Of course they do. DJ has developed a whole new strategy (kinda like the Jedi Mind Trick).
It involves seeming to play completely incompetently. First these Bills establish themselves in the minds of the other team as Buffoons.
Passes to no one, clear paths to the QB, running backs avoiding holes and running directly to tacklers, dropping passes, false starts, lining up in the neutral zone, bad timeouts, not starting their best players, general confusion in the backfield, topped off by using a no-huddle (have I missed anything? I'm sure I did because this offense is TRULY COMPLICATED).
Then, and only then, while the other team has lulled themselves into comfort, THEY STRIKE!! Then it only takes 2 or 3 competently executed plays a game, plays they have worked REALLY HARD on in practice, (in fact they might intentionally only work on 3 or 4 plays ALL WEEK) to get a score or two.
Basically, the idea is "if we don't know what we are doing, then there is NO WAY the defense can figure us out!". It's brilliant.
I can picture this thing being copied around the league, like the Wildcat.
The Rope-A-Dope!
This team might win out. That's right! You read it here first! Win the F*c* Out baby!