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Wilson from Gamehendge

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Everything posted by Wilson from Gamehendge

  1. This is where he could make a name for himself...starting right now. You would hope that he has been doing his homework. I agree 100% He is a steal at the price they got him for. And their are certainly a few players worse than Whitner and Kelsay for this team to get rid of. Youboty? Ellison? Schouman? Fitzpatrick? I would be more confident if Mike Holmgren was in our front office. I would love for somebody to drop Fitz and Trent. Didn't Quinn come into the Ralph and beat Trent on Monday Night Football?
  2. Wave to your mama, she's in the crowd! LOL...I love this schit! INSTANT CLASSIC!!! How bout the dude in the "Hit That Hole" tshirt!!!??? HAHAHAHA!
  3. Psssh. I'd rather see if Andre Reed or Art Monk will come out of retirement. They WOULD BE BETTER options.
  4. http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true Says he can play DE and DT in the 3-4. Washington has inquired and several other teams all think he is on the trading block. Depending on the price...I would certainly take a look at him. He is only 25 years old and he could be a solid force for years to come. He was the 13th overall pick out of Nebraska a couple years ago. It also says Washington is open to trading Andre Carter who had 11 sacks last year. Just a couple more options that are out there...that we probably will not look into.
  5. And...THIS is EXACTLY why Syracuse and UB suck at football. Those schools, Syracuse especially, lose out on their home-grown high school products. Look at Mike Hart. The kid grew up in Syracuse, but he plays ball at Michigan. Greg Paulus...I watched him win the NYS Championship and he hoisted the trophy at center-field of the Carrior Dome. Yet, he decides he wants to go play basketball at Duke. Something just doesn't seem right to me with this scenario. Let the kid be your starting point guard on the basketball team, and your starting quarterback on the football team. Mike Williams and James Starks both show that Turner Gill and Doug Marrone both are guys with a clue.
  6. I was just simply saying...if I could get Vincent Jackson or Shawn Merriman for Lynch, I would probably do it. Running Backs are a dime a dozen...6'5 proven WR's are not...and somebody like Merriman, who is a freak, just don't come around often. Merriman would also be a HUGE mentor to Maybin...and they would compliment each other nicely as OLB's.
  7. Indeed he does. Where has he been? Sincerely Yours, Monsieur LaPadite
  8. See below... This should help answer MadDog's question... D-Ends in a 3-4 are 300lbs or close to it...Stroud is about 310, Johnson is around 285...Jimmy Kennedy is about 330. Phil Hansen was 6'5 278lbs...Bruce Smith was 6'4 268...so yeah, I would say they were bigger than Schobel who is 6'4 243lbs and Kelsay who is 6'4 261. Ted Washington was 6'5 375lbs and Pat Williams was 6'3 327lbs...yes they are big too, much more so than Stroud or any other DT we have on this football team. All our DE's are better for OLB's in a 3-4 and our DT's are better suited for DE's.
  9. Ok? Idk where I said differently... I was simply proving my point to DarthICE that Smith is worth more than a 4th...he is worth a 2nd. Therefore he must be pretty important to the Jets if they tendered him more than his draft position. And yeah DarthICE...he IS a game-changer. I am not sure what game it was...maybe that Bengals game...but I watched him single-handedly win that game by himself. (Again, I am not sure what game I am thinking of...but I THINK it was the Bengals)
  10. If you read my posts...I DON'T want to trade Lynch OR Whitner. But they are rumored trades...so I am just playing along. I like Lynch more than Jackson...and I like Whitner WAY MORE than Scott and/or Wilson and I think Whitner will have his best year of his career so far in the new 3-4. I also think Lynch will return to Pro-Bowl form under Gailey and Modkins.
  11. Why do you think this? The Ravens will not be able to afford TWO $60 million+ contracts for their OT's. Not when they will have to pay Flacco, Rice, Boldin and everybody else they have on that team. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/359445-...nts-should-make The Ravens have several trade chips they can cash in as they have some flexibility at left tackle in Jared Gaither, due to the emergence of Michael Oher, and with an unhappy quarterback in Troy Smith, who wants to be a starter elsewhere. A number of teams need a left tackle so Baltimore should be actively looking to see what they could gain in return for him. (I also would not mind taking a look at Stephon Heyer of the Redskins. He could be had for a 3rd of 4th I think...and he would certainly be a better option than Cornell Green at RT.)
  12. I am happy and excited to see what happens...I just am not feeling too optimistic right now with Cornell Green as our starting RT. We already went wrong once taking an OT from the Raiders to be our starter. I think there are moves to be made...I just hope this is part of our plan. Wait until the rush is over and the second wave of free agency begins...get bargain players who can be key role players on our team. We need leadership above all else!
  13. Yeah, I changed it... I would now trade Lynch to the Chargers for Jackson or Merriman. I would then trade the 4th from the Whitner trade to the Jets for Brad Smith.
