attack on Paul Pelosi at the former Speaker's home in San Francisco, the reaction from the public has been mixed at best. Nearly everyone seemed to agree that something needed to be done about that lunatic, but questions still remain about what exactly was going on inside the Pelosi house on the evening in question. Others correctly pointed out that the sentence DePape received was grossly disproportional to those received by other people who commit equally serious crimes or even worse. That response seems to have severely triggered some on the left such as Hafiz Rashid at The New Republic, who claimed that the right is "losing its mind" over the sentencing. He claims that conservatives are framing DePape's arrest as a "conspiracy" and cites several examples of conservative commentators who are pointing out the unequal dispensement of justice in this case. Ironically, rather than people "losing their minds," Libs of TikTok really hits the nail on the head. DePape seems to be a seriously messed up individual who could likely do with a thorough psychological evaluation, but he did attack and injure someone with a hammer. But the judge in this case was also sending an obvious message to the rest of the country. You can attack shopowners, the police, or almost anyone else - particularly conservatives - and you'll probably get off with a slap on the wrist. But if you dare to raise a hand against one of the swamp-dwellers in Washington or anyone close to them, we're going to throw the hammer back at you with a vengeance. https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/05/19/pelosi-attacker-sentencing-brings-out-the-loony-left-n3788658
  3. PASS THE PELOSI ACT ! January 27, 2023 Paul Pelosi sold $3 million worth of Google stock a month prior to the DOJ’s antitrust lawsuit By Rajan Laad https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/01/paul_pelosi_sold_3_million_worth_of_google_stock_a_month_prior_to_the_dojs_antitrust_lawsuit.html .
  4. Hahahahahaha. Silly media. Thats not gonna happen. News outlets seek access to evidence in Paul Pelosi attack Associated Press, by Olga R. Rodriguez SAN FRANCISCO -- A coalition of news organizations, including The Associated Press, filed a court motion in San Francisco seeking access to evidence against the man charged in last year's attack on former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi. During a Dec. 14 preliminary hearing, the San Francisco district attorney's office introduced audio and video evidence against David DePape, the man accused of attacking Paul Pelosi. But it has refused to release the evidence to the media. Attorneys for the coalition said in the motion filed Wednesday that “the public and press have standing to assert their rights of access to court records and proceedings.” https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/news-outlets-seek-access-evidence-paul-pelosi-attack-96399519
  5. The “Stochastic Terror” Lie The Left’s latest gambit for suppressing speech is built on preposterous grounds. Christopher F. Rufo I browsed the news recently only to discover that, according to a popular science magazine, I was responsible for the attempted murder of Paul Pelosi, husband to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In an opinion piece for Scientific American, writer Bryn Nelson insinuated that my factual reporting on Drag Queen Story Hour was an example of “stochastic terrorism,” which he defines as “ideologically driven hate speech” that increases the likelihood of unpredictable acts of violence. On the night of the attack, Nelson argued, I had appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss my reporting, and, hours later, the alleged attacker, David DePape, radicalized by “QAnon” conspiracy theories about “Democratic, Satan-worshipping pedophiles,” broke into the Pelosi residence and attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer. This is a bizarre claim that, for a magazine supposedly dedicated to “science,” hardly meets a scientific standard of cause and effect. There is no evidence that DePape watched or was motivated by Tucker Carlson’s program; moreover, nothing in my reporting on Drag Queen Story Hour encourages violence or mentions Nancy Pelosi, QAnon, or Satan-worshipping pedophiles. My appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight and DePape’s attack against Paul Pelosi are, in reality, two unrelated incidents in a large and complex universe. And Nelson, a microbiologist specializing in human excrement, is full of it. But Nelson isn’t trying to prove anything in a scientific sense. Under the concept of “stochastic terrorism,” logic, evidence, and causality are irrelevant. Any incident of violence can be politicized and attributed to any ideological opponent, regardless of facts. The scheme works like this: left-wing media, activists, and officials designate a subject of discourse, such as Drag Queen Story Hour, off-limits; they treat any reporting on that subject as an expression of “hate speech”; and finally, if an incident of violence emerges that is related, even tangentially, to that subject, they assign guilt to their political opponents and call for the suppression of speech. The statistical concept of “stochasticity,” which means “randomly determined,” functions as a catch-all: the activists don’t have to prove causality—they simply assert it with a sophisticated turn of phrase and a vague appeal to probability. Though framed in scientific terms, this gambit is a crude political weapon. In