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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Most people know who Governor Eliot Spitzer is and his party affiliation, I doubt most people even heard of Larry Craig before his toe-tap episode. I think you're reaching with Glenn Beck talking points.
  2. Didn't he graduate on 'Welcome Back Kotter'? I heard that the possible drug in question is Prozac.
  3. But the gun lobby will say there are enough laws, they just need to be enforced. But then the administration and the previous Congress wouldn't continue the Cops program to put more police on the street to enforce the laws. And then they wanted to build more jails, but wouldn't fund afterschool programs to try to keep kids from turning to criminal activities. And so the vicious circle continues and nothing changes.
  4. So am I, "a well regulated militia". I have no problem letting each household have single shot muskets or pistols like they did when the Constitution was written. I'm also OK with hunting rifles and shotguns. But I see no need for the public to have semi-automatic weapons and quick load pistols with clips. They should be restricted to the military and police. But I'm also realistic and know it will never change.
  5. Email #7 - "Please forward ideas on how to "Swift-boat" George Tenet before his book comes out that will verify how VP Cheney pushed for and hyped one-sided intel about Iraq."
  6. He would have been better off asking Bush to appoint her as a District Attorney or ambassador to Belguim, where who you know is more important than what you know.
  7. Based on the difficult schedule, the uncertainty at RB, and what will be a less experienced defense, I think 8-8 is a realistic expectation. They'll be in the hunt for the lower wildcard slot but will come up a little short because of conference record.
  8. Sept. 9 DENVER BRONCOS - WIN Sept. 16 @ Pittsburgh Steelers - LOSE Sept. 23 @ New England Patriots - LOSE Sept. 30 NEW YORK JETS - WIN Oct. 8 DALLAS COWBOYS - WIN Oct. 21 BALTIMORE RAVENS - LOSE Oct. 28 @ New York Jets - LOSE Nov. 4 CINCINNATI BENGALS - WIN Nov. 11 @ Miami Dolphins - WIN Nov. 18 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS - LOSE Nov. 25 @ Jacksonville Jaguars - LOSE Dec. 2 @ Washington Redskins - LOSE Dec. 9 MIAMI DOLPHINS - WIN Dec. 16 @ Cleveland Browns - WIN Dec. 23 NEW YORK GIANTS - WIN Dec. 30 @ Philadelphia Eagles - LOSE
  9. I'm referring to the fact that those issues mean less air time on the news about Attorney-gate and other administration problems. At least now we know that rappin' Rove isn't the baby's daddy.
  10. Don Imus, Larry Birkhead, and Sanjay are Karl Rove's answers to his prayers.
  11. The conservatives that wanted Americans to stop importing French Fries and French Toast will be disappointed to hear that.
  12. I admit that the other news media is biased towards the truth.
  13. The Republicans have created a bit of a problem for themselves. If they pick a conservative candidate they can lose moderates and independents in the general election. If they pick a social moderate they could lose their evangelical base who usually votes in large numbers. It's going to be a difficult tightrope act for them, especially if they continue to back Bush's Iraq policy.
  14. He contributed $50k towards the Swiftboat campaign against Kerry. Right before his nomination was going to be voted on, Bush withdrew the nomination since they figured he was going to be voted down, and didn't want that negative vote on record. Bush then waited until Congress left and made the appointment. There's still some question over whether it's legal, since in the past a person who was appointed this way still had their nomination pending in Congress, as was the case with John Bolton. The fact that Bush withdrew the nomination and then appointed might be legally interpreted as trying to avoid Congress' right to oversight.
  15. Who said she was negotiating? She was just forwarding the views of some in the U.S. on issues related to Syria, which isn't against the interests of the U.S.. By the way, there was a representative from the State dept. with her delegation.
  16. I think Cheney would be charged with a crime and arrested by the Secret Service. He would probably be impeached as Vice President, as he would never be sworn in as president, and the Speaker of the House would be sworn in as president.
  17. McCain has moved to the right since 2000, and is now aligned with Bush's foreign policy, which is a reason why his poll numbers went down. There isn't really a true "moderate" running for the GOP, but based on his previous socal positions on abortion, gay rights, and gun control, RudyG is the closest. Whether he would actually do anything on those issues remains to be seen. I don't think a 3rd party candidate has a chance, the 2 major parties have too much control and influence over the process. In a 3 way race I think Bloomberg and RudyG would hurt each other and help Clinton.
  18. ...too bad it's for the WNBA. I suppose you could use it as practice for your NFL draft routine. Some of the "ladies" look like they could make the practice squad.
  19. If it was against the Constitution for members of Congress to speak to foreign leaders, then they could be charged with treason. It isn't, they're not, and that's the end of the story. You can not like Congress making Bush look like a petulant child who's kicking and screaming about not getting his way, but it's legal and in my opinion long overdue that someone in Washington try to bring about diplomatic and political solutions, not just military as Bush continues to try.
  20. Dick Cheney and OCinPhilly must be disappointed that they're losing this opportunity to advocate military action against Iran. Negotiating a peaceful settlement is such an impediment to the neo-con agenda.
  21. That would be the case if we had a competent administration, but since we don't someone has to be the adult and not just talk to the people we like. Nixon talked to North Vietnam and China, Carter talked to Egypt, and Reagan talked to the Soviet Union, but Bush and Rice can't talk to Syria or Iran. Even the Israeli PM wants to have regional talks including Syria and Iran, and Bush is opposing it.
  22. If I had to choose it would be the Brits, but it doesn't matter what we think. The people this is intended for, Iranians and the Middle Easterners, will believe Iran. Of course after all the misinformation we've been given in the past few years, it's hard to believe anyone anymore.
  23. Other than showing their citizens and the