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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. I suppose you would think Robert Kennedy was a fraud also. Last time I checked, NY State wasn't that much different than most other states when it comes to its problems and issues. In fact NY State is probably one of the most cosmopolitan states in the country. There isn't anything "uniquely NY" that requires someone to grow up here to understand the issues. But for somebody who doesn't have a chance to win, Hillary sure does get alot of attention from conservatives. And even if she loses, we'll still have her as our senator, so it's a win-win.
  2. Where have you been? All of that has been happening in Iraq for the past couple of years.
  3. So you're saying that Bush had a hot pocket mentality with Iraq.
  4. I read today that the round trip cost was $30k, not $300k. Let's compare wasteful spending. Even at $300k, if the gov't found the $8 billion in "brinks of cash" that are unaccounted for in Iraq, it would pay for over 26,000 trips.
  5. It's just your imagination that's vomitus.
  6. And that's the basic problem, based on their performance with Iraq it is difficult to believe anything that this adminstration says without independent verification. What they say is true may or may not be, but they have no credibility when it comes to justifying military action against another country based on just their own word.
  7. "All" means anyone at my level of pay or above, including myself, even though I'm making much less than I was two years ago when my company closed and moved manufacturing operations to China.
  8. How else are the record federal debt and deficits rolled up by the "economic conservatives", Bush and the Republican congress, going to be payed for? Entitlement programs can't be cut enough to make up the difference. We're all going to have to pay the price for Bush's budgets and deficit-creating tax cuts. Businesses did pretty good in the late '90s before the cuts, they'll do so again.
  9. Many more people listen to conserative talk radio than progressive, thus a greater number of those who get their talking points from those shows. I'm always open to good moderate ideas, and I resist resorting to the personal attacks and namecalling that many so-called conservatives on this site do when they disagree with a poster. At the end of the day I'm going to support policies I believe in, as should conservatives, without having to attack the messenger on the other side of the issue.
  10. Listeners to Rush, Hannity, Savage, etc., prefer to let someone else do the mental heavy lifting for them and tell them how to think. Liberals tend to listen to all viewpoints and then make a decision, thus the name "liberal" - open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc..
  11. They prefer the Reagan model where Jane Wyman divorced him after he cheated behind her back with Nancy Davis, or Newt Gingrich who was seeing another woman when his wife was sick in the hospital, or Rudi Guliani who was going out in public with his current (2nd or 3rd wife, I lost count) while still married to the previous wife. Hypocracy, thy name is conservatism.
  12. The difference of course is that conservatives are prone to condemn others while carrying on the same vices in secret.
  13. What's wrong with admitting a mistake in judgment? Too bad more people don't do so (like the current administration).
  14. Is this an option? It would be a nice start.
  15. Yeah, it's always those pinko liberals that want to control personal choice. Where does it ban abortion, drug use, same-sex marriage, or restrict what we can watch on network television to name a couple? Those are issues that self-proclaimed conservatives want to control.
  16. One boob touching another.
  17. I don't see Iran using nukes unless the U.S. provokes them to. They know that they would get destroyed. It's more about having a deterrent against getting attacked by the U.S. or Israel, as well as getting up to speed with India and Pakistan. Pakistan itself could easily revert to an Islamic-ruled state, yet there's no uproar over them already having nukes.
  18. Maybe Dan Burton will put some more watermelons in his backyard to shoot and try once again to demostrate how the Clintons were involved with Foster's death.
  19. It's shocking that no one ever brought this up before. How did all these years go by without them being investigated and scrutinized?
  20. Just find a girl with a nice rack. There are some guys in punk freak shows that have had artificial horns put under the skin on their skulls to create devil-like horns, so I suppose they could put larger ones in. But at some point the size and weight would be too much for your head to support.
  21. 6'3" 235 lbs. - Tight end. And my frame could carry more muscle if I had an incentive to bulk up.
  22. That's a main reason why Israel wanted to give up control of the Palestinian areas, because if they became Israeli citizens they would eventually outnumber and outvote the Jewish citizens.
  23. The hub bub is that nobody is allowed to criticize Israeli government policies anymore without being labeled as being unfair and supporting terrorists. Similar to when anyone who criticized Bush's policies after 9/11 were labeled as anti-American.
  24. I don't care if they go into overtime, at least we're finally getting some legislation that the majority of Americans want. Unfortunately Bush will veto a couple of them, but at least they're doing what they promised to do if elected.
  25. It starts with his statements about Iran in his speech last night, and talking about moving Patriot missiles and a carrier battlegroup to the region. Obviously those aren't needed for the Iraq civil war. Then the military in Iraq went into an Iranian consulate and took Iranians into custody. The conservative talking heads are now all saying that Iran needs to be dealt with. The next step will probably be an airstrike against some Iranian target with the explaination being that they were cutting off aid going to the Iraqi insurgents. Some Iranian gunboat with a machine gun will shoot at an American ship, Bush will declare that Iran has attacked the U.S., and the bombers will be in the air bombing all the suspected nuclear facilities. So in the end the war will be broadened, any moderates left in the Middle East will side with Iran, Bush will do the dirty work for Israel and the neo-cons, oil will go to $100 a barrel, and worst of all the lack of vision by this administration will needlessly cost the lives of many more American soldiers. If it gets to that point I pray that the Congress, and especially the Republicans, get the backbone to impeach both Bush and Cheney for their utter incompetence.
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