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Geno Smith's Arm

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Everything posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. Who here works @ the Goodwill? How about the overnight shift at a gas station? High school janitors raise yer hands!
  2. How bout "Badazz MutherF***ker" ! Let's just keep it stupid and simple!
  3. Lionheart (haha) would splinter like a frozen flower petal in Buffalo. I have never been one to buy into the old "California Quarterback" myth, but if it were true, he would be the posterboy. He would run home to mommy the first time a Buffalo drunk called him a puzzy on Chippewa St. @ midnight.
  4. Are you from, and or live in Naigara County? I love Niagara Fall (the attraction, not the city). I consider it to be the most neglected asset in the Buffalo area. It has the potential to be the Las Vegas of the East. Problem is, it is CORRUPT. It really is a shame. There is no way that Erie County would just let the Bills walk over to Niagara County. The politicians there wouldn't know how to deal with the NFL anyway, and would be considered complete clowns (yes, moreso than the Erie County politicians). Know what would be an incredible boost to both areas? If the State redistricted Niagara Falls into Erie County. Then something good might happen. Alas, it 's all a pipe dream.
  5. No way it will end up in The Falls. The politics are all wrong. Niagara County is umm.... well it's ......not very well run. Look at the city of Niagara Fall, one of the 7 Wonders of the World and it seems impossible to even keep a restaurant open. Erie CO, thoughnot exactly well run, is way ahead, and has way more power financially. Niagara Co. doesn't deserve to house an NFL team. Nagunnappen.
  6. I agree. The coaching is big too, but Spiller gives off a vibe that that he expects to do well (no, please don't call it "swagger", I consider that to be a kind of false bravado, an overcompensating strut), and I think it 's rubbing off, or maybe just bringing it out of some of the other guys. He seems anxious to prove something, instead of just saying "we'll, we will see, I'm hoping that things will go our way", he says "I can't wait to start the real games, we can be explosive!". I have been accused of being too negative on this board, but I consider Spiller a big step in the right direction not just on the field, but ATTITUDE-wise,
  7. Personally, I couldn't care less about the defense right now. They have gone for so long without an offense that wasn't putrid, that I wouldn't care if they didn't draft a defensive player for the next 3 years. Until they can average 20 points a game they will be torture to watch. Then they can worry about the defense. They aren't winning a the Super Bowl this year, I just want some exciting games to watch. I think an offense that can stay on the field, comeback from a deficit, and give the defense a reason to play, would be the biggest help to the defense could get.
  8. I know it's terrible. I don't expect the players to love the team like I do. I'm just being a realist. jason peters isn't from Buffalo, and playing for the Bills has to be akin to an assigned post in Siberia. Believe me, I want them to turn it around, but they have been floundering for at least a decade. It's his life, his career.
  9. He probably didn't want to waste his career playing for the Bills Organization. Would you, if you could choose rather work for Honda, or Yugo? He didn't want to play for the Bills. Hate if you like, but I can understand why he would want to leave.
  10. Sure they might start a few games. kinda like they probably will here in Buffalo. All the bottom feeding teams that have QB problems are gonna have a couple different starters. Some teams fans would likely greet TE like some of the fools here have greeted Brohm. Grasping for straws, hoping that he was just in a bad situation. Starters By Default. The better question would be "Could any of the Bills QB's win 10 games with any other team?". I don't think so.
  11. Thank you. I'm trying to be reasonable. Okay. Let me spell it out for you. I used those 2 ridiculous words as parallels in ridiculoushood to "Swagger". They are all ridiculous. Confident works fine.
  12. No nearly as much as "Swagger". Nothing says"I'm a tool" like using the term "swagger". It was brought back a couple years ago as a football buzzword, and now every team has to have "swagger" (I can't type it without the quotations). It's the most ridiculous word, one that makes me think of someone overcompensating and trying very hard to act tough, oblivious to the fact that it is fooling no one. The first time I recall hearing it was on HBO hardknocks, when one of the Cowboys started talking about how one had to have a certain "swagger" to play for the Cowboys. In fact , no team represents "swagger" better to me than the Cowboys. A team full of guys that feel entitled to winning, and being "America's Team", favored (it seems) every year, and always considered a contender, yet falling short . Please, just use the term "Butch" (or maybe "Cocksure") to describe a confident Bills team. "Swagger" is for douches like the Jerry Jones Cowboys. Thank you for your time.
  13. I like Gailey fine. He is obviously an improvement, but without a legitamate QB, it doesn't matter much who the coach is.
  14. I'm fine with the Spiller pick. Point is nothing is going to happen until they get an upper echelon QB here. Drafting a QB is a crap shoot. Last year wasn't the first draft that they needed a QB. Perhaps all this years QB's will suck. Perhaps next years will suck too, then this masterplan is back to square one. yes the Bills have improved, but it's always something like 7-9 back to 8-8, down to 4-12, up to 7-9, down to 6-10...... teams with these records are nowhere. The Bills are nowhere. Have been for 15 years. Get a QB, whatever it takes. If they had traded their entire draft to Indy to select Peyton Manning do you think the team would have done worse then have. I know Manning is an exception, BVGIPYbfg[EQUWF-[9GHQWFVADEQWfwEFGERWdgv Blah blah blah. It's obvious the reason the Bills have sucked is because they don't have a QB. They still don't. Won't for awhile. Maybe not even before they leave Buffalo.
  15. This team is Anti-Swagger! Instead , they are BUTCH!
  16. 30 million huh? Actually, it still wouldn't matter! They have sucked without wasting money and picks on highly ranked QBs (Losman the ONLY exception, him being one of only 2 first round QB's the Bills have picked in the draft). They have sucked, and sucked, and sucked! And additionally been one of the dullest 3-n-out teams to grace the fields of the NFL! They need a QB. Get a good one AT ANY PRICE!
  17. I don't care if every rookie QB gets cut this year, they should still draft a a top rated guy every year until they find one that's worth a crap. The Bills aren't going anywhere until they have a decent QB. Considering how many high draft picks they have squandered, I would at least understand that they were attempting to acquire the centerpiece of the puzzle.
  18. The Bills suck. It's no secret. They need to improve at BOTH positions, and many others.
  19. He would be a stop gap QB, but ALL the guys we have are stop gap QB's. He would be an improvement, and make this season go down a bit easier. I'm not watching many more of these awful offensive performances. I wish they would draft only offensive players, and sign only Offensive Free Agents until they can average 20 points a game. They are incredibly boring to watch.
  20. Ok. Granted. But Trent will never accomplish what Ferragamo did.
  21. They see him everyday at practice. The Packers saw him everyday at practice. If he can't play better than TE at practice, it's pretty unlikely that he will perform better that TE in the games.
  22. Sure it does, because the Bills are insignifcant. The Pats are a contending team, the Bills haven't been for many years. The Bills could go a whole season without ANY injuries and they wouldn't make the playoffs.
  23. None of them looked as good as Clausen.
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