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Geno Smith's Arm

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Everything posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. So now you want to punish local businesses because of Cowherd? I didn't say you shouldn't have "Buffalo Pride", but there is a point where you can have too much tied into it, no? No city with real strength would get so upset about some national DJ occasionally commenting that he doesn't think their football team is good, or that it is too small of a market. He has often said that it would be very sad if the Bills left Buffalo etc. Any Buffalo comments he has made are COMMON opinions, found elsewhere in the media, right or wrong?
  2. Went out feeling okay. Woke up sick. Big Deal.
  3. I don't think he is a "Shock Jock" at all! He might pick on Buffalo a bit, but it's probably because so many fans from Buffalo have flooded his phone lines and Emails! He gets an OVERreaction from a large group of listeners from Buffalo, and figures that must be what drives the ratings in there. And you know what? HE"S RIGHT! It works for Jerry Sullivan, works for Schmuck & Bulldog (He definitely doesn't trade in negativity the way Buffalo's own Sullivan does!) I don't hear him trying to act particularly shocking, very often. He isn't Howard Stern.
  4. That's what I LIKE about his show. That's the concept. Mike and Mike aren't good. Mike Golic, I can't bear him. You can always count on him to have the safest, middle of the road opinion. He is there to appeal to the "regular guy" and it's pure schtick. Those annoying "Abbott and Costello"-style ads. "Mr. Brat". A conservative, family-values, hard-workin', bratwurst eating guy, "just like you and me". Bleech! Cowherd is way smarter, and well-travelled than those guys, and his show (and audience) reflect that.
  5. What are you here for? People shouldn't discuss and exchange opinions on the upcoming games? The Bills have a better record than Dallas, and are tied atop their division. Why the tell everyone to shut up?
  6. Oh man. POB is not a good guy! Vic the Brick is TIRESOME, and Hartman is too hotheaded. At least they don't have Michael Thompson on there anymore. I didn't know what the "personal problem" was that POB would refer to. Then I heard his creepy, coked-up voicemails. I would love to hear the jokes Petros & Money must make off the air about that creep.
  7. They have been compensating for the O-line's injuries. They have the 3rd string LT and the 2nd string LG playing. When they have to face a good defense it complicates things.
  8. WOw, you have too much tied up in some kind of "Buffalo Pride". Don't you have anything better to do? His ratings will reflect his popularity. If they can find something that will generate more income, they will put it on.
  9. All I can say is that Cowherd gets my mind wandering onto things that interest me, not even necessarily directly. I used to find Jim Rome completely obnoxious! Could not stand him. Now I think he is a GENIUS! I don't even watch sports! I only watch Bills games and a handful of other games. Jim Rome's show is more like a Communications lecture/class, with the teacher allowing students to present their projects. His interviews do nothing for me, but the compiled montages are a unique experience. His dismantling of Brett Favre ("I told Percy I would do this" cue the banjo, then the rocket laucher!) is just great comedy. JT the Brick? I am ok with. My real favorite are Petros and Money, a local LA show, though I have heard them in Buffalo.
  10. He entertains me, and that is all that I'm worried about. He generally has opinions that aren't from the jock perspective, and his show isn't strictly sports and that helps. I think I am able to make my own judgments, and evaluations of the topics he presents, so HIS opinion isn't necessarily that important to me. What's more interesting is having someone like the writer Malcolm Gladwell on his show, and the free-form style of radio that sometimes happens on his show. His show often goes off on tangents beyond sports, and very unlike other "sport talk radio". Another point that occurred to me is that Dan Patrick is very BLAND to me. He is obviously a jock. Very middle of the road, with a dose of oblivious jock arrogance. The "height and weight" thing for each caller makes it feel like a school locker room. Cowherd is a nerd, and has many opinions that aren't "Middle American".
  11. 'I think he is great, but I don't think he is right about the Bills. I think he is a guy that is working under conditions that demand he relates to a national audience. That often leaves Buffalo "in the cold".
  12. This "building a team to win the division" stuff SOUNDS great, except all the teams are constantly changing, and two seasons after you lose because they have great CB's, and you develop a counter attack, they lose a guy to free agency, or someone retires, or their play declines and you are chasing after their PAST success. The best way is the way The Steelers have gone about things, a philosophy or approach that is set in place, so there are constantly new players being developed to step in. Let the OTHER teams adjust to YOUR team. I think we should turn this question around. What team WOULDN"T have a hard time moving the ball against a team like the Jets? The Packers? People are treating it like the Bills have this insurmountable flaw. fact is when the Jets are playing their best virtually ANY TEAM in the league will have trouble moving the ball!
  13. They aren't gonna win the Super Bowl. They need to improve. These are true, but they are still capable of winning a lot of games. Every team has weaknesses, yes even the Packers. To suddenly jump off the wagon and claim that they are frauds is just overreacting. It still takes a pretty good defense to handle the Bills.
