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Geno Smith's Arm

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Everything posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. The difference is , the Bills just win baby!
  2. The problemis they both suck. Lots of QB's have sucked through the years. We can talk concussions, bad coaching, mental problems etc, but really they just aren't good enough to win consistently. At all times in the league history, ther have been anywhere from 10 to 15 guys that are good enough, and the rest of the teams are still waiting/looking. The Bills (forget the AFL) have really only had ONE top notch QB ever. The rest of the time we have been searching.
  3. You know, I think the Bills should scour some CFL rosters, there are likly a couple guys that could steer this team better than the current guys. Maybe even some Australian Rugby guys.
  4. Of course they do. DJ has developed a whole new strategy (kinda like the Jedi Mind Trick). It involves seeming to play completely incompetently. First these Bills establish themselves in the minds of the other team as Buffoons. Passes to no one, clear paths to the QB, running backs avoiding holes and running directly to tacklers, dropping passes, false starts, lining up in the neutral zone, bad timeouts, not starting their best players, general confusion in the backfield, topped off by using a no-huddle (have I missed anything? I'm sure I did because this offense is TRULY COMPLICATED). Then, and only then, while the other team has lulled themselves into comfort, THEY STRIKE!! Then it only takes 2 or 3 competently executed plays a game, plays they have worked REALLY HARD on in practice, (in fact they might intentionally only work on 3 or 4 plays ALL WEEK) to get a score or two. Basically, the idea is "if we don't know what we are doing, then there is NO WAY the defense can figure us out!". It's brilliant. I can picture this thing being copied around the league, like the Wildcat. The Rope-A-Dope! This team might win out. That's right! You read it here first! Win the F*c* Out baby!
  5. It's no secret. He isn't ready to play in the NFL yet. But at least he is gaining experience during this completely pointless season. Don't expect to see him become a game changer anytime soon. He is more like money in the bottom of the sock drawer, just forget we have him and maybe one day you be surprised when you find him.
  6. Playoffs?! (insert "Killer Instinct), your talking about the Playoffs?!(insert "Killer Instinct). You are looking for killer instinct from a team that is practically winning by mistake! These are more "non-losses" than wins.
  7. I know, but Trent probably wouldn't.
  8. It's not a big debate. Byrd and Whitner will start.
  9. It's obvious that a high quality QB would benefit the team most. The problem is that none of the guys coming out seem to be worthy of a high pick. It looks like a bunch of Cade Mcknown's and Rick Mirer's out there. I think they should pick a QB in the 3rd or later, pick up a journeyman, and hope to draft another QB high in 2011. I know that blows, but I can't see anything else being productive, and I dread another three year development of another QB that isn't up to snuff.
  10. Who cares. The thing is Fitz is making more timely plays. These stats aren't showing the context of the pass plays. Fitz has been better when the bullets are flying. Fitz isn't miles ahead, but he has been playing better than Edwards. I feel he would have won the Cleveland game as well (probably by a 9-6 score, but still). You have too much invested emotionally in Edwards, man. Look, he sucks and is being out-played (just barely)by a 2nd rate backup with way less experience! Fitz actually has more upside (I know, it's sad). It's over for Edwards (though the team will likely prolong this charade).
  11. They use their ineptness against you. They are mericiless in that way. Cold-blooded killers. The Undertakers! That name is aproppo, it implies underhandedness, and something happenning beneath the surface. Not underdogs, under-TAKERS! They taketh it away, led by the understated Dick "The Undertaker" Jauron.
  12. Yep. In that situation an interception is as good as a punt. I've seen Trent throw it out of bounds in that same situation.
  13. Thanks. I'm kinda serious. I really think it gets into the other teams' heads. One guy makes a mistake, some of the guys on his team look at him like "come on man, these are the Bills we're playing. Ryan Denney just made a play on you". Then maybe a honest mistake by another guy, say an offsides on another lineman. The the Jauron magic starts to take hold. Then another mistake like a bad roughing the passer call. Now individuals try to do more than they should, then comes the disbelief " we can't even score on Buffalo", the fans turn against them (that's why this team is better on the road. Humiliation.) I'm kinda serious.....
  14. Are you kidding? THat was the worst performance I've ever seen! The run blocking was terrible, the pass protection was terrible. There were just guys running right past Bell. Are you a troll?
  15. So you think this team has something then?
  16. These Bills just HUMILIATE teams. Just embarrass them. It's kinda like the Patriots running up the score, except it's the opposite. Teams make some mistake and are so ashamed to have made them against this Bills team, that they fall apart. We even ALMOST got the Patriots with this method. Dick is a master strategist, it's really starting to work now.
  17. This could be two "non-losses" in a row. They just get it done. Magical!
  18. I think we are witnessing something special here. This Fitz kid is the toast of the town! It will be tough to keep him.
  19. Fitz is so clutch
  20. 3 handoffs and out
  21. Thats another reason to cut into the momentum after that big play.
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