practice, left-wing media, activists, and officials apply the “stochastic terrorism” designation only in one direction: rightward. They never attribute fire-bombings against pro-life pregnancy centers, arson attacks against Christian churches, or the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court justice to mere argumentation of left-wing activists, such as, say, opposition to the Court’s decision in Dobbs. In those cases, the Left correctly adopts the principle that it is incitement, rather than opinion, that constitutes a crime—but conveniently forgets that standard as soon as the debate shifts to the movement’s conservative opponents. In recent years, the Left has not only monopolized the concept of “stochastic terrorism” but also built a growing apparatus for enforcing it. Last year, left-wing organizations and the Department of Justice collaborated on a campaign to suppress parents who oppose critical race theory, under the false claim that sometimes-heated school-board protests were incidents of “domestic terrorism.” Earlier this year, left-wing activists and medical associations called on social media companies and the Department of Justice to censor, investigate, and prosecute journalists who question the orthodoxy of radical gender theory. The obvious goal is to suppress speech and intimidate political opponents. “Stochastic terrorism” could serve as a magic term for summoning the power of the state. https://www.city-journal.org/stochastic-terrorism-is-about-suppressing-free-speech#.Y3zoQ2HMgGA.twitter .
  6. Why Did the DOJ Lie About the Paul Pelosi Attack? The attack on Paul Pelosi, outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s husband, has largely receded into the background of the news cycle. Weeks before the 2022 mid-terms, though, it burst into the national consciousness and was quickly presented as another marker of just how dangerous “right-wing extremism” is. It didn’t matter that the attacker was a protester who lived in a leftwing commune adorned with Black Lives Matter and LGBT effects. The fact that he had allegedly dabbled in some alt-right materials online was enough to hang him on Republicans and Republicans alone. Of course, the truth is often more boring than partisan fever dreams, and the likeliest explanation for the man’s behavior remains that he was taking highly dangerous psychedelic drugs that produced an ideologically incoherent mental break. Never let a crisis go to waste, though, right? And while former Obama flunky Rahm Emmanuel may have coined the phrase, it has apparently been adopted by the DOJ. As reported, AG Merrick Garland’s outfit apparently lied about the circumstances of the attack. That denial even led to an NBC News reporter being suspended for what now appears to have been a truthful report. The attack on Paul Pelosi, the spouse of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in the San Francisco home owned by the couple, continues to be vexing for the press – and now it’s vexing for the DOJ, too, as a source close to the investigation, who has viewed SFPD bodycam footage, confirmed to NBC’s San Francisco affiliate that Paul Pelosi indeed opened the door for police when they arrived at the scene… …The perplexing detail in this was when a report emerged from NBC News, as field reporter Miguel Almaguer gave details from a source that suggested Paul Pelosi had been the one to answer the door and bring in the police that evening, and that Pelosi was not in a state of observable distress. Almaguer also said that Pelosi, at one point, went back to where his intruder was located, only then being attacked in front of police. Days later, the report was taken down from the NBC website, as well as being scrubbed from social media. There is no question that Paul Pelosi was attacked, and anyone still spreading suppositions to the contrary is simply chasing online clout. The bodycam footage being cited here as evidence that the DOJ lied shows the attack happened. And to be sure, there are logical reasons why Paul Pelosi decided to open the door and then walk back toward the attacker. Namely, it doesn’t appear that he was fearful of any kind of physical confrontation at that point and didn’t anticipate an attack with police standing right there. That was a bad decision, but not one outside the realm of possibility. That’s not the issue here, though. The issue is the DOJ lying about it, quelling “conspiracy theories” that weren’t conspiracy theories. What could possibly be the justification for that? https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/11/19/why-did-the-doj-lie-about-the-paul-pelosi-attack-n661241
  7. Very disingenuous. They certainly have become an vastly increased problem recently. Annnnnnnnnnnnd. Back to the thread. Hmmm. REPORT: Paul Pelosi Seen Opening Door for Police on Body Cam Video as Originally Reported. “So why would NBC News scrub an awkward story about the husband of a House Speaker representing an embattled majority in the weeks before a midterm election to determine control of the House?” NBC Bay Area reporter Bigad Shaban claimed Wednesday that police body cam footage supports Almaguer’s initial story, “according to a source familiar with the Pelosi investigation who personally viewed the body camera footage.” https://www.nbcbayarea.com/investigations/body-cam-video-paul-pelosi-attack/3076235/ https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2022/11/17/report-paul-pelosi-seen-opening-door-for-police-on-body-cam-video-as-originally-reported-n1646664 .
