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Wilson from Gamehendge

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Everything posted by Wilson from Gamehendge

  1. Why do we say no to a RT at #9? Why do we need a LT wayyyy more than a RT? If we decide to go with a certain QB named Tim Tebow...or any other left-handed QB...then RT becomes our biggest priority on the offensive line. With a left handed QB, RT now becomes the "blind side" protector.
  2. I saw a mock, saying pretty much the same thing. Makes ya wonder... (I would really like for the Bills to get him, but even I dont want him at #9)
  3. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3940991 $41 million guaranteed. League sources told ESPN's Chris Mortensen that a $29 million "poison pill" in the fifth year of Haynesworth's contract effectively makes it a four-year deal worth $48 million. The Redskins would owe Haynesworth a lump sum of $29 million in salary and bonuses in 2013, the fifth year of the deal. It is unlikely the team will pay the full commitment of $100 million over seven years unless the contract is re-negotiated. Haynesworth will receive $41 million in guaranteed money. 4 years for $48 million? That's not that bad...? http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3939011 During the first 13 months of the contract, Haynesworth will earn approximately $32 million.
  4. I really don't care about Philly or their fans. I was simply asking a question. Yeah, my little cousin lives in Philly and likes the Eagles. Everyone out this way loves McNabb because of his days at Syracuse. And, whether they want to admit it, they all like McNabb in Philadelphia. They are just being bitter. If it was not for McNabb, as well as guys like Westbrook and Dawkins, they would not have enjoyed the success that they saw. Everyone down there has McNabb jerseys. Anyways...way to be a prick and just try to start an argument, instead of seeing the purpose of the post. Thank you 2 for seeing this for what it was meant for. The first part of this, is rediculous. There are lots of veteran players who have quite a bit left in the tank. But, I do agree that they do have quite a good nucleus to build around. They could be very good in a couple years. However, I think they will miss McNabb's presence and leadership. Teams plan for McNabb, they don't plan for Kevin Kolb.
  5. I wanted McNabb, yeah. There, I got it out there. Now, Philadelphia has drastically changed their entire Offensive skilled positions. Their average age has dropped from 30 years old to 23 years old. I compared McNabb, Westbrook, R. Brown and LJ Smith to Kolb, McCoy, Maclin and Celek. Even if you compare just the QB and RB it is a difference of 31 years old to 23 years old. That is crazy. It is 5 years experience, not many games...to 20+ years of experience, while making the Playoffs many times and a Super Bowl once. I kind of feel bad for Philly fans. I wonder how this will effect them? Will Andy Reid look like an idiot?
  6. Try again buddy... The most important spot on the offensive line is the tackle who protects the BLIND-SIDE of the QB. If we got a left handed QB, it wouldn't really help much to get a LT...and keep the blind-side exposed. He would still get killed. I understand where you are coming from...most LT's are most important because their QB is right handed. But with a left handed QB, the RT would be most important.
  7. IF that worked, somehow...that would make our Defense SICK for years to come! SUH, WOOTEN and TROUP...that would be AWESOME!
  8. No kidding, right? THAT IS CRAZY! I cannot imagine what they gave up to get him. Redskins, with the addition of Larry Johnson and Willie Parker...as well as some Defensive additions...become a legit contender. Especially with a good Head Coach now. They may be the favorites out of the NFC East now. I am so pissed off about this, although I do like the Redskins...I wanted McNabb. REALLY BAD!
  9. I could be wrong...but, aren't Nose Tackles supposed to be 6'4 - 6'6 330lbs+? And, what I think is even more odd is...Freddie Barnes lasting that long. I thought this kid was a baller? A darn good Wide Receiver? I really don't know much about him, and I haven't read up much on him...but you really think he will last til the 7th? If we could swing getting a decent LT, Tebow, Cody and Toby Gerhart (IF we trade Lynch) or Dexter McCluster (IF we don't)...I would be ecstatic about this year's draft. If I could have those four players mentioned, I would call it an excellent, and my favorite, draft yet. Those would be the faces of this franchise for YEARS to come... Offense = Tebow, Gerhart/McCluster, Evans, Nelson and Wood. Defense = POZ, Cody, Maybin, McKelvin and Byrd. Those would be players to represent this franchise.
  10. Rob Rang has us taking Bulaga and Cody which I like VERY much...but, then he has the Patriots taking Tebow and Gronkowski, which I DONT like at all! I really do not want to have to face Tebow twice a year for the next 10 years...especially after he sits out for 3-4 years and learns from Belichick, behind Brady. Chad Reuter has us taking Bulaga and Tebow, which I like A LOT...but I REALLY want Cody as our NT. I think the kid has "IT" to be an NFL NT in our 3-4. He could end up being dominant. Nick Saban would not have relied on him if he were that out of shape and lazy. He does not take plays off and requires game-planning against him. If there is 1 team I do NOT want Tebow going to, it is the New England Patriots. I also do not wanna see him in a Dolphins jersey. As far as Cody goes, I REALLY do not wanna see him anywhere in the AFC East either.
