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Geno Smith's Arm

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Everything posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. I think you are giving Dick too much credit. I don't think there is any real "philosophy"or consistent approach, and I'm not even sure he is making the decisions. I guess in the broadest sense he is "conservative", but I don't think it's really a philosophy, it's just playing it safe.
  2. I;m still pissed about Erik Flowers. That pick should still be with the team.
  3. Then cut him and hire him as a coach he's useless on the field
  4. I remember when Collingworth took a cheap shot at Bruce Smith during that AFC playoff game that the Bills lost to the Steelers. Without knowing anything about the situation he called out Bruce for not playing, saying that having the flu isn't a good enough reason to miss a playoff game. Bruce was in the hospital, and say what you will about him, I am sure if there was ANY way he could have played in a playoff game, he would have. I got the impression that it was a personal attack, and it has shaded my opinion of Collingsworth ever since. I think he is good in the booth, but a bit of a condescending pr**k.
  5. Why Billings, Montana? How much coke do people need in Billings?
  6. I pretty much agree. They will draft a guy, bring in a vet after cuts, and one or two of last years backups will be featured in the paper with a story about how he has improved in leaps and bounds and it has all come together for him. Then the line will be adequate, with some obvious weaknesses, and no strengths. That's a Buffalo Bills O-Line (and most teams in the NFL it seems). They can't fix everything right away, but I really hope they can put together a decent pass rush. Even if they landed the best DT/DE or blitzing LB available in the draft, it might not be enough to make it any good.
  7. ???? Dear friend, this team has been EXACTLY what he described for over a decade. We have all given them a whole lotta slack, but they still suck,year in and year out. Of course we want them to get better, but they deserve a heap of criticism. Unfortunately, for me and most others, our hearts won't allow us to just divorce. It's like our wives have gained 150lbs, and lost all their teeth but we still love them. Doesn't mean we shouldn't expect them to lose weight.
  8. I will forever be confused why these two are on the team. Really. "Non-descript" is the perfect description. They are a notch above useless, and a notch below mediocre. Literally space fillers. Can anyone picture a Super Bowl winning team with either of these guys starting?
  9. He is a complete douche, and I really hope the team languishes for the rest of his career there, then wins a Super Bowl right after he retires in a huff (as he will undoubtably do, complaining about everything , and blaming the organization for anything and everything- just like the old man). He plays hard, I will give him that. But when you are as big of an a** as him, you always hurt the team more than you help.
  10. Does anyone remember a catch in the mid-70's by one of my favorites, JD Hill? I didn't see it, and I'm not sure it was even televised, but there was a picture in the paper and it was much discussed as a great catch. If I remember correctly, it was at Rich Stadium on a really rainy day and he was fully stretched out making the grab, and then slid for a while. I was real young, but I wanna mention JD Hill, cause he made some real nice plays and doesn't get much love here on the Wall.
  11. The soldier thing didn't bother me AT ALL! It was everything else. Taunting an injured player, calling himself "The Chosen One, complaining because he was drafted later than he expected, cheapshot hits on his own team mates, calling out veterans at training camp, holding out because he wanted to be paid as though he were the first pick of the draft, doing a whole buncha "the lord blessed me" antics, injuring himself doing tricks on a motorcycle then lying about the circumstances of the accident, wanting more money after one good season, and also walking around with a look on his face that says "I'm a complete a**hole". I know he can play, but as I said, he could ruin a locker room. He has been a continuous pain (just like the old man), from high school to college to the pros, and I am certain the Bills know better than to introduce a guy like that into the locker room. If the Browns do indeed want to unload him, why do you think that is, especially after all they have invested in him already with only one season to show for it?
  12. Do a google search of "kellen winslow @$$hole", it provides what could be hours of reading. I didn't even know that much about him, but after reading some articles, and seeing some footage, this guy is worse than I imagined. His dad was loathed by his teammates, and Chargers message boards are full posts about what a d!ck he was/is. It would just suck to have him hanging around Buffalo too. No one plays the race card like Kellen Winslow Sr., a guy who seems to consider himself one of the "Great Men in Black History" because he was a great Tight End. I have pretty low standards for players. Willis was so dumb and laid back that even though I didn't like him, I didn't think he was loathed by his teammates, or that he was unbearable to be around. I think OJ is a psychopath, but I had at least seen a likable side to him prior to the murders, and I think his name should stay on the Wall of Fame. Terrell Owens is a prima-donna drama queen, but I just think he is sad. None of these guys being on the Bills would make me drop them as my team, but I wouldn't support them if "K2" was on the team. I'm hoping that he ends up in Dallas, Jerry Jones would sign him. Miami would be great (Parcells knows better). I'm confident that the Bills know better (as well as many other teams too). The Chosen One..... I know a lot of Bills fans will say "Who cares if he is a jerk? He will help the Bills win." But there is more to the game than just what happens on the field and Winslow is enough of d!ckhead to spoil a whole roster.
