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Geno Smith's Arm

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Everything posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. I can't honestly say that I watched him play much, but I know the Bengals had a very good D. Here is a thread from when he was with the 49ers that shows how the fans felt about him there (they seem to love him). As I said, getting the linebacking corps up to "average" would be a big step... http://www.footballsfuture.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=433557
  2. I wondered why they didn't sign him LAST year. I know he hasn't been outstanding, but just getting up to "average" at linebacker would be a huge improvement in the defense.
  3. I listen to plenty of San Diego radio, and Jackson is considered a bit of a clown. I'm not saying he wouldn't be a good addition, but I would rather they picked up a cheaper clown like Robert Meachem, and spent some money on the defense.
  4. I think trying to predict the 42nd pick is really difficult, and trying to predict picks all into the 4th round is ridiculous...
  5. Thanks. I certainly don't advocate rudeness (I think Schoop is rude), but I don't need to see each fan shake the hand of the ticket-taker at the gate to RW Stadium ("How are you sir? We are here to see the game today, may I present to you my ticket?"). Maybe Beerball does that? He is quite polite you know...
  6. Petros and Money are my favorites, I would say. Jim Rome is great, and of course, the hated Cowherd. Others I hear often are The Loose Cannons (Steve Hartman, Vic The Brick Jacobs, & Pat O'Brien), Darren Smith from San Diego, JT The Brick, and various other guys with names that elude me. I don't think it is out of line to say "How are you, I really think that Peyton Manning should...". But when the caller greets, and waits for a reply, that's not doing anyone any favors. Bad radio, and though people can argue all they want, the professionals are on my side.
  7. It's impolite, and definitely ungracious to waste air time, and bore people with unnecessary, off-point discussion on the airwaves. I can see you are attempting to "take the high road", and portray me as rude, but it isn't my opinion that I'm presenting, it is the opinion of the people that work in the media. It's not just Buffalo!! It's virtually every radio host nationwide. Provincial thinking is rampant on this board.
  8. I don't consider the radio and clerk situations to be the same thing. That was another posters theory. A show host is "serving" thousands of people all at the same time, not at all like a grocery store clerk. I also doubt that the focus groups were studying occasions when customers are backed up in long lines. But you are a moderator, so I guess you know more than me. Look at the communications book Beerball. It's a situation to be avoided, why don't you understand that?
  9. "Wow, bag. I think you could fill in for Schopp when he's on vacation. That is an incredibly obnoxious tone in your post. Do you really think everyone you are arguing with in this thread isn't smart enough to realize that an endless exchange of pleasantries might tend to throw off the rhythm of a radio show? I am pretty sure we all get that. But, as in many things in life, there are many ways to get that point across and to gently nudge your listeners along. Schopp constantly chooses the most direct, obnoxious and condescending way. And for that, he is mostly reviled. Not that difficult to understand really. Re-read Dick Drawn's post above, he pretty much nails it. I'll hang up and listen" Yes, it appears to me that people don't understand that it's bad radio. It's not a big deal if it happens once, but it doesn't. It happens all night long. I don't even listen to Schoop, I live in LA! It's not about Schoop to me. The hosts across the nation cringe every time, especially when there are multiple hosts and the caller greets each one. Why do you think they feel that way (not me, I'm just the messenger)? There must be a reason why it's mentioned in communications books, and by radio hosts everywhere... (is that solid reasoning?)
  10. If I were in line with 20 people, and the clerk was engaging in unnecessary pleasantries I would get annoyed! Not the time to talk about the weather... Way more people listening than calling. It's not a service sector job, it is MASS MEDIA. In other words, the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few. It's common practice to try to avert these kinds of exchanges, but people here are too caught up in "individual experience" to see how it affects the show. It's not just me. Someone find a person that works in MASS MEDIA, and get their opinion. It is DEAD NOISE, not just white noise, they are trying to get as many callers in before breaks as possible.
  11. How are you Sage? Yeah, it's WAY worse, because there are so many other people listening, and the time is PAID FOR! Understand? Time is money on the radio, and these pleasantries are the equivalent to DEAD AIR. Meh, I guess I'm wrong. Everyone continue calling with greetings. I don't know what I'm talking about, I am merely repeating what I have heard from dozens of radio hosts.
  12. Hello Beerball, I hope you extend greeting to EVERY new poster, on every new topic. Eventually you will see how tedious and unnecessary it is. The subject on greetings on radio shows comes up on many radio shows. It's a constant annoyance to radio hosts. I'm not the only person that feels that way. Why does it bother you that I feel that way, Beerball? I presented an outside opinion from a person with at least enough authority on the subject to author a book on it. That makes me full of it? Instead, you guys want to riff on Mike Schoop, who is merely a local representative of the sports media. It is you, and people like you that can't seem understand that it isn't a personal phone conversation. Maybe you want to present some more slow thinkers to back up YOUR side of this argument? I am coming from the perspective of the hosts. They are trying to keep their shows MOVING, and THEY KNOW WHAT IS BAD FOR RATINGS. You can argue with me, but I know I'm right, and there are more examples FROM MEDIA ANALYSTS THAT SUPPORT MY STANCE.