  8. GENTLEMEN, YOU CAN’T COMMIT JOURNALISM HERE — THIS IS A NEWS SHOW! NBC suspends correspondent . . . . . . after network was forced to retract exclusive report on how Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul, 82, calmly opened door to cops — and then walked towards ‘hammer intruder’ who bludgeoned him. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11428999/NBC-SUSPENDS-correspondent-network-forced-retract-exclusive-report-Paul-Pelosi-attack.html Still awaiting the suspensions for the fake "dossier / collusion stories.
  9. NBC: Paul Pelosi 'Did Not Immediately Declare an Emergency or Leave His Home' When Police Arrived Sources familiar with the investigation told NBC News that when officers responded to the high-priority call, they were unaware they’d been called to the home of the Speaker of the House. “After a ‘knock and announce,’ the front door was opened by Mr. Pelosi. The 82-year-old did not immediately declare an emergency or try to leave his home,” the NBC “Today Show” report explains. Instead, Mr. Pelosi “began walking several feet back into the foyer toward the assailant and away from police.” Pelosi’s failure to call out for help or flee his home was a detail in the court filing that previously raised a red flag to me, and it seems that even NBC News finds it odd. “Why Pelosi didn’t try to flee or tell responding officers he was in distress is unclear,” NBC News’s Miguel Almaguer noted. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/11/04/nbc-paul-pelosi-did-not-immediately-declare-an-emergency-or-leave-his-home-when-police-arrived-n1642705 There’s also the question of why DePape even let Pelosi open the door in the first place.
  10. None of this changes the basics of the case. DePape is still a lunatic who attacked an elderly man with a hammer after breaking into his house. Paul Pelosi is still lucky to be alive. But the sequence suggested by Miguel Almaguer raises some questions as to whether the attack itself might have been avoided, and what exactly was going on in the house before police arrived.
  11. No one cares what Biden says DON SURBER Each spring, the NFL drafts college players. The last player drafted is called Mr. Irrelevant because it is unlikely he will amount to much as a professional player. I thought about that as I read reports about Biden’s speech last night. It was much the same speech he gave in August about democracy dying if voters elect someone he doesn’t like. He added political violence to his scare citing the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi inside his well-guarded home. The Capitol Police watch it 24/7 but somehow we are to believe that someone broke into the house and attacked Pelosi and sought to kneecap Nancy. The police leaks are unusually illogical as the San Fran Police and Capitol Police cannot get their stories straight. Biden's irrelevance rendered the speech ineffective. After he gave this speech in August -- without references to Paul Pelosi -- Republicans improved in the polls. This time, nothing will change. https://donsurber.blogspot.com/2022/11/no-one-cares-what-biden-says.html .
  12. Back to the thread. . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Pelosi released from hospital after last week's home attack https://www.ksbw.com/article/paul-pelosi-released-from-hospital-after-assault/41860409 KSBW Paul Pelosi released from hospital a week after assault https://www.axios.com/2022/11/03/paul-pelosi-released-hospital-home-attack
  13. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/san-francisco-da-wont-release-police-bodycam-video-911-calls-paul-pelosi-attack San Francisco’s top prosecutor confirmed Wednesday her office will not release police body camera footage or 911 calls from the alleged Paul Pelosi attack late last week. Huh, imagine that.
  14. Biden Gives Tired, Lie Filled Closing Argument as Dems Stare Down a Red Wave Townhall, by Katie Pavlich President Joe Biden made his way to crime ridden Union Station in Washington D.C. Wednesday night. It was a previously unscheduled trip put on the Democratic National Committee and a last ditch effort to convince voters Trump Republicans and democracy are "on the ballot" next Tuesday. (Tweet) "In our bones we know democracy is at risk,” Biden claimed. (Tweet/Video) During his remarks, which were made without glaring communist red lights and U.S. Marines standing the background, Biden made a number of references to January 6 and the nudist attack on Paul Pelosi. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2022/11/02/biden-proves-why-hes-not-on-the-campaign-trail-with-lackluster-closing-argument-n2615398 .
