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Geno Smith's Arm

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Everything posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. Sums it up. Too many people looking in the rear view mirror. I think Gailey was a better HC choice.
  2. What makes you think he isn't already using them? He's a defensive lineman in the NFL, what do you think the percentage is of D-lineman that DON'T juice is? I'm guessing it's pretty close to 99.99% Where did Merriman garner a reputation for knowledge/studying/mentoring? He was a fast, powerful guy that ran as fast as he could towards the quarterback.
  3. Maybe Merriman will introduce him to a close friend of his from BALCO
  4. This is about the only potential benefit I can see. IF he plays well.
  5. I live in LA, and I have listened to plenty of San Diego radio., and remember as far back as when he was first drafted. Merriman was NOT well thought of by many fans, and definitely not by the Chargers Org. He was a big pain in the azz.
  6. Apparently not interested enough to put in a claim.
  7. Why do people assume he isn't on PED's anymore? PED's are fueling the NFL, they don't WANT to catch players using. Just because he is tested more doesn't mean he hasn't been taking them. If they really STOPPED everyone from using them it would skew the league standings. High paid guys would come back down to earth, old guys would play their age, and some of the best teams might suddenly be at the lowest rung. Owners have the most to lose (especially in baseball, where without a salary cap a team like the Yankees could suddenly find themselves with a giant payroll and average players). Well, bring on the Merriman Soap Opera, it will be more dramatic than Terrell Owens.
  8. Great. Makes sense, now Maybin can not only suck on the field (if he can get on it), but learn some "how to be a pain in the a$$" techniques.
  9. What makes you think he is a good influence. He was a headache to the Chargers from day one.
  10. These posts are depressing. I can't believe some fans think this guy is going to have a major impact on this team. He has a habit of becoming a real pain in the a$$, especially when he plays well, ironically enough. Maybe he will find that cliff Seau cleared a path to.
  11. The Jock sniffing thing wasn't really directed at you, more at the idea of voting him onto the team. I should have posted it under the original post.
  12. They can't work him out without claiming him (unless he clears waivers, but then he would likely want to sign with a relevant team). Telling people to "STFU" for disagreeing with you (especially when you don't even know the circumstances of the situation)?? Calm down.
  13. Maybe they just want a team beneath them to waste time and effort on him? What benefit do the Ravens gain by announcing their interest? Why should the Bills make decisions based on what other teams in completely different situations are doing?
  14. I am almost hoping that they do pick him up just to lord his failure over his supporters. I expect he will help a team for a minute, then become more of a nuisance than an asset.
  15. He hasn't been. "Jock-Sniffers of the World, unite and take over"!
  16. If he can help at all, I think it would be short term, like this season. And this season is already over.
  17. Where was the "debunking"?
  18. http://www.sandiego....argers-merriman
  19. I think you are concentrating on the wrong parts of the article. Mostly I wanted to point out the injuries, and his inablity to overcome them. I was originally looking for information about how he is accused of putting off surgery until training camp ala Shaq O'Neal. He's a D-bag as well, of course the league has plenty, but not many that revel in their D-baggery with quite as much clueless enthusiaism. I don't think he is worth the time or effort.
  20. I don't care if he is "Buffalo", but he definitely is busted up, and immature as well. I don't think either have changed.....
  21. Here the guy SanDiego knows... http://www.sandiego.com/sports/1-man-s-opinion-lights-out-for-chargers-merriman
  22. I understand the interest, but I don't think Gailey and the Gang need to be wasting energy on someone that could be very demanding of both time and energy. He would only be signed for this season, and this season isn't about wins so much as it is about shaping the team/changing the culture. Merriman, so far (cough) hasn't shown himself to be a positive influence in those areas. That's what merriman chose to associate with (and don't tell me there aren't plenty of "chicks" just as "hot", that he couldn't have been with. He chose her for her celebrity). When you combine these bad decisions with all the other stupidity, it's not too difficult to reach the conclusion that he's a troubled idiot.
  23. Gee, and I read it as skimming over the negatives and pointing hard at the positives. Up With People! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4mTTigqTSA He fell in the draft because he was considered a problemed guy. He held out before his rookie year and really pissed off the Chargers and their fans (I know there are many rookie holdouts, but his was particularly silly), he made a big impact as a rookie, and proceeded to embody all the worst qualities associated with "talented but troubled" players. Pretty much a continous pain in the a&& to the Chargers (I don't think he was real popular with his teammates either), and hasn't shown a hint that he is any more mature now than he was when he was a rookie. I will call him a D-bag. On top of all this, he hasn't played well in years, even when he has been able to get onto the field. He has been no work and all drama. I didn't mind the Terrell Owens signing, and I'm not uptight about behavior (or PED's, jeez, the NFL is fueled by them), I just don't think he will benefit them, and instead, believe he would make himself a real niusance, because I think he gets off on doing those kinds of things.
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