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Geno Smith's Arm

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Everything posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. That's weak. Have some balls. Isn't the point of this forum to show your understanding of the NFL, how a team is built,etc. After a bunch of games ANYONE can say , "yep, better". Do you judge a weatherman by how accurate he forecasts the weather, or how well he says "yes folks, it's raining"? There are plenty that won't even admit THAT much. I haven't claimed that they have PROVEN anything!
  2. If they end up sucking I am ready to eat crow, and say I don't know what I'm talking about, but isn't the point to take a position BEFORE the games are played? How difficult is it to declare them better/worse after the season? I would like to see how firmly entrenched the naysayers are, and after a blowout win is a good time to check how firmly entrenched the naysayers are. I don't feel they have accomplished much yet, that's not the kind of point I'm trying to make. Thanks. But I'm not even asking are they better than last year, so much as trying to get the negative jerks to stick with their opinions BEFORE a bunch of games have been played and the improvement of the team is obvious. By then the naysayers will be hard to find!
  3. That's the point!! All off-season we bicker about what they should do, and there are people that refuse to believe they are getting better, and shoot down anyone that points to improvements. That's why I wanna see the people that don't think they have improved. Anyone can say "yeah, they're better" after they win a bunch of games. MANY!!
  4. I agree. But where are the guys that thought this team wasn't even as good as last year, that sensed no improvement, and claimed that the DJ teams were better because they had better records? Those guys were pissing me off with their "bottom line" crap. Hard nuts that essentially say "I won't say they are good until they win a Super Bowl" or some such nonsense. These kind of "experts" are all over this board. How much insight is needed to judge a team that has already won the Super Bowl? Thanks for stepping up, classy move.
  5. I would like to hear from the people that don't think this team is any better than the Dick Jauron teams because DJ had them at 7-9, and ChaNix only had them at 4-12. There were plenty of them out there, and I would like to collect them all in one spot. The "bottom-liners", the guys that can't see improvement if the record isn't better. Now is the time to hold your ground, please sign on!
  6. I see the Bills at 9-7, 10 -6. They have a nice schedule and I believe they will beat the Pats finally. I don't know who will win the Super Bowl, but I don't believe it will be Patriots (though they might win the division). They are on the decline and are overrated. Brady will have a real good season, but I think their free agent pickups aren't gonna have the impact people expect.
  7. Well it wasn't just Dick. I seem to recall people clamoring for that kind of receiver here. They forced the pick because they were chasing a need.
  8. The better a team gets, the players getting cut are usually better. It's all relative.
  9. Sounds about right to me. Fact is, very few of the "pros" have paid attention to the Bills because they have sucked so bad, for so long. They watch and talk football ALL THE TIME, so when it comes down a choice between "I wanna watch some Buffalo Bills footage, and catch up on what they are doing up there in WNY" or "Man, I have been at this 70 hours a week this season, we never talk about the Bills, time to relax" which would you choose if you were them?
  10. What, made him afraid to through the ball down the field or to anyone that wasn't wide open? That was all Trentative.
  11. Why? That would essentially mean he wasn't applying himself here.
  12. I don't remember him being considered a bust in Tampa. Is this supposed to lead to another "let's get Timmy Tebow" thread?
  13. Sir! Do you know what a hero is made of? I'll tell you... it's a pound of toughness, an ounce of whippersnapper, a smidge of "Go-get-um" and a cup of "I told you so". HERO! Say it out loud! Say it proud! And this Tebowne kid's made of it something FIERCE! H-E-R-O! He CAN"T be stopped! You know why? I said "DO YOU KNOW WHY!!? Because he BELIEVES. He believes in apple pie and holding hands...kicking cans and kissing babies. Don't even try to use the word "can't" around him!
  14. It's all God's Plan. If the power of Christ compels you (or the Bills), and it is the will of God, so be it. If you had an ounce of objectivity you would see the benefits that ANY and ALL teams would reap from Tim's presence.
  15. I think Tim has a higher calling. I think he should set aside the football and become "The Official Chaplain of the NFL". This guy is something special, and he should be using talents for more serious work. He could help players heal, help them through adversity. These things are far more important than winning games.
  16. Are you Jerry Sullivan? None of these opinions are different than what we see here, and he (you?) has to fill the page a few times a week. No real insight, and not noteworthy on this board. I think Jerry (you?) is about as good a sportswriter as the Bills are a football team, and that if they were successful he would certainly find new ways to complain. I know he (you?) did when the the 90's Bills were tearing up the NFL. He (you?) is a real Debbie Downer. Maybe it appeals to the average Buffalo fan, some kind of masochistic self hatred. The Buffalo News could do better.
  17. I changed my name when Matthews teabagged Edwards because I considered it to be the lowest point for the franchise. If any Bill teabags Sanchez (or Brady), I would consider it a crucial turning point. I would "change my bag".
  18. The attitude of this team is going to be leaps and bounds better this season. They will actually have something to play for.
  19. What a douche. It's plain to anyone that this coaching staff is better than anything DJ was involved in. It's not even funny, and to say that the Win/Loss record is the only measurement is simplistic.
  20. They are on the decline. They aren't going to win the division, and the Bills will beat them once this season.
  21. Lee is cool. Always has been.
  22. Funny, it's EXACTLY like I'd always assumed it was. I doubt it's much different at many other schools.
  23. I know the story. With all due respect, he was still a bust. Nothing personal. It was discovered like 2 weeks after the draft.
  24. I saw the Buffalo Rumblings "Biggest Bust" list. One name was missing. My god the Bills have sucked.
  25. I think they knew he was juicing, they just didn't expect him to stop when he turned pro. I find it hard to believe that they don't know a juicer when they see one (they are surrounded by them everyday at work). It's everywhere in the NFL.
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