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Wilson from Gamehendge

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Everything posted by Wilson from Gamehendge

  1. I seem to think the odds are against him returning there. There has been a lot of talk about him being traded or released. The Patriots have a better chance at getting him. And, they are still better than us...as of right now!
  2. I agree Hardy, Nelson AND Stevie J. could be effective receivers...but, we need to first establish that we are a POWER RUNNING team. We need to build the exterior of our offensive line, as I believe we are set in the middle with Levitre-Wood-Incognito... ...and we need a QB that can get these guys the ball. Trent Edwards and Brian Brohm show some potential, but I think it is time we start anew with Chan and Buddy's guy. Vick, Clausen, Tebow, Thigpen...whomever it is, I am instilling my trust and devotion to this "new" regime. Until they prove their are not worth it, or are worse than the past 3 regimes...here's to the "NEW" Bills...
  3. He has not 1 single connection to Nix and/or Gailey...what leads you to believe he would be our guy?
  4. Seriously? Tyler Thigpen? He is your future in Buffalo??? He fits right in with Trent, Fitzpatrick, Brohm and Hamdan...at least he DOES FIT IN with those bums, because it has seemed he has not fit in down in Miami...being a 3rd stringer, and the 1 game I saw him play, it was so horrible, I felt bad for the kid. Now, I am all about more "Tyler's"...the more "Tyler's" we have the better off the world will be... But Tyler Thigpen sucks.
  5. http://www.theonion.com/content/video/rep_...active_immunity "Rep. Bruce Durant proposes a bill protecting anyone who who may have had a little too much to drink at a White House event and called Michelle Obama a beautiful queen."
  6. http://www.theonion.com/content/video/pack...urce=videoembed Keith Ellison teaches Detroit Lions how to tackle:(40 seconds into video) http://www.theonion.com/content/video/nfl_...mentor_troubled *(props to SageAgainstTheMachine for also noticing this video)
  7. And people thought I was crazy for suggesting that Schobel is just as good as Jared Allen.
  8. Not a doubt in my mind that Peppers goes to New England. He will be a Patriot and they will continue to beat us twice a year. They will get Peppers and we will get Seymour or Wilfork...and Peppers will outperform whomever we get by a long shot.
  9. Cole Trickle? http://cdn.bleacherreport.com/images_root/...splay_image.jpg Cole Trickle or Rowdy Burns? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEsxDej0R0M Hit the pace car Cole..."You're going too high, stay in the groove!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-RNlgMLCuA...feature=related BEST MOVIE EVER!
  10. Oh, how short-term our memories are...we so quickly forget that Mike Vick led the Falcons to the playoffs, single-handedly. I don't care what a guy has done in his past, I want some gamers, some ballers...on this team. Mike Vick is just that. I doubt he will be brought in as our future QB, but as a stop-gap until we develop somebody. If Miami could get 11 wins out of the Wildcat with their offense, add Vick (re-sign T.O?) to Jackson, Lynch, Evans and Parrish...that is a entertaining offense. It is also an offense people will certainly have to game-plan for, to account for all of those guys. Add in Tebow or LeFevour in the 2nd or 3rd...there are a lot of parts to work with...and that is Gailey's specialty. Sign Vick. Resign T.O. or sign Chambers. Get an 2 OT's out of Butler, Bell, Meredith, Watkins...move Wood to C, so interior line is (Levitre-Wood-Incognito). LB McClain or the G-Tech DE/OLB in the 1st. QB Tebow in the 2nd. DT Cody in the 3rd. RB/WR McCluster in the 4th.
  11. No...but why do you use selective hearing, or in this case reading...I said I don't see color, as in blacks, whites, asians, indians...whatever. I only see HUMAN BEINGS...which, a jewish person IS A human being! If I were racist or anything of that sort...would I be friends with those people? Are you just looking to stir the pot and cause an argument? Are you questioning me and my views on humanity?