  13. Hello Stadium Wall Posters, I hope you are having a great day! Here is a snippet from a communications book. I'm not sure how well it will link, but scroll to "The Short Hello". It really says it all... http://books.google.com/books?id=ZvYLwStxW80C&pg=PA170&lpg=PA170&dq=radio+callers+host+greeting&source=bl&ots=b7HaK9kAwA&sig=oMud32oMq0PxW3idpjVXFVwNpMM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=G_JTT-y3A4qYiQKT0tDhBg&ved=0CDAQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=radio%20callers%20host%20greeting&f=false
  14. Hello Danny, how are you? It's not just Schoop though, think outside of Buffalo. It's ALL HOSTS of shows. They don't like it, and why do you think that is?
  15. His job does not depend on people calling in. It is part of the format (I bet he would like to do away with it, but the station probably insists). The thing is the conversations do get extended, not necessarily very long, but repeatedly it adds up. How many times have you heard just the greeting get flubbed? Caller: "How are you" Host: "we are fine" Caller: "what?" Host: "I said "we are fine", what's your question" Host: "oh, I am fine too, I wanted to talk about this Favre thing" Host: "yes, we know, that is what we have been talking about for the last hour. What did you want to say?" These exchanges are bad, bad, bad radio.
  16. Hello Cantankerous, how are you? If people on this forum greeted each new poster in a thread, it would be ridiculous. That is the equivalent of what people are doing on the radio. (I anticipate people saying "that would be great, so much more civil" etc., but it wouldn't. It would get annoying). In fact, maybe the polite people here should try that, and see how it wears on them? Every new poster, in every thread. I'm certain even the most polite here would eventually stop that foolishness, but it would be fun to see. I listen to lots of sports radio. You can hear the annoyance in the voice, and can feel them pushing to get things going, be it JT the Brick, Dan Patrick, or whoever (I know Schoop is a bad example because he is so disliked here). I know it seems small in individual cases, but over and over it's not good radio. The caller is not there to have a personal conversation, they are in a forum, and there to give an opinion.
  17. I think he is right about not wanting to answer "How are you". Schoop is NOT ALONE in his disdain for this foolishness. Radio hosts across the country can't stand it, and it really slows down shows. I think Schoop is a jerk, but he is right about this. It is a drag on a show, and completely unnecessary. It happens continuously, caller after caller, and often the idiot caller actually extends the greeting into a personal conversation. You never know which guy will do it, but many will and it really needs to be nipped at the bud. And how many callers need to be told "We are having a great time tonight, what's your question?" Really? OVER AND OVER, all night long? BAD RADIO!!! It isn't the proper time to exchange pleasantries.
  18. You aren't being realistic about what is happening on the field. "Spare us what you think happened" This is a forum, telling me not to express my opinion is ridiculous. And if you don't care what I think, why are you addressing me specifically? I think dirty play was most definitely encouraged, and I think it happens in all kinds of sports, from auto racing to hockey, from baseball to football. And what aspect of this issue do you think I'm not facing (with my head in the sand)? Poor sportsmanship?! Corruption in pro sports?! Desperate actions by guys juiced up on growth hormones?! Inhumanity in the sporting world, where coaches dehydrate their own players to death?! Get real. I definitely believe there should be penalties dealt out, but I don't believe it will stop guys from trying to tear players heads off.
  19. Remember when the Jets DB's were accused of having a bet on who could knock Don Beebe out of a game? The next day at work the whole lunch room was talking (about 50 people), I I casually said that I wasn't the least bit surprised and that they are ALWAYS trying to knock guys out of a game. THE WHOLE LUNCH ROOM FREAKED OUT ON ME!They shouted me down and, as a temp worker, ostracized me. I never said I thought it was right, but I just wondered what it was people thought these guys are trying to do out there. I don't think anyone is trying to PERMANENTLY, or SERIOUSLY injure people(even with the bounties), but they sure as hell are trying to hit the guy hard enough that he can't finish the game. What is it you think these guys are trying to do when they run full speed at a guy, and drive him into the ground? I think you have your head in the sand.
  20. I don't think he is more polished than Floyd, just a better deep threat. As I said, I don't want either of them @ 10, and I don't think the Bills do either!
  21. Yeah, but nobody is buying that Wright is that slow. Just sayin'. I don't want either of them with the 10th pick. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/02/26/michael-floyd-stephen-hill-stand-out-at-combine/ Baylor wideout Kendall Wright, who is in competition with Floyd to be the second wideout draft, ran a surprisingly slow 4.61. Some hand times had him closer to 4.45. He plays much faster on the field and some expected him to be in the 4.3′s this week. He looked great in drills, however, and we don’t think the number will truly hurt Wright because he looks so much faster when he’s actually, you know, playing football.
  22. I haven't seen him mentioned as "a deep threat". If they are gonna draft a WR with the 10th pick, I think it should be a home-run hitter, not a possession receiver. I don't think they are going to use the pick on a WR, but if they do, I would expect it to be Kendall Wright. This is the one year that an OT would seem to be the best pick, by default. There don't seem to be any standouts (value-wise), at the positions that the Bills need DE, OLB, and WR.
  23. Yeah, but aside from his "indiscretions", he also comes across as an elitist jerk.
  24. By the time these teams are playing in the championship games, so many subtle things are influencing the outcome. Some bad clock management by a coach, and the next thing you know, some quarterback is considered a loser for the rest of his life.
  25. I think a 30 year old Peyton Manning QBing that Giants team would have gone undefeated.
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