  13. Have you ever heard an interview with Kellen the father? The son did not fall far from the branch. Both are just about the biggest a**wipes I have ever heard speak. I don't care how good Junior is (that is really debatable). The father gave new meaning to the term "locker room lawyer". The son just acts like the ultimate "entitled athlete". He has the personality similar to another "son of a hall of famer", Barry Bonds (no, I don't need to hear "well, if he is as good as Barry....." that really isn't applicable. He should go to Hollywood and play the pin-d*cked jock that bullies other students in coming of age films. He really is that unlikable.
  14. They picked him because they knew he had leadership skills. I bet Halo Ngata (whatever his name is) wouldn't have the same impact on the OTHER players (teaching new guys the ropes, setting the standards for the team). The Bills HAD to make that #8 pick count, so they picked a guy they really expected to be a consumate pro, on the field and in preparation. He was the right pick.
  15. Lee is a very good player. I have no problem with ANYTHING he has said to the media. I think it's fine when players show leadership and voice concerns that are prevalent throughout the locker room, to the media. I think the players want the fans to have some understanding about how the players feel, and look to the leaders to get the message out (and take the backlash). Lee's criticism's weren't that out of line, or expressed in an unprofessional way. To say "Shut up and let the front office and coaching staff take care of it" is ridiculous. They have been botching the job for over a decade. Lee is great for the team, and would be a major star if he played for say, the Colts. Hail Lee Evans!
  16. It reminds me of war coverage. Remember when George Bush declared "victory" in Iraq. I guess if Goodell says "it's over", it's over. Too much money at stake. The "integrity" of the game has been undermined and no matter what comes to the surface it will be deny, deny, deny.
  17. This thread reveals a bit about the people that post on this board. I don't like quite a few of you out there.
  18. I posted this elsewhere, but it applies: People on this thread, and the board in general keep bitching about the positions of the players the Bills draft. I don't think that has been their biggest problem. The Problem has been the PLAYERS they have drafted in the past decade. Erik Flowers should be in the prime of his career, a team leader that raises the standards and sets the tone for the team. Mike Williams should just be entering his prime, a fixture at left tackle, with a Pro Bowl under his belt. JP Losman should be the face of the franchise, 30 TD's a season. Willis McGahee should be entering his prime, 1500 yards a season with another 500 receiving. Josh reed should at least be a solid #2 receiver. None of this happened. And I don't think any of those guys would have had careers like that on ANY team (in other words, even a team that spent their top picks on OL wouldn't make JP a star, Josh Reed would be marginal if he was on the Colts. Erik Flowers would blow, even if he played for the Ravens. Mike Williams..... It's mainly the PLAYERS not the positions. Hopefully Mckelvin is a great player.
  19. I know everyone hates him, but the other day Colin Cowherd had a very good point about recent USC offensive star players. They seem to max out in college, they are treated like pro level stars while in college and seem to lose their edge. Matt Leinart, Reggie Bush, Lendale White, Dominic Byrd, Mike Williams, Dwayne Jarrett, probably others as well, all disappointments (so far). I think there is something to it. Fred Davis is said to have a questionable work ethic and team commitment. He fell pretty far in the draft too.
  20. Maybe they are just setting themselves up so that if Kellen "Spoiled" Winslow Jr. wants a huge contract they will have a TE ready to go, or at least some leverage.
  21. Why is everyone crediting/blaming Jauron for the pick? Last years pick was credited to Levy, this years it's Dick's turn? I think it was a collective decision between a few people like, Modrak, Jauron, input from the co-ordinators, and of course Ralph Wilson. My main point of contention with this is that people keep saying "Dick was a defensive back, so you know how he loves DB's". I think DJ is a mediocre coach, but I don't think he is trying to force Db's into our draft, I just think DB had the best value at 11 and was a pretty big need for the Bills.
  22. That's how forgettable Josh Reed is. If he was as good as Jake was, I would be happy. Edit
  23. He makes quick decisions, and read the blocking so well! He hits the hole fast, and is real quick, it seems like his 40 yd times are slow, but I bet his 10 yd times are fast.
  24. People on this thread, and the board in general keep bitching about the positions of the players the Bills draft. I don't think that has been their biggest problem. The Problem has been the PLAYERS they have drafted in the past decade. Erik Flowers should be in the prime of his career, a team leader that raises the standards and sets the tone for the team. Mike Williams should just be entering his prime, a fixture at left tackle, with a Pro Bowl under his belt. JP Losman should be the face of the franchise, 30 TD's a season. Willis McGahee should be entering his prime, 1500 yards a season with another 500 receiving. Josh reed should at least be a solid #2 receiver. None of this happened. And I don't think any of those guys would have had careers like that on ANY team (in other words, even a team that spent their top picks on OL wouldn't make JP a star, Josh Reed would be marginal if he was on the Colts. Erik Flowers would blow, even if he played for the Ravens. Mike Williams..... It's mainly the PLAYERS not the positions. Hopefully Mckelvin is a great player. I think if Whitner was surrounded by better players, he would really shine, I like that pick
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