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Wilson from Gamehendge

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Everything posted by Wilson from Gamehendge

  1. You are just finding this information and coming to this conclusion...almost 3 months after the fact?
  2. I think he has the right mindset and has certainly learned alot. I am expecting BIG things from him this year. (I also think Steve Johnson and Parrish/C. Jackson will step up and come into their own. Easley will probably take a year). I like some things James Hardy said and the way he said them... http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/05/29/1065...big-things.html Confidence: "Most definitely, it's mine," he said after the Bills' first week of organized team activities. "I'm going for it. You will see me out there. I feel that this is my breakout season." Excited and Intense: "Every guy wants to be out on the field and show that they can contribute to the team, especially when we weren't winning," he said. "I felt that I could do things to help, but at the same time I only can do when my number is called. My number wasn't called last year and now it is. The past is the past. I'm putting it all behind me and I'm ready to go." Educated/Motivated: "I learned how to practice every day, how to go all out every rep," Hardy said. "I learned how to watch film. He came to my house; I went to his house often. He showed me how to break film down, what to look at as far as defenders, how to read defenses and how to have a certain communication with the quarterback on certain routes that you want to run." READY TO STEP UP: "It's a good pressure in my eyes," he said. "I feel the work that I've done since they have been here and them seeing how hard I'm going to work to be that second receiver had a lot to do with them not picking up any extra guys. Just having the right system and the right plays to get me involved, which coach Gailey is bringing in now, I'm just so excited and I feel they are, too."
  3. Yeah, I know how to use the "search" function. Thanks though Genius. Look here...find this article for me... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...Bpaul+posluszny Again...Nice, try...Thanks again!
  4. But, "Don't forget"...Marshawn Lynch can do that too, under those circumstances...and I would bet CJ Spiller AND Joique Bell could do it too... Problem is...how "good" will our O-Line be???
  5. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/...ve-them-a-break Sorry if already posted...but, I think Poz steps up BIG TIME this year. He will be a Top-10 MLB in the NFL.
  6. I think losing Brad Butler REALLY hurt us too...he would certainly be the starting RT, which I believe would be better than Cornell Green...but he would also give us the opportunity to be able to move Wood to Center, Butler to RG and Meredith to RT...or Butler at RT and Meredith at RG...if Wang beat out Bell at LT, Bell could move over to one of those spots... Butler would just give us another piece to shift guys around, while keeping a solid vet (Butler) somewhere in the lineup.
  7. I could actually see a line of... Wang - Levitre - Wood - Calloway - Meredith/Bell (if Calloway does not pan out, Meredith could move into RG and Bell would be the RT...also watch out for Jason Watkins and Cordero Howard...either could step in at RG or RT)
  8. I didn't read through all of these posts...but actually, Stevie Johnson cut off his dreads. He has a buzz cut now.
  9. GE: “I’ve put this very question to corporate leader types, ‘Why don’t you want to come to Buffalo?’ and I’ve heard the same reply every time and it’s one word that word is ‘corruption.’ They think the local Buffalo government is corrupt and recent history seems to support that. Like when they target Marshawn Lynch...or refuse to help him when his car gets a beer bottle thrown at it?
  10. No matter where you draft a QB, #9 or #41...you are saying that he is your guy. Now, even with Levi Brown, if they invest in him, 3-4 years trying to groom him...he will be a bust and set the franchise back 3-4 years, because of the time that they invested in him. So, no matter where you pick your QB, if he does not pan out and you invest any amount of time in him, he is a bust or a wasted draft pick...however you wanna look at it. There were many players available at #41 that I would have rather had than Clausen AND Troup...and I am an Irish fan.
  11. http://www.womansday.com/var/ezflow_site/s...s-lifestyle.jpg
  12. Where exactly does it say our QB situation is a "disaster?" I would say our LT situation right NOW is a disaster...I also am not too sold/high on Cornell Green as our RT! So I would say this guy was pretty spot on with his analysis.