  15. Everyone Is Laughing at the Ridiculous Pelosi Big Lie Kurt Schlichter FTA: This whole miscalculation is a manifestation of the problems that come from being trapped in a blue echo chamber. The reality of the red wave is sort of seeping in, upsetting the progs, and then this happens and suddenly they all decide that a smart idea is to paint this as proof that the Republicans are trying to murder them. And everyone around them agrees that this is a super-smart take that will change their ballot box fortunes, not realizing that normal people are going to hear the story of two dudes late at night and think “Yeah, no.” The smart play would have been to say nothing, to pass it off as some random transient breaking into the Pelosi pad. Heck, a lot of people would buy that even if the lack of security seemed odd. And then you move on to other things and this gets forgotten and Nancy quietly places Paul Pelosi into Sunny Acres so he stops embarrassing her with his sordid antics. But no. No, they had to try to hang this incident around our necks. And they are so used to having the assistance of social media in hiding unapproved narratives – like the demonstrably true Hunter Biden laptop revelations – that they assumed no one would be able to raise any questions about their Big Lie. Except for not only did Elon Musk buy Twitter but he also pushed back when Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit – herself a seasoned pro at cleaning up the sexual shenanigans of her hornier half – joined the “MAGA people did it!” chorus. The regime media is in full effect now, acting as janitors for their political masters in the Democrat Party. According to these hacks, the refusal to believe the ridiculous idea that this was some sort of Republican-inspired assault is “misinformation” and a “conspiracy theory,” which is a neat trick since it involves not believing something. Oh, and we are informed that refusing to accept the ridiculous official story is also “celebrating” the attack. You are “making fun of the attack” unless you sit there and allow yourself to be slandered. https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2022/10/31/everyone-is-laughing-at-the-ridiculous-pelosi-big-lie-n2615222
  16. On Pelosi: We're not falling for the "Right Wing Terrorist in the Tailpipe" joke Dear Mid-Term 2022 voter – this is a public service announcement. The rush to blame the Right for words = violence in the aftermath of the awful attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul is looking even more cynical than it usually is when they whip out the blame card, so please hold your judgment for a day or so. Events and reports from the scene are shifting rapidly. The possibility the cynical Democratic card is being played more as a distraction from the true situation, vice an accusation of fault, looks stronger every passing hour.. The whole thing is shaping up to be is tres strange, even for San Francisco. Let’s recap. Friday morning word came that the pretty unthinkable had happened – an assailant had broken into the Pelosis’ San Francisco mansion and brutally assaulted the Speaker’s husband Paul. Immediate wishes for his good health and a swift recovery flowed from everyone – Paul Pelosi is not a young man, so it was even more concerning on that front. Details were few and sketchy at first. San Francisco Police finally had a press conference and said they’d arrived answering a “welfare check” call. Initially, they muddied the water with their phraseology about officers finding “both men holding a hammer” and most listeners interpreted that as each man had a hammer. In fact, there was only one hammer, and they each had ahold of it. The suspect, identified as David DePape and wearing only underwear, wrested the hammer from Paul Pelosi and, in front of the officers, then proceeded to inflict grievous wounds on him, including a skull fracture that required immediate surgery (please heal quickly, dude) before officers could control the situation. The Left went into overdrive. They are so cynical, and ruthlessly, calculatingly predictable. Any tragedy is an opportunity to score points and sound bites before the facts shut down the opening. The Democratic media protection machine cranked into operation as well, deciding what nuggets of early information about the suspect might be too sensitive for the public to know. (Or too damaging to the Pelosis…? YMMV) The producer of one local station made that call post-press conference for a local reporter. The reporter asking for guidance before broadcasting was caught on a hot mic. https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2022/10/30/on-pelosi-were-not-falling-for-the-right-wing-terrorist-in-the-tailpipe-joke-n506708
  17. Exclusive: Two Far-Right Websites Attributed to David DePape to Smear Conservatives Were Fabricated – They Were Created Friday and Deleted Saturday by Joe Hoft The mainstream media attributed two websites to the man arrested with Paul Pelosi on early Friday morning, David DePape. However, this all appears to be another far-left farce. David DePape was found with Paul Pelosi early Friday morning in his underwear at the Pelosi home by police in San Francisco. The mainstream media immediately tried to cover for the Pelosi family. They then attempted to align the man in his underwear found with Paul Pelosi as a conservative. But it was all a lie. There are numerous questions related to this case already. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/10/exclusive-two-far-right-websites-attributed-david-depape-fabricated-created-friday-deleted-today/