  14. I didn't feel they shut them down. Those were 3 point games, down to the wire. The Jets were much more effective than either of those teams. If those are the only teams that can do it though, the Bills are a pretty good team. No other teams on the remaining schedule have a defense near as good as the Jets. If the offense is truly "exposed" I guess it will be shut down by Miami, Dallas, Denver etc., RIGHT?
  15. Whether or not the offense was "exposed" is what we are discussing RIGHT? I don't think anyone doesn't think they need to improve. I just don't think they were "exposed". If that is true then they won't score nearly as much and will be shutdown in a similar fashion for the rest of the season RIGHT? I don't think another team can do what the Jets did to the Bills, the way the Jets did it. They play 14 other games and have only faced the Jets once so far. I don't think you are providing some kind of insight into how to win the division, and as I have said before, what beats the Pats won't necessarily beat the Jets. I said "NAME THE TEAMS THAT CAN DO WHAT THE JETS DID". Well?
  16. Bollocks. The Bills offense (with a 3rd string LT, and 2nd string LG) was exposed as not being able to play well against a defense with 2 shutdown corners in man to man single coverage, that can then put an extra guy in the front. The shame! Season Over! Time to rebuild! How many other defenses have that ability? Name them!
  17. They essentially have 2 replacements on the O-line. Levitre is out of position and banged up, he is the 3rd string LT. They were compensating for that against a strong defense. Chan knows (better than you do) what to do with this offense.
  18. I think Simms is the best announcer on TV. He can be annoying (who can talk for 3 hours and not be?), and pompous, but he anticipates things happening. That tells me he knows about the game. He knows what he is talking about. I wonder how well any of the posters would do announcing a game? I don't think he has any kind of bias against the Bills. I think Simms is the best announcer on TV. He can be annoying (who can talk for 3 hours and not be?), and pompous, but he anticipates things happening. That tells me he knows about the game. He knows what he is talking about. I wonder how well any of the posters would do announcing a game? I don't think he has any kind of bias against the Bills. As far as Collinsworth goes, after he admonished Bruce Smith for not playing when he was in the hospital, implying that he didn't care, and really taking a cheap shot at Smith, I have considered him an ass.
  19. I think to suggest that Chan was to busy thinking about the Cowboys game is RIDICULOUS.
  20. I get ya. There are lots of variables that we fans don't know about. The game was teetering along for the first half, and I think it made the Bills play close to the vest. It might have been a very different game if the Jets had scored more early (like that first drive) because the Bills might have been forced to open up. I can see the Bills coaches thinking as the first half unfolded "if we can keep it close, Sanchez is mistake prone. That might be our best shot, given the way our defense can generate turnovers".
  21. Why do people keep posting this silliness. The Cowboys don't have a defense anything like the Jets. Sure EVERY team would like to just put their CB's man-to-man, single coverage, BUT THEY CAN'T PULL IT OFF. I really hope the Cowboys try though!
  22. Yeah, it could be. I trust that Chan knows more about the game/teams than you do, and he decided that wasn't the best approach. Obviously, whatever you add to one area, you take away from another. Maybe they did the wrong thing, but I'm sure it was reasoned out. I just don't think they match up well with the Jets, and without the line at full strength, had to make do. I'm not gonna tear into them, or think that YOU know more than the coaches. They were over-matched THIS GAME,with the tools available to them RIGHT NOW.
  23. There is a good reason why passes are open just short of the 1st down. Defenses set up to allow them to catch it, then tackle them short. Sometimes that is the only option open. Many times the QB has to take that option and let the WR try to make a play to get the 1st. "Taking a WR out to the woodshed" isn't going to change that. Do you beat your children? The line with Bell and Levitre in proper position is pretty good, and when they are in there Fitz has a bit more time to work with, and the receivers have a bit more time to get open, and the RB's have better timed & executed blocks. The Jets have lost 3 games this season too.
  24. No other teams on the remaining schedule have a defense anywhere near the Jets. I can't think of any other team that has 2 CB's like them. The Eagles maybe? (I don't think they played man to man against the Bills though). Fitz did miss some throws , and there were other mistakes, but they had to play a near perfect game, or get some huge defensive plays to win a close to the vest game. They stayed in it for a half, but a few mistakes, some calls against them, and there you go. I even wonder how different the game might have been if the Wilson interception wasn't overruled. Sanchez could have easily slipped into the goat role. The Jets are vulnerable too. It was an important game, but I think people are overreacting because they feel like the Jets rubbed our faces in it. Lots more football to play for both teams, and all teams are evolving. This team can learn a lot about the Jets from this game,more I think, than the Jets will gather about these Bills, because the Bills were playing out of character.
  25. Not against most teams, but against the Jets it was. This was a close to the vest game. The O-line had a beat up Levitre playing out of position and some other guy at guard. That can work against the Redskins, but not against a team with 2 shutdown corners playing single coverage, freeing up a guy for pass rush and run support. The O-line managed, but the game plan had to be super conservative. The defense played okay, 3 points in the 1st half is pretty good when your offense isn't moving the ball, they kept the Bills in the game for a half.
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