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Wilson from Gamehendge

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Everything posted by Wilson from Gamehendge

  1. I wish the Bills would have given a former teammate and high school friend of mine a call to see what he has to offer...but I am glad he has found a niche for himself in the league. Ryan Poles was a Parade All-American Offensive Lineman in high school. He got a full ride to Boston College University and by his senior season, he was one of the most dependable guys on the Offensive line for the Nationally ranked BC Eagles. He was also a key protector for the soon-to-be #3 overall pick in the 2008 NFL Draft, QB Matt Ryan. Then Poles suffered an injury to his Achilles Tendon. He would go undrafted, and be signed by the Chicago Bears. Coming out of high school he was rated the #3 Offensive Tackle in the country, and he was the #47 rated recruit overall. He was even heavily recruited as a junior in high school. He was offered scholarships to Boston College, Georgia, Ohio State and Tennessee. He has good footwork and a solid frame at 6-4, 300 lbs. I really think he could be a solid NFL backup. He was projected to be a mid-round pick in the draft that year, before he was injured. Anyways...he is now a Scouting Assistant in Kansas City. He had interviews with several teams, including New England. Here are some articles about him and his story. The last is about his new position in the league. Also, there is a video showing his footwork, strength, stamina...workout type stuff. Rivals Scouting biography: (scroll down to the bottom to read other articles pertaining to his recruitment.) http://rivals.yahoo.com/tulane/football/re...Ryan-Poles-8846 Boston College biography: http://bceagles.cstv.com/sports/m-footbl/m...les_ryan00.html Work-out video: Article after the 2008 NFL Draft: http://www.mpnnow.com/towns/canandaigua/x828497479 Article this past Spring (about his Scouting gig): http://www.mpnnow.com/sports/x1194177552/F...CORD-RYAN-POLES
  2. Ok, honest? I am gonna break down, what I think, are the key parts. 1. The thing that scares me is, the people running this team actually think that we did improve in the trenches. I have not seen anything, except the improvement of some backups, that lead me to believe our Line play will be any better on either side of the ball. 2. I have always said that a Football team is a mirror image of their Coach. If a Coach is reserved and conservative, the team will play like that. You speak about ALL LEVELS...I watch guys like Mike Tomlin in Pittsburgh, Urban Meyer at Florida and even my old High School Coach...they all have fire in their eyes, and under their ball$. They know they are the best, they know they can beat anybody, and they prepare their team with the same confidence. You see them high-fiving their players, chest bumping them after touchdowns, and gettin' in their faces when they blow an assignment. It's like Dick Jauron is afraid of his troops (that may be too "tough" of a word to use for Bills players), since we never seem ready to fight to win a war. That is how many other teams' players and coaches look at the game of Football. This team is hard to watch and it kills me to watch them get their a$$es handed to them, week in, week out. 3. I believe we DO, as you stated above, have a FEW guys on this team who wanna win and can lead this team. I also believe that these players are guys at very important positions on the field. Only problem is, these players are all too young to handle this pressure. Paul Posluzny seems to get it, also seems to be handling it quite fine. Donte Whitner seems to have good intentions. However, he may be trying to hard off the field to lead, and he needs to translate his talk to making plays on the field. Marshawn Lynch is the type of guy who needs to mature and step it up. The way he is dealing with his suspension, saying he will be their "Biggest Cheerleader," tells me is he trying. Trent Edwards says all the right things, but he is just way too soft. I see no toughness. That concussion ruined his confidence, and it will forever (yes, forever), scar him. Well, maybe just until we get some coaches with balls to teach him something. I think our Veteran leaders are all quality, it just seems like they are too reserved, like their Head Coach. I think Kawika Mitchell, Marcus Stroud, Aaron Schobel, Terrence McGee, Langston Walker, Fred Jackson and Brian Moorman, seem way too soft-spoken. Some almost seem timid or shy. I believe our team is in the hands of our young-guns. It's up to them, and they should learn from listening to and following Terrell Owens. Say what you want, the guy just wants to win. Kawika Mitchell is also a good one, he has been where we want to, and need to, go. 4. I hate this high-character garbage. Where does being high-character get you in the NFL? I wouldn't say that Jim Kelly and/or Bruce Smith, were "high-character!" Ralph Wilson seemed to want FOOTBALL players back then, sooo what gives? My bet: damn Dick! Jauron does not want to deal with the so-called "Thugs." He is too laid-back and conservative, no to mention old. I understand wanting SOME guys who will go out and do charity work, but does the WHOLE TEAM really have to be those kind of guys? There is no place for "Gentlemen" on a Football field. I don't want guys on my team who are going to help the opposing players off the ground. Dick Butkus or Joe Greene would step on another player's face to get up after the whistle blew. Ray Lewis is not "high-character," but I would LOVE to have him on my team. Same for Phillip Rivers. Joey Porter. Albert Haynesworth. Randy Moss. Ed Reed. Get my point? The best players are Football guys, not volunteers for the Salvation Army. It all comes down to the Head Coach. 