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Geno Smith's Arm

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Everything posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. Really, they could play anyone . They don't have enough good players on the roster to compete. Nic Harris or any or all the players on the bench aren't gonna matter much. It goes back to the "We really need to keep Josh Reed" arguments. These are trivial players on a terrible team. Should Roscoe Parrish start? More Fred Jackson, less Marshawn! AVP or Turk? We should have kept Hargrove instead of Denney! If we had taken Ngata instead of Whitner , this team would be somewhere! Plenty of good players have come and gone, but it never comes together for this organization. Is there one player on the roster that has a Super Bowl ring?
  2. See Manny Ramirez. One thing I have yet to see brought up about steriods and the like. Especially in baseball, if they really cracked down on the abuse, the balance of power in the league would just turn almost upside down! All those high priced guaranteed contract players start coming back down to earth. I think that is the main reason the big spenders do not want real testing. The guys I feel bad for are the guys that don't make it because they aren't willing to juice.
  3. As fun as all this conspiracy talk is, it reallyhas NOTHING to do with the Bills SUCKING. It's 2 games a year. The Bills look like clowns against EVERYBODY.
  4. He doesn't have a good enough arm guys. If he runs often, he will get slammed hard in the NFL. It would be another blown 1st rd. pick.
  5. Ralph does things I don't like, but he has shown that if the team can make the playoffs and is showing real promise, he will spend. He seems to leave it up to the front office/ coaches to get the team together enough to earn his full support. The problem is, none of the staffs have gotten them good enough to really compete.
  6. I don't think Owens (calling him "TO" is pandering to his ego) has anything to do with the problems because these are the same problems they have had for years. Leave Owens alone, it's pretty much human nature for some that has experienced lots of success to lose passion when faced with this kind of hopelessness. Josh Reed just doesn't know any better.
  7. This whole Miami rivalry is a joke. That was 30 years ago. A win against the Pats would be much more gratifying. Really man, totally different situations nowadays, and both teams suck.
  8. Why do you people keep saying that the coaches won't let him throw the ball deep? He has receivers running downfield, but he never throws to them. How are the coaches stopping him?
  9. Bad, boring football, played by two bad, boring teams. Watching this game is as fun as standing in line at the grocery store.
  10. THIS is what scares me. Even if the Bills beat the Dolphins badly it really won't mean a thing, because a few wins against bad teams (the Dolphins suck, I don't care if they won the division last year) won't change the fact that the Bills are treading in mediocrity with no end in sight.
  11. I have never been a big fan of Owens but......he has been running around pointlessly for three games. It's now a surprise to everyone when Trent finally throws it his way. The guy is used to being the focal point. You can say "We'll he needs to be a team player" or " he is paid millions to run pass routes so he should just shut up and be happy", but no matter how much money you pay someone, human nature is universal. He is sensing the futility of the passing game more than quitting. How is he supposed to contribute when Trent barely sends the ball his way, run around MORE pointlessly? He dropped a couple, he has ALWAYS done that, but get it to him regularly and he will shine. Trent can't do it.
  12. What makes you think a coach "getting in his face" is going to lead to completions? I think Trent and the coaching staff each know Trent's capabilities better than any fan. Are you gonna shout a DE into making a sack? Yell a running back into being fast enough to break around the corner? Threaten a safety into becoming a sure tackler? He isn't good enough, and he knows it. The coaching staff does too.
  13. He is just not very good. I am not sure what veteerans will be available next season, but I think this team would be attractive to a good QB. Above average backs and receivers, and a young, developing line (that sucks right now, but I think they mainly need experience). Trent has experience now, he just isn't cutting it.
  14. Really. Eventually the defenses will just load up at the line if the Bills are running for 10 consecutive plays and maybe Trent can sneak a pass or 2 off of play action. I can't see anything else working. He is afraid to pass into coverage or over the middle. He won't even take a chance on third and long at midfield to heave it deep (an interception is as good as a punt in that situation, but he just can't think that way, instead he throws it away). The O-line can't pass block, but they do pretty well with the running game. The tight-ends that were considered "receiving threats" are all injured, plus we have one of the best blocking receivers in the league (Josh Reed can really show us his value). Bob Griese. Bart Starr.
  15. The QB play is really bad. The O-line can't pass protect. The run game has been okay, and now Lynch will be back. I think the strong suit of the offense is obviously the running game. How about a 2 receiver, 2 back set? This offense really sucks, and maybe if they just over emphasize the run, they can throw a few times a quarter to the receivers. TE is not gonna win any games for us, so put the game in the hands of the best guys on the offense. The running backs. Yeah, I go by throwit, but the Bills can't....
  16. A bad as the coach is, it's the QB that is the problem. Running game looks decent. Reasonably good receivers at the very least. Oline people argue about, but I think he has enough time, and if there was any threat that he was going toget the ball downfield they wouldn't be coming after him as hard. A new coach would be great, but they really need a QB.
  17. They could of had Rex Ryan years ago.
  18. I knew I couldn't be the only one.... it's infiltrating the vernacular.
  19. Just got back from work and I can't believe what this post has evolved into. Really the term "fruitier" was just a quick word to catch attention on the board. I figured if I wrote "annoying" I would get "you annoy me" back in resposne. It wasn't really meant as a gay slur. I know of those implications, but I know full well that there are plenty of tough, macho gay men, and plenty of "fruity" straight guys. I definitely have NOTHING against gay people, don't care who people have sex with, etc., and don't condone any of the anti gay sentiments expressed on this thread. The "butch" comment was me just playing up to the guys that accused me of being "afraid of gays". Really the point was, why is this silly word "swagger" suddenly being thrown around? It is so obvious that people have heard it used on ESPN or some fool on the Dallas Cowboys talking about how "you have to have a certain swagger to play on this team" and now I see people walking around with exaggerated shoulder movements talking about having swagger and it's always some some fool from the warehouse at work, or the pizza delivery guy, etc. Yeah I know the word wasn't recently invented, but I didn't hear it used 5 times a day. They used to say "moves with confidence" or something along those lines. What happened to "Cocksure"?
  20. No, that is exactly what the topic is. Tools that think they are hip because the are using the latest sports lingo, especially when it is obviously a fad. People at work using the word swagger in casual conversation out of the blue is annoying.
  21. Where do I mention homosexuality? In fact, I would hope that we start hearing about how "Butch" the defensive line is becoming. Maybe "butch" will become the hot new word in sports.
  22. I keep hearing this term being used in reference to football. It started last season, and has become a term I hear in just about every other football article, and it has popped up on this board a lot lately. It sounds truly fruity, and makes the people that use it seem like tools.
  23. I know what you mean, but as it was posed as a question, I think the question is whether he burned the bridge (by not playing well), more than did the Bills burn the bridge. I really doubt they will try to bring him back regardless.
  24. The defense played fine. Remember that Sunday night game 2 seasons ago? That's what could have happened. It was individual players gaffes that killed them, not the defensive game plan.
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