  11. I agree, except I don't like Hangartner much, I would rather Eric Wood be put at his natural position of Center, or I would like to see us check into Steve Justice, who was highly rated coming out of college and is a free agent. I also think that Jason Watkins should be added to your list. I think he has more potential than Bell and/or Meredith. He was the starting RIGHT tackle on Florida's 2 National Championship teams. He also played Left tackle and Guard as well. He was the RIGHT tackle because that is Tim Tebow's "blind side" being a lefty. His stats and background are very good... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Watkins In his senior season, Watkins was named honorable mention All-Southeastern Conference by the Associated Press, as he produced 78 knockdowns to go with 12 touchdown-resulting blocks. He graded 81.71% and was part of a front wall that gave up just 16 sacks. The Gators went on to capture the national title behind an offense that averaged 445.07 yards and 43.64 points per game. I am also pretty high on Meredith, who was also highly rated coming out of college. I believe between Bell, Watkins and Meredith...we have 3 very good young Offensive linemen who could start someday or eventually net us some draft picks after they develop and play a bit. It will be all about their work ethic and coaching with these guys. With this draft and the development of these young linemen, O-Line could be a STRENGTH for us in a couple years.
  12. Yeah, he seemed pretty ticked off... and that was probably the first time Jason LaCanfora has ever heard the word "Muff."
  13. I see Stevie and Chad Jackson becoming our Top-2 WR's within the next 2 years. Hardy will step it up too...allowing us to trade Lee within the next year or two. I would love a WR's corps of Johnson, Hardy, Jackson and Demaryius Thomas.
  14. What a d-bag this LaCanfora dude is! But he got some dirt for us...it's official... Chan likes muffins. http://www.nfl.com/videos/buffalo-bills/09...pen-competition
  15. http://www.nfl.com/videos/buffalo-bills/09...nning-the-bench This is a neat video of Peyton Manning, mic'd up for the last game of the season in Buffalo. This goes to show why he is SO GOOD and such a great person. He gives away gloves to fans, even in Buffalo...and he REALLY IS like a coach on the sideline. At about 1:52, Drayton Florence comes over to Manning, after Mike Hart's TD, and says..."Go sit down man!" GREAT STUFF...sorry if it was already posted, I never saw it.
  16. And why is that? Do you have proof? Any statistics or information to back up this idea of yours? Or, are you just TRYING to act like you know something?
  17. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-network-tota...man-gets-punk-d That was a good one. Seems as if he was a lil' shook for a minute there.
  18. Well, now...how the hell ya gonna get ahead of St. Louis to get him? Ya think they are gonna give up that pick and miss out on him? I would bet you my dog that the answer to that question will be "NO."
  19. In the NFL, Moreno has recorded 171 career tackles, three sacks, three forced fumbles and one interception in 15 career starts. Isn't that pretty darn good?
  20. No thanks...AT ALL! I don't think he will amount to much. I read somewhere that he had "20 interceptions last year and a lot of pocket anxiety." (I'm looking for a link...)
  21. We neeeeeeeed Terrance "Mount" Cody. I don't even wanna think about what a monster he will turn into if he is drafted by Rex Ryan and the Jets.
  22. I was rooting for Cornell...I actually, had them as my surprise in the 1st round. But, my bracket went to crap when 'Cuse lost...and now with Kentucky out. They were my final.
  23. AWESOME! The hell with Alabama, I'd say you'll be alright on an island in Florida. Keep up the positive spirits! (Karma is a B word...she'll get hers.)
  24. I want Morgan and D. Thomas, both from G-Tech... ...but USC tackles have not been too good...Winston Justice doesn't even start for Philly and he has been in the league for a few years now, or a couple at least. Who else is there that has been worthy of a 1st round pick, OT from USC?
  25. Just wanna say...I have endured rough times lately as well, as MANY on this board know my situation. I know I am only 27 years old and have not experienced anywhere near what you have...but I am here for you. You are a fellow Bills fan, in need of something...and I will do ANYTHING within my power to help you. Even if you just need a friend to talk to...I am here for you. ANYTIME!!! Please DO NOT hesitate to contact me. PM me if you want my number...you can call to talk at ANYTIME! I am being 100% serious and honest. I AM HERE FOR YOU! (My Father was in Vietnam, just recently passed away from Pancreatic Cancer, caused by Agent Orange. THANK YOU for EVERYTHING you have done for Me, my Family and Friends, and our Country. GOD BLESS YOU NUKLZ!) THAT WAS PERFECT! 1 more thing...just remember that somebody, somewhere, always has a worse situation. You are alive and still kickin'...spend quality time with your daughter and hold your head high! WE ARE ALL HERE FOR YOU! There are some TERRIFIC human beings on this board...some who SAVED MY LIFE, no joke! Lean on us...we owe you that much for what you did, THREE TIMES, for this country. LEAN ON US FOR SUPPORT! My Pops told me, "Life is a game, learn how to win it." So, ya lost that round, that hand you were dealt...I have faith you will win the next. "Ya get by with a little help from your friends."
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