  13. I am so over Aaron Schobel too! That "ass" did not show up either? Why not? He has no more a right to skip than Lynch does!!!
  14. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...-tebow-jerseys/ Glad I just ordered a couple! (edit: i don't mean a couple "Tebow" jerseys...but others.)
  15. I think the bottom line is that we finally have a coach who can come in and help these players play at the top of their game. He will put them ALL in position to succeed, its just up to them to go out and make the most of it. I think we actually will be seeing teams GAME-PLAN for us now...and they WILL have to "game-plan" for a number of players this team has on offense...AND defense. Spiller, Lynch, F. Jackson, Evans, Nelson...are obvious. However, I also think that teams will NOW have to prepare to defend Roscoe Parrish, and I also believe that Chad Jackson will become a factor for the Bills. I like ALL of our WR's and think they have a very solid set of skills to be potential. They all have a very high ceiling as far as potential goes. Evans, Johnson, Hardy, Parrish, Easley, Jackson...will be the WR's with David Nelson going to the P.S. if they don't want to keep 7 WR's, but I think D. Nelson has potential as well. He is big with decent speed and good hands. He could surprise. I also believe, like I mentioned above, that teams WILL have to "game-plan" for specific players on our defense as well this year. Byrd and Whitner, I believe, will become an extremely solid duo as safeties. A top unit in the league. McGee, McKelvin and Florence make up for 3 very good CB's. So, teams will have to be careful passing against us. Teams will have to be even more careful with the likes of Aaron Maybin and (hopefully) Aaron Schobel coming off the edges. Poke all you want at Aaron Maybin, but I am calling it now...he will have double-digit sacks this year. Teams will have to pass more on us because our run-defense will be much more stout. This will result in more sacks/turnovers. I also think the Alex Carrington and Antonio Coleman will become 2 strong forces for our defense this year. I think we will be much improved...just from the infusion of new coaches, schemes and philosophies...especially with most of it being offensive minded. However, I think we are finally bringing in FOOTBALL players and that'll help tremendously.\ I just see NO WAY we are worse off than the last couple of years.
  16. Thanks man...just speaking the truth. I am a white man...but I see no color. This is EXACTLY why my Father got out of the police force 30 years ago...and why my Uncle just retired 5-10 years ago from being the Lieutenant of Ontario County Sherriff's Office. MANY cops, especially the younger ones, are all pushing out their chests because they now have that "badge" and a gun on their hip. THEY think they are more bad-ass than the "thugs" do nowadays. It is why SO MANY people, including myself, despise the cops. I have NO respect for them. Even being a white boy fresh out of high school out where I live...because I wore my hat backwards, had earrings and drove a nice sports car...I would get targeted. However, the **** really hit the fan when I got pulled over in a gas station parking lot because I had a "Phish" sticker on my back window..."Suspicion of use or possession of marijuana," the cop told me, as he approached my car asking me if he could search my vehicle. I told him of course he could search my car, if he had a better reason to and provided me with a search warrant. I also swiftly reminded him that my Uncle was HIS BOSS, probably sitting back at the Sherriff's office waiting for this chump to get back with somebody...but it sure as **** was not going to be visiting Uncle Mikey on this night. Not because this jerkoff pulled me over in a gas station parking lot for a reason that is equally discriminating as pulling me over for being black, having dreadlocks or wearing a !@#$ing yamaka on my head. I reminded him who my Uncle was and who my lawyer was (also happens to be the most well-known and respected judge out where I live), and I then told him to get lost...he had no business even talking to me. I also got stopped walking home one night from a party because I was wearing a red bandana...and that supposedly represented me being a part of a gang...because there are so many "gangs" in Canandaigua, NY. (Not to mention, I am as white as Casper the Ghost, quite the prep and (at that time) I sported ZERO tats or markings.) The Canandaigua Police department is WELL KNOWN for being this way...EVERYBODY out here knows it. This is NOT a big city by any means. Many would argue it is a "City" at all...yet you see a cop every couple hundred yards. This IS what our society is turning into...sooner or later we won't be able to walk down the street to get an ice-cream cone without being harassed by a cop, asking us what we are doing, where we are going, who we are...etc. Just for good measure..."F**K THE POLICE!" "F**k that ****, 'cause I ain't the one for a punk muthaf***a with a badge and a gun, to be beatin' on, and thrown in jail, we could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell. To the police, I'm sayin' f**k you punk. Readin' my rights and ****, it's all junk. Pullin' out a silly club, so you stand, with a fake ass badge and a gun in your hand. But, take off the gun so you can see what's up and we'll go at it punk, I'ma f**k you up!" (Save the "Wow you're mature" or the "Hey, stay classy" comments...I couldn't care less what anybody thinks of this post, it IS MY opinion and I AM entitled to it. And if you're a cop...F**K YOU TOO!)