  12. I have quite a few gay and lesbian friends actually. My 2 best friends are black. I have an asian friend, whom I am very close to. Another very good friend of mine is jewish. So, I am all over the map and the furthest thing from judgmental, racist, sexist or homophobic...or any other negative/bad word you could think of. I don't see color. I only see human beings. On the other hand...what is EVERYONE'S problem with my quote? It is one of the greatest quotes, by one of the greatest coaches, of all time! (I have a 2ft. X 1.5 ft framed picture of a charcoal drawing of Lombardi's head, with the quote, titled "What It Takes To Be No. 1," written/printed underneath it. It's the t_t's!) ANY man who is a football fan, would want this to hang in his office. It is very, very nice...and I picked it up at Saint Mary's yard sale for less than $1. I love it! Must be you don't feel the same? Don't strive to be number one and can settle for 2nd best? Or, have you just never experienced a moment like Lombardi is describing, therefore you cannot relate to it? That's something to ponder.
  13. Please find for me, where I said ANYTHING about race or color? Should I compare Welker to Parrish? Are they the same? I rest my case.
  14. HAHAHA! So, now you want to question my sexuality? This is HILARIOUS! I would like to see what the chick you have been hoppin in the sack with, looks like? It is not hard to google "Vida Guerra" and pull up a picture of her phenomenal ass, then upload it as your avatar! I would definitely challenge ANYBODY on here, to come up with pictures of better looking, real life girls!?! But, there is no way of telling if anything is real or not.
  15. I would say Wes Welker is VERY physical. I meant in the mold of a physical possession guy...THAT is what Welker is! At first, I was thinking of Kevin Curtis, as he is IS Welker-lite...however, I think Walter is similar to Welker too.
  16. Thanks! I thought about it and have mentioned it, and then thought "hey i should post this." I think it would be a very good idea. He is better than Reed, and that is who he would most likely replace in the lineup. I highly doubt Marshall comes out of all this for less than a couple 1st round picks, or something quite high. He certainly won't just be a "free agent." I also like Kevin Walter. I said that and have some seen other posters mention him, he is Wes Welker-lite. Shipley, Decker or my boy Graham Zug would be good looks in the draft, but Shipley will go too high for us to take. Decker might be drafted kinda high for us too. Zug however, would be there in the later rounds, probably 7th. Chambers plays bigger than he is. He has good hands, still has some speed and can seperate. He would really be a nice compliment to Evans on the field, and in the locker room. He would be great with Evans and the younger guys in the film room. I just know A LOT of Dolphins fans liked him and hated to see him go, one of my best friends included. He is a gamer and a leader. We need some of them in Buffalo, on the offensive side of the ball.
  17. Yeah, see...I am stuck between this. I want to see New Orleans win a Super Bowl for the city and state, as well as Drew Brees, Shockey, Greer, Vilma, Sharper...but I despise Gregg Williams. However, I would like to see Peyton win one so there is no question between he and Brady. I would also like seeing Freeney get another one, Polian, Metzelaars, Reich, Michael Hart from Upstate NY; Pierre Garcon a Haiti native... No matter what, there will be some great stories! (and I am sure it will be a VERY entertaining game)
  18. And...we can get Dick Jauron as our D.C. and Mike Mularkey or Tom Clements as our O.C.
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Chambers Drafted and played for Gailey in Miami AND Kansas City. Brought to San Diego while Buddy Nix was Asst. GM. High School AND College teammate and friend of LEE EVANS! *I think this would be an AWESOME idea...and he probably would love to stick it to Miami twice a year! Could you imagine Lee and Chris teaming up, and working together to coach the youngsters as well!? GET IT DONE RUSS...er....MARV...errr....BUDDY....errrrr....RALPH!
  20. Right! Like I said, they did not exactly have the deepest defense stacked with talent either! I would say our talent is VERY comparable to that of the Super Bowl Cardinals team. Again, he just MAY be able to sway Derrick Johnson to come to Buffalo...and/or Berry or Dockett!
  21. So, couldn't you have saved us from this non-sense...and posted your stuff in 'said post?'
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