5. Eric Wood was a VERY solid pick for the Offensive side of the ball. However, I believe he is best suited to play Center for us, that is where he made his name. I also like this idea because I think your best interior O-Lineman should be your Center, and Wood was not a 1st Round talent for no reason. To me, he is what the city of Buffalo is all about, and he is our best Offensive Lineman prospect in a very long time. Andy Levitre has disappointed me, a lot. He looks like a backup...a very, very weak man. He has been DOMINATED. I am NOT writing him off, I know he needs time to develope, I just cannot believe Trent and our Coaches would trust him. Geoff Hangartner seems to be a push-over. I liked the idea of him when we got him, but he does not look any better than our previous Centers. Brad Butler will probably work out well at Right Tackle. He is tall and has a mean-streak in run blocking. It all falls on Langston Walker at Left Tackle. He just does not seem athletic enough to play the position against the quickest D-Ends. This unit could be the lone reason we do not make the playoffs this year. They look terrible and could take a long time to come together. Bill Parcells came to Miami and rebuilt that Offensive line, and look at what it did for that team last year. 6. With the development of Chris Ellis and Copeland Bryan, and some decent signs from John McCargo, the D-Line has improved to an extent. I really like Maybin, I think he is a "Freak," but I think he would be better suited as an Outside Linebacker. He would be BEST as a Pass-Rushing OLB in a 3-4 Defense, which I believe we need to switch to. With Maybin and Schobel/Nic Harris on the outside, and Posluzny and Mitchell on the inside; Stroud in the middle of the D-Line; and Kelsay/Denney/Ellis/Bryan/McCargo/Johnson rotating as the D-Ends; I think we would be better. We would also have next Off-Season to get better talent for that scheme and dump the useless, aka Kelsay. Guys like Whitner look bad because the D-Line cannot pressure the Quarterback into making mistakes. But, at least the are "high-motor." I will continue to believe we should have passed over Levitre and Byrd, in favor of Evertte Brown/Connor Barwin/Lawrence Sidbury/Fili Moala/Paul Kruger/Sen'Derrick Marks/Michael Johnson or Jarron Gilbert. And/or on the Offensive side: Max Unger/Phil Loadholt/Sebastian Vollmer or William Beatty. 7. EVERYTHING mentioned here, ALL falls down to the Owner. I also respect Ralph, but he is past his time. We need somebody who is not afraid to write a paycheck for a Head Coach AND his Assistants. I would like an Offensive Coordinator who is accomplished, not a washed up clipboard holder. It is like my Father always said: "They are going to break your heart until they move, or get an Owner who wants to win a ring." We need somebody to come in and CLEAN HOUSE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. He needs to put his players in the right places to succeed. He needs to find his out-spoken leaders, and designate them as so. He needs to re-tool the lines and change the schemes. He needs a Strong Safety who is STRONG and a Free Safety who can roam and be free to make plays on the ball. He needs Cornerbacks who can be physical and bump the receivers at the line, then make a tackle when a play is made. I hope I am proven wrong and everything falls into place. I just highly doubt it. Our team is in disarray. I want to see them win so badly, but at the same time I don't. If we do well, Jauron most likely stays. I want Ralph to feel humiliated by his product that he has no other choice then to blow up the operation. We have some nice pieces that would be appeasing to a coaching candidate, and Ralph could offer him full-control. I just think we are so far behind the ELITE teams. Our Stadium is old and outdated too. Free Agency is our killer. Nobody wants to come here. I would say until we get a new owner, we are screwed. I would not mind the team moving to Toronto, since it would be better than it being re-located to Los Angeles. As long as they can be competitive, I am on board. As for this year...I see them winning AT-MOST 7, yes SEVEN, games. At least Dick Jauron is CONSISTENT.
  3. I have some really interesting information from some of my magazines (no, not my nudey magazine), but I don't know how to post it. I cannot find the articles online anywhere.
  4. Nope, just curious man. Seemed as if it were a, "Hey I found this article, check it out" type thing. THAT is why I asked. Was not looking to cause any trouble here. (I even fixed the lower case "i" for the Language Arts Professors here.)
  5. So, why don't people get harrassed and bitched at for starting a new thread, with a like to an article that is already posted right on the FRONT page? Just curious.
  6. thank you for the positive responses. thought i would get flamed for posting this on here, but i was quite happy about it. mine looks a little different than the one in the link, but it is in mint condition. it will be hung in my office, along with my old piece of astro turf from rich stadium, signed by polian, levy and wilson.