  14. He also has us taking TWO ILB's for our NEW 3-4 scheme. Both are 6' feet tall...1 is under 230lbs and the other is under 240lbs...don't we have ENOUGH of THOSE LB's for god's sake????? YUCK...WORST MOCK DRAFT EVER!!! ps. LeFevour sucks. He looks like Alfred E. Newman. DAN - http://www.cmich.edu/images/admissions/pro...ileLeFevour.jpg ALFRED - http://www.leconcombre.com/concpost/us/pos...ed_e_neuman.jpg
  15. This was listed today on ESPN Insider NFL Rumors...anybody know what the "Wild Rumor" is all about? Lynch for a fourth? 4:13PM ET Marshawn Lynch | Bills A wild rumor sends the Bills' workhorse to the Golden State. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/359445-...nts-should-make Indianapolis Colts Potential Trade: Get a safety if they lose Bethea in free agency. A safety target is Donte Whitner. New York Jets Potential Trade: At running back there is LenDale White and Marshawn Lynch. Baltimore Ravens Potential Trade: The Ravens have several trade chips they can cash in as they have some flexibility at left tackle in Jared Gaither, due to the emergence of Michael Oher, and with an unhappy quarterback in Troy Smith, who wants to be a starter elsewhere. A number of teams need a left tackle so Baltimore should be actively looking to see what they could gain in return for him. Arizona Cardinals Potential Trade: Who will back up unproven Matt Leinart at quarterback? The Cardinals will probably want to acquire an insurance policy for QB, in the event that Leinart flops. They could talk to the Eagles about their surplus of QB's, or look at Rams QB Marc Bulger, who should be released in the near future. Another team with a surplus of QBs is in Buffalo, where either Trent Edwards or Ryan Fitzpatrick could serve as a backup. San Diego Chargers Potential Trade: Not sure what San Diego would be willing to give up to bring Marshawn Lynch back to California, but that could be one move that would make sense with just Darren Sproles left in the backfield. *Which of those teams would you trade with and what would the trade be??? I would trade a 4th to the Jets for WR Brad Smith. I would trade Whitner to the Colts for a 4th and a 7th. I would trade our 1st round pick and a conditional 5th that could turn into a 4th, to the Ravens for Gaither and Smith. I would trade Fitzpatrick to the Cardinals for a 6th and a 7th. I would trade Lynch to the Chargers for Vincent Jackson or Shawn Merriman.
  16. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...l=jared+gaither
  17. Ok, so I was wrong... http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl...BaTO2AD9E84R501 Running back-kick returner Leon Washington and wide receiver Brad Smith received second-round tenders although both were fourth-round draft picks. Smith was one of the Jets' top special team players and a versatile presence on the offense, lining up at quarterback and running back along with wide receiver. Backup quarterback Kellen Clemens received an original-round tender (second). But because the Jets used second-round tenders — higher than their draft position — on Washington and Smith, they would instead receive a third-rounder if another team signs him. Yet, I was still right! http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jan/05/sp...rmer5-2010jan05 Smith has played all sorts of roles for the Jets this season, scoring on a 32-yard option run against the Bengals, a week after returning a kickoff 106 yards against the Colts -- the longest scoring play in Jets history. Smith ran for 92 yards in four carries against the Bengals. Smith has an expanded role in which he'll line up under center, in the shotgun, even in the "pistol" -- when he lines up about three yards behind center with a tailback behind him. The pistol enables the Jets to still have a "downhill" running attack but without the quarterback under center. That SURE sounds VERY GOOD to me. I would say we could use somebody like this on our team, especially since he can run the pistol formation...which would enable us to have a "DOWNHILL" running attack...which is what we NEED! I am sorry...I would give up the 3rd...then get it back in a Lynch or Whitner trade, although I don't wanna deal either. Oh, I forgot about Brad Smith being drafted in the 3rd. Devin Hester being drafted in the 2nd. Reggie Bush being drafted in the 1st. Tomlinson being drafted in the 1st. Vick being drafted in the 1st. Seneca Wallace being drafted in the 4th. Ronnie Brown being drafted in the 1st. Darius Butler being drafted in the 2nd . Pat White being drafted in the 2nd. Percy Harvin being drafted in the 1st. Antwan Randle-El being drafted in the 2nd. Even Mike Vrabel who was drafted in the 3rd. Troy Brown and Joshua Cribbs are the only guys I can think of, that would fall in your category of "Multi-tooled players drafted after the 5th round by every team in the league." Brown was drafted in the 7th and Cribbs was undrafted. Even Roscoe Parrish was drafted in the 2nd...and he was going to be our "Multi-tooled player"...but I think we failed there. Troy Smith was drafted in the 5th, but he has not been used much. So yeah, you are right...the rest of the league only drafts multi-tooled players in the 5th, 6th or 7th. Nice try.
  18. I read somewhere that Brad Smith was only tendered a 4th round offer... if this is the case...I would really LOVE for the Bills to make this move and throw the Jets their 4th round pick. Brad Smith is a game-changer in my opinion. He can do just about everything, and Rex Ryan has expressed the same words and thoughts. I think Brad Smith, in Chan Gailey's offense, especially the Pistol Formation...could be a force to reckon with. He would also fill a couple holes that we have...2nd or 3rd WR, backup QB, KR/PR and a gunner on ST's. Even for a 2nd or 3rd round draft pick...maybe one accumulated from a trade...this guy would be worth it. Am I saying I would trade OUR 2nd or 3rd round picks? NO...but if we got 1 in a trade for somebody, I would pull the trigger to make this move. With the 4th rounder, I would even offer a player like Parrish or Kelsay in this trade for Brad Smith. Thoughts on Brad Smith...fire away!?!
  19. Peppers - Shanahan has NEVER been good at getting Free Agents...he struck out again missing out on Peppers. Dansby - Arizona couldn't have paid him, THAT's why they let him go. He was IMO the best available this offseason. Vanden Bosche - I agree with you there. Kampman - I wouldn't say he sucks...he could have really helped us out. Better than Kelsay will be in the 3-4. I highly doubt Whaley has as much say in all of this as you think. There are players out there that COULD help us, and we are sitting around doing nothing about it. Cornell Green? Seriously? This is the best we can do?
  20. Says who? Thankfully? Yeah, I am ready to start this season with Evans, Hardy, Johnson and Parrish as my only WR's! BRILLIANT!
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