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Geno Smith's Arm

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Everything posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. Yeah, but the League wouldn't let the Bills do something like that. Only a new, uber wealthy and aggressive owner of most popular team (that had been failing for years prior) in the country would be allowed to make that trade.
  2. Brady seemed to be picking on Bryan Scott. Just run at him.
  3. The Dallas defense he coached was LOADED with talent. Lot's of high draft picks from Dallas sucking prior, and the Herschel Walker trade. He has always been overrated
  4. Where did I imply that Gailey doesn't want more talented receivers? I think he has to make the best of what he has, and that they haven't collected better receivers because they had to improve in so many other areas (especially defense). I think he makes it more complicated because Fitz has limited range on his throws, so Gailey uses motion and odd formations to confuse the defense, and to get them to make adjustments, to expose their coverage. Does he use these formations to open up space too? Sure. I have no idea what I posted that implied there was "no thought behind the Spiller pick". Thanks for "taking me to task", but what you disagree with is unclear.
  5. I'm just trying to figure out how you know how much pain was inflicted, and how Spiller should have reacted? I'm not even defending him, I'm saying that THERE IS NO WAY OF KNOWING, so why criticize the player? Where did I question your right to offer an opinion? I challenged the opinion you offered up, because it isn't based on anything concrete You just tossed out the opinion that Spiller is some kind of wimp, without having any way to know how severe the injury really might be.I didn't see any of his peers questioning his reaction, or any "NFL experts" calling him soft. He doesn't have a history of being injury prone, or soft. If you are going to post that kind of attack, you should have something to back it up with. You are right though, I have judged you and concluded that you don't know what you are talking about.
  6. You are criticizing him, therefore you are making a judgement of the injury's severity and Spiller's courage. I'm not making a judgement.
  7. How could you possibly know how much pain was involved? How do you know what the team officials told him to do when they were looking at him out on the field? Where are you getting some kind of authority about how he should react?
  8. The reason why the passing offense is complicated is because the WR's overall aren't talented enough to win battles one on one, and Fitz is limited in the variety of throws he can make. They have to use lots of motion and crazy formations to try and get the defense to expose what they are going to do. People that have clamored for the Bills to simplify the offense (So Vince Young can operate it? So TJ Graham can start week one?) don't seem to understand that.
  9. Yes. It's funny cuz it's true (well, almost true).
  10. Of course they are rushing him back. I don't think he is going to be more susceptible to re-injury, but he will probably need more time to fully heal. It's the right trade off though, because they need him this week with CJ out. They can go easy on him when CJ returns.
  11. Hahaha! Just do a google search along the the lines of "Kellen Winslow jerk". The guys whole career he was a giant nuisance on every team. His father was the same way, and was not well liked by his teammates in San Diego. As far as the "soldier" thing, I think that was completely overblown, what I found offensive about it was that the quote came after he was questioned about taunting a player he just injured. Here's one... http://sports.yahoo....39017--nfl.html This is really funny too! http://www.thebrushback.com/Archives/jshockey_full.htm
  12. That soldier thing doesn't bother me in the least. Look into the rest of his career...
  13. He is a spoiled brat, and they probably weren't kowtowing to the self-proclaimed "Chosen One". No doubt someone here will say "the Bills should bring him in. What do they have to lose?" or "If we sign him now, he will really want to get back at the Pats".
  14. I'm hoping CJ will play instead!
  15. Looking ahead so many games is a bit silly. All these teams will be beaten up soon enough. Depth starts coming into play, teams start showing weaknesses, older guys slow down, younger guys gain experience. Not all these "powerhouse teams" are gonna be playing well throughout this season.
  16. I think it would be more difficult to win 7 games in a row to finish out a season, than to win 3 of those 6 games.
  17. A good team would win both home games, and probably split the road games. A good team has other teams on the defensive, thinking "I'm not sure we can beat the Buffalo Bills". We will see if the Bills are for real...
  18. The on in the water is funny. I noticed that there were more players on the site. I wonder if they have the same agent? Like these guys are looking for ways to establish themselves in the media/entertainment industry.
  19. Yeah, Fred Jackson didn't even spell his name right. This will have NO effect on the team unity. They are professionals, and certainly understand that guys can lose their jobs. He was the punter, not really part of a group of guys.
  20. I don't think anyone feels that all the bad calls will go away.No one is "kidding themselves" (except maybe you). They are doing a bad job. What bothers me most is that they seem to be intimidated by the crowd. I am wondering how many more calls are going to the home teams. Those stats could be misleading too, because it's not just the number of calls, but what kind of effect the calls had on the games.
  21. So you're a Seahawks fan...
  22. Nope. I watched a bit of the last one. By that time, I'm usually so pissed that the Bills have squandered another season, that I'm thinking about the draft! I don't avoid the SB, but if I'm at a party, I'm more interested in talking to women. It's really down to the fact that I'm not emotionally connected to other teams.
  23. I hate the Super Bowl! I hate the "pageantry" and all the distractions that they put into the presentation to entertain people that aren't really into football. I hate listening to people talk about how much the commercial time costs (honestly, why do people find that interesting? I'm not an accountant.) The crowd sux! Barely any real fans of the teams...blah, I could go on, but I imagine you know what I mean. I hate the long half-time the most though, because I think it interferes with the game, and the game should always come first. The Conference championships are better to me, though they seem to be working on ruining those too. I haven't even watched most of the Super Bowls for the last 10 years!
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