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Geno Smith's Arm

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Everything posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. I didn't forget anything, I merely asked where posters feel the weakest links are. I can see that this thread is going to attract all the Fitz haters. I probably should have excluded starting QB...
  2. I am very happy with this draft, and think they have taken care of some key problems. Now that the draft is over, what do you all feel are the weakest links on this team? I'm thinking Tight-End, Outside LB, Back-up QB, and still WR. For a team that talked about how much they liked their O-line, they sure spent some picks on it. I am still concerned that they might not have really upgraded at WR.
  3. I thought this too, but the Bills have some decently fast guys when comparing their 40's to some of the WR's that were at the top of the draft. The Bills WR's just don't get open, or maybe don't "play fast".
  4. I predict failure. She will ruin him! He will be too comfortable, his career will plummet, and she will take all his money.
  5. Really? 10? 15? I think you can, especially when you don't have a good LT or any WR's that can make a play. The Giants have those too.
  6. The defense was 30th(?) last year. A new DC, switching to a 4-3. If they add another defender to start, that would be 2 rookies, and three 1st year starters/2nd year pro's, plus two free agents. I know the defense sucked, but that is also a lot of new guys, and very young players. Experience helps. I know "on paper" it looks glorious, but the Washington Redskins have had some great paper teams too. They need an influx of talent on the offensive side of the ball, too. Fitz is good, but he isn't a superstar, and needs good tools. Even with a great defense, the rules favor offenses, and the Bills are going to be scored on. They will have to keep up. How about "boldly" adding to the offense.
  7. How exactly is another defensive selection any more bold than selecting a wide receiver?
  8. They need to upgrade a position on the offense with this next pick. Be it lineman or receiver, it needs to be an improvement over what they have already. Maybe that sounds obvious, but just adding another WR that is no better than what they have isn't going to accomplish anything. I think it would be easier to find a lineman that would be an upgrade.
  9. Get over it. Spilled milk. Let's talk about Jim Leonard! Better yet, let's talk about Maybin! Sometimes teams have to make tough choices, and they are wrong. But it wasn't a "make or break" type of error. I doubt his presence would have changed their fortune (or misfortune) at all.
  10. Look out, here comes a sack!
  11. I think he is trying to over-intellectualize the drafting process ("if I just supply the right stats, I will prove I'm right!"). Unfortunately, there are so many variables from team to team, player to player, and year to year, that he ends up with his head up his own...
  12. What do Reed and Beebe have to do with the current the current front office? Every team has had some success finding receivers over a 20 year period. The fact is, most don't pan out. That's why it's prudent to select the Best Player Available. As far as the LT effecting the receivers career, it's more likely a QB problem.
  13. Really now, I think it's generally accepted that punters, and place-kickers are outside the normal rules when discussing the draft. It would be a real pain to have to qualify EVERY post with "this discussion doesn't apply to kickers or punters". As an aside, my screen name "Matthews' Bag" was a direct response to "Edwards' Arm". It was inspired by the teabagging of Edwards by Clay Matthews in his final game as a Bill, and the lowest point in franchise history in my opinion.
  14. hire a private investigator, and ready you divorce papers...
  15. Crayonz, is this you?
  16. He wouldn't take Sheppard's place! He would likely take over Morrisons spot. It's not "Sheppard Vs. Kuechly". Wasn't it made clear a few hundred times on this board, and then DIRECTLY FROM NIX'S MOUTH, that Kuechly can play any of the 3 LB positions?
  17. The point is that they could both start!
  18. Why all this concern about Sheppard? There are 3 LB positions, and Kuechly can play any of them. Linebackers take a lot of punishment, there will be some games missed by linebackers this season. It is also one of the glaring weaknesses of the defense.
  19. That's what I thought too. Maybe they were just trying to let everyone up there get involved. I definitely don't think it was rehearsed. I also don't think they would have so much hope invested in a player that is just as likely not to fall to them, that they would get flustered when asked about him.
  20. I'm watching you now. At first I thought this was just misleading, but looking at the list, I see it is misleading AND inaccurate.
  21. There is definitely some of that going on.
  22. I agree with you about the numbers game, but a great player can make the others around him much better. I only see about 7 elite prospects in this draft, and I don't expect the Bills to get one of them. I don't think any of the players after that are projected to be players that would add +1 to the numbers game.
  23. Speaking for myself, it's because every thread has someone posting "we don't need a ILB, we need an OLB", when if they bothered to read about the guy beyond the subtitle under his name, they would know that he is only listed as an inside linebacker because he played there in college, but that he has the skill set to play any LB position. Of course, that triggers "well, I don't want them to draft a guy at 10 that they have to teach a new position", and it just gets ugly from there... I'm not even that excited about the guy, I guess I just expect people to have done minimal research before posting an opinion about a player.
  24. So you are trying to tell me a QB is more important than a Guard?
  25. Ugh... I think you are over intellectualizing this (yes, I know that a QB can have more impact on a game). The chance of the Bills 10th pick becoming a HoF player is slim. The chance of them reaching for a player that turns out to be mediocre is high. Essentially, I think they should select the player that they feel has the best chance to excel (here comes, "what about a punter?" or "how about DeCastro"... You can figure those out for yourself). I think that any defensive player can have a big impact. Yes, every team has it's own needs, but a highly talented linebacker on this defense will have plenty of opportunity to contribute. On offense, the difference is more pronounced, obviously a Guard isn't going to be as important as a QB (somehow, I anticipate someone on this board wanting to dispute that). And for the record, I'm not clamoring for them to select Kuechly! I just keep seeing posts about how he is slow (he isn't), selecting him will make Sheppard a wasted pick (it won't), and that we need an OLB not an ILB (he has the skill set for both).
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