  18. He's just following the crowd. Elon Musk tweet about ‘tiny possibility’ there’s more to Paul Pelosi story almost BREAKS Twitter October 30, 2022 | Chris Donaldson Billionaire Twitter owner Elon Musk whacked the hornet’s nest with a provocative tweet to failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in which he suggested that there could be more to the shocking beating of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband in the couple’s San Francisco home than meets the eye. With expectations rising that Democrats will not only lose their one-party grip on Congress in nine days but incur such deep losses that the party could be annihilated politically, the narrative engineers flew into action in a rush to judgement to spin the assault on Paul Pelosi in a manner that would energize their base in a critical late push for increased turnout. https://www.bizpacreview.com/2022/10/30/elon-musk-tweet-about-tiny-possibility-theres-more-to-paul-pelosi-story-sends-political-class-for-a-loop-1302674/
  19. CBS News Anchor Loses Her Mind Because GOP Refuses to Concede the Election to Nancy Pelosi The attack on Paul Pelosi, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, has dominated the news the last few days. Questions still remain about how David DePape, a protester with a convoluted political history, got inside the house, but what appears fairly clear is that the assailant had a drug-induced psychotic break. Naturally, though, the easy answer isn’t the one the left wants. Instead, they want to pretend that Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy making a joke a year ago is what actually “radicalized” DePape because everything must be stupid. If you watch the clip, Brennan attempts to connect normal Republican election rhetoric to the attack on Paul Pelosi, asking why the GOP is still running ads tying going after Nancy Pelosi. That despite the fact that even the authorities have stated they have not ascertained a motive for the crime yet. NRCC Chair Tom Emmer was having none of it. He pushed back effectively, noting that such a standard has never applied to Democrats. He’s right, of course. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/10/30/cbs-news-anchor-loses-her-mind-because-gop-refuses-to-concede-the-election-to-nancy-pelosi-n651680 .
  20. Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was attacked by a man with a hammer at the couple’s home in San Francisco early Friday morning. CNN has strung a series of reports on the attack here. CNN’s first report of the assault was posted at 11:08 a.m. on October 28. By 2:25 p.m. Gavin Newsom had attributed the attack to “divisive and hateful rhetoric.” By 7:25 p.m. President Biden had observed that assaulter’s query — “Where’s Nancy?” — was the same one used during the Jan. 6 insurrection at the US Capitol. Defamation dies in darkness. The Washington Post therefore assigned three reporters to the case. By 7:00 a.m. on October 29 the Post had nailed it down: “Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband follows years of GOP demonizing her.” The subhead was equally unsubtle: “A man with right-wing views who broke into the House speaker’s home yelled ‘Where is Nancy?’ before assaulting Paul Pelosi with a hammer, police say.” The Post must have capitalized “Where is Nancy” to indicate it’s part of the right-wing code. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2022/10/the-dope-on-depape.php https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/nancy-pelosi-husband-paul-attack https://michaelshellenberger.substack.com/p/pelosi-attack-suspect-was-a-psychotic
  21. Paul Pelosi Attack – Follow The Evidence, Not The Media Spin The evidence will reveal the truth, the media will not (at least not before the midterms). According to initial reports, Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, was the victim of a hammer attack by a man to broke through a back door to attack him, and said he wanted to know where Nancy was. Sounded really simple, at first, an attempted political attack. And maybe it will end up being so, but history tells us to wait for the evidence to come in, and not to rely on politicized media spin. It “might” be that simple, but I doubt it. We’ve seen this movie before, where supposedly simple facts turn out not to be so simple, and “right wing” motives turn out to be otherwise. I don’t know how the Paul Pelosi attack will play out, but we saw how his drunk driving arrest was hushed up and covered up, and we still don’t know much about it. (Do we know yet where he was that night while Nancy was away and who was with him?) Already, all is not what it seems with regard to media reporting on the Paul Pelosi attack. The “MAGA” attacker turns out to be more Jared Loughner than anything, as Michael Shellenberger documents, Pelosi Attack Suspect Was A Psychotic Homeless Addict Estranged From His Pedophile Lover & Their Children. https://legalinsurrection.com/2022/10/paul-pelosi-attack-follow-the-evidence-not-the-media-spin/ https://michaelshellenberger.substack.com/p/pelosi-attack-suspect-was-a-psychotic .