  7. the lion king thing, he is saying if somebody sends him a dvd/vhs he will send them a jersey, he says to mail it to him at one bills drive. the pistol thing...whoever is talkin in the backgroud tells somebody else they cannot bring a pistol to that house. the parole officer thing is a joking reference to when he is calling somebody, he is saying that it is not his p.o. that he is calling at that moment. who is the dude in the red sweatshirt? certainly does not look like shawn nelson. and whoever is talking in the background, says something about beating a woman with pool sticks!
  8. So, I went to a church yard sale last weekend, and I came across one of the best bargains I have ever seen in my life! Just thought I would share with you all what I scooped up for .50 cents. http://www.successories.com/images/landing...ardi/735514.jpg it is beautifully framed and quite large. i have a picture of it, but couldnt figure out how to put it on here. i know this does not pertain to the bills, but i am so excited to have gotten this for under $1.00.
  9. no maddog, this is why you play the games? *now "THAT is the great thing about sports!"
  10. absolutely awesome! i had to whip out the dvd and watch this movie. classic! "Heyy Reg...Suzanne sucks pu$$y!"
  11. i think its rediculous. he didnt even turn to the crowd, as mentioned in the article. it was moreso, a "ya ain't gonna stop me" gesture, than a "i'm gonna slit your throat!" gesture.
  12. come on, havent you heard that "we really like (love) both dereks!" as for DE...the over paid, over rated, high-motor white guys will start.
  13. as somebody from this board told me last week, INT's dont mean anything and are a worthless stat. maybe we should pickup michael huff as a FS!
  14. Here's my prediction for the upcoming season: 09/14 @ New England Patriots L 09/20 TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS W 09/27 NEW ORLEANS SAINTS L 10/04 @ Miami Dolphins L 10/11 CLEVELAND BROWNS W 10/18 @ New York Jets L 10/25 @ Carolina Panthers L 11/01 HOUSTON TEXANS W 11/08 BYE (thank God) 11/15 @ Tennessee Titans L 11/22 @ Jacksonville Jaguars W 11/29 MIAMI DOLPHINS W 12/03 NEW YORK JETS (Toronto) W 12/13 @ Kansas City Chiefs W 12/20 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS L 12/27 @ Atlanta Falcons L 01/03 INDIANAPOLIS COLTS L haha...somehow i came up with 7-9...go figure!
  15. haha...i was gonna say "hopefully next week, if not this week."
  16. and the next week, and the next, and the next, and the next...and the 17 weeks to follow.
  17. I will bet every penny I ever make in my life that we do not get any of these coaches...ESPECIALLY Cowher, Dungy and Holmgren.
  18. he is a free agent. (or at least he was before the new roster update) not sure if he still is in there. they also got rid of graham harrell who i picked up as a free agent and played just as well with him as i did trent.
  19. yeah, i have been "preaching" this since the draft.
  20. People keep commenting on Joel Segal being his agent...but everything I read says it is Chafie Fields. anybody REALLY know? or does this Chafie dude have an alter ego?
  21. yet we went out and drafted a 2nd round safety to make plays and create turnovers (INTS). you people are foolish.
  22. I HAVE SAID THIS BEFORE IN ANOTHER THREAD...dealing with the SAME EXACT TOPIC! "Maybin’s value should fall somewhere between the respective five-year contracts signed by Raji ($28.5 million, with just under $18 million guaranteed) and Orakpo ($20 million, with $12.1 million guaranteed)." give the sumbitch 5 years - $24 million, $14 mill guarenteed. was that hard to figure out?
  23. Rashad Baker was cut by the Eagles today. He played in 10 games last year, starting in 1 game. He had 3 INTS. Is that not more than anyone here had last year? I would like to bring him back in, he would be better than 1/2 the safeties we have right now, in my opinion. Definitly worth a look, moreso than Spann. What's there to lose? We want "Playmakers" right?
  24. Gibran Hamdan is not that bad in the game, not as bad as his rating says. Want a better backup than what we have? Graham Harrell is a nice option from the FA pool. It is very realistic because the only thing I can do with Trent is the little dinker dunker passes...TO is a beast over the middle, and Steve Johnson is sick nasty too in the game.
  25. We did...to an extent. However, we could have gotten a better talent for the O-Line in the 1st round instead of Maybin, whom I REALLY like, being a big PSU fan. We could have then gotten a pass-rusher in the 2nd or 3rd, like Brown, Johnson or Sidbury. We also could have gotten ANOTHER O-Line prospect instead of taking Byrd, where we have a jam at the Safety position. *Seems like my choosing of Michael Oher has been a popular choice, and a solid one at that, around here, eh?
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