  17. Funny thing is, as you sit here and waste your time to bash the guy...he still has and ALWAYS will have more money AND athleticism than you could ever dream of. Carry on...
  18. Will everybody leave the guy alone now??? He is just a West Coast African American football player from Oakland California who happens to have dreadlocks and listens to rap music. He likes to have fun like all 20-something year olds do... But now, I guess it is your beloved city of Buffalo who is the "thug!" Your cops sure as **** don't seem worthy of anything...just a bunch of pigs on power trips, hating the dreadlocked black millionaire. Associating with the city of Buffalo and their Police departments is MORE of a "Black Eye" to the Buffalo Bills franchise...than drafting Marshawn Lynch has ever been! These !@#$s are supposed to protect these players and idolize them...after all, they are the ones who will hopefully someday bring us what we ALL want so badly...and that is a professional sports championship trophy to call our own. I bet if it was Trent Edwards, Brian Moorman...or even Thomas Vanek or Ryan Miller who's car got hit by a beer can being thrown by a fan....said fan would have been found and arressted.
  19. Pretty sure it is all just for fun there tough guy. Either way...there are always roster updates and once our new guys shine, they will be rated better. I must say I am a big Madden geek...and I have A LOT of spare time on my hands right now. So, I have gone through and taken the players out of NCAA '10, imported them into Madden '10...simulated the 1st season in a Franchise where I control ALL 32 teams...at the end of the season I updated the Coaching staffs and ALL the signings/trades/cuts and then I went through and did the draft, adding the players to the right team. Many of my players are way off, some 1st rounders went in the 4th, some 7th rounders went in the 1st...but it IS pretty decent as far as being realistic goes. The only thing that kills me is, when I change the Bills' players over to the 3-4...Schobel/Kelsay/Maybin to OLB etc...they drop HEAVILY in ratings...like 80's to low 60's...Schobel went from a 84 or something, to a 67 overall...it hurts on Defense. Our running attack is nasty...so are some of our rookies. (Spiller, Easley, Wang, Carrington, Coleman)
  20. He was a 5th round draft pick and he is probably headed to the hall of fame! You are an idiot and have no talent evaluating skill if you think Zach Thomas was overrated...complete idiot! Ask ANYBODY in the league what they think of him...people who ACTUALLY KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT FOOTBALL! Why would they...it would have been a waste of time according to this jackass up above!
  21. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5204377 Nice to see he got his wish. Yeah, I hated the guy because he was a Dolphin and so damn good...but I think he was certainly the face of that franchise for years and he was a steal as a 5th round pick. He was a class act and a good football player. I wish him well. The NFL needs to find more guys like Zach Thomas. (and THURMAN thomas )
  22. "What, no link? Come on man, where's the link? I don't believe you man, I need some proof!?" Good luck J.P. and Mike Williams (USC WR that is)...Fat Mike too!
  23. All of the players you people sit here and admonish EVERY single day. Marshawn Lynch James Hardy Steve Johnson Roscoe Parrish Donte Whitner Leodis McKelvin
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