  22. The Paul Pelosi Story Makes No Sense, and the Public Needs Answers I’ve stayed away from the story of Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s husband, being attacked by a hammer in his San Francisco home to this point because of how confusing the fact pattern is. After all, it’s always best to not get out over one’s skis, a rule I’ve not always followed in the past, not so much on RedState, but in the lightening fast environment of social media. But here I sit on a Saturday morning, reading all the details that have come out over the last day, and I can’t help but come to one conclusion: This story makes no sense. I don’t mean that as a way to suggest some grand conspiracy. I mean that much more as an idle observation. What has come out about the attacker and how the attack unfolded simply doesn’t add up. Now, that could be because we just lack some additional facts that confirm the predominant narrative, but until those facts arrive, no one can be blamed for looking at the situation with some heavy side-eye. What we do know is that Paul Pelosi was attacked with a hammer. He suffered some kind of injury that required a trip to the hospital and an operating table. We know that the police showed up prior to the attack commencing and that Paul Pelosi was attacked in their presence. We know the assailant was arrested in his underwear. We also know that a glass door was shattered. It’s the assailant himself that is such an enigma, though. Shortly after his arrest was announced, the authorities claimed that he was a right-wing conspiracy theorist with ties to January 6th rhetoric. That led to the usual gnashing of teeth, accusing Republicans of somehow being responsible for the attack despite that rule never applying to Democrats when leftwing attackers target conservatives. Regardless, the problem is that fact patterns about the assailant appear to be clashing. For example, aside from supposedly being a January 6th nutter, we know that David DePape is a hemp jewelry-making nudist protester. Here’s what his house looks like. How does someone with that profile end up a Trump-loving, January 6th supporter as the authorities claim? I honestly don’t have an answer to that, and that’s the problem. The public needs more information, and this event can’t be allowed to be swept under the rug in the way Paul Pelosi’s DUI arrest was. And let me be clear, none of this would matter if the press and Democrats weren’t jumping to the conclusion that this attack is somehow the fault of all Republicans. Those kinds of accusations are leading to people being suspicious of DePape’s background. If everyone had just come together and accepted that a crazy man did something crazy, it wouldn’t be an issue. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/10/29/the-paul-pelosi-story-makes-no-sense-and-the-public-needs-answers-n650945
  23. Paul Pelosi Expected to Make Full Recovery After Skull Surgery, Biden Blames 'Too Much Vitriol' .https://redstate.com/bobhoge/2022/10/28/paul-pelosi-expected-to-make-full-recovery-after-skull-surgery-biden-blames-too-much-vitriol-n650731
  24. Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Buys Millions In Chip Stocks Right Before Vote On Massive Chip Subsidy by Gabe Kaminsky House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul bought up to $5 million in stock of a computer chip company ahead of a vote on a bill next week that would hand billions in subsidies to boost chip manufacturing, a financial disclosure shows. Paul Pelosi purchased 20,000 shares of Nvidia, one of the world’s largest semiconductor companies, on June 17, according to the speaker’s disclosure report released Thursday. Now, senators will convene as early as Tuesday to vote on a bipartisan competition bill, which allocates $52 billion to boost domestic semiconductor manufacturing and gives tax credits for production, Reuters reported Thursday. “It certainly raises the specter that Paul Pelosi could have access https://dailycaller.com/2022/07/15/pelosis-husband-massive-amount-in-chips-stock-before-expected-senate-vote-subsidies/
  25. Mr. Pelosi's shrewd investments raise suspicions by Kelly Sadler Paul Pelosi, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, is one heck of a trader! He purchased about $10 million in Microsoft shares through call options on March 19th when the stock was trading at $230.35. Days later, Microsoft was awarded a contract by the U.S. Army valued at $22 billion and inked a deal to buy an artificial intelligence firm. It’s stock has soared about 12% since Mr. Pelosi’s initial investment. (Snip) But Mr. Pelosi’s good fortunes don’t stop there. Weeks before President Biden signed an executive order to replace the entire federal automobile fleet with electric cars, Mr. Pelosi bought up to $1 million in Tesla stock. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/apr/14/paul-pelosis-shrewd-investments-raise-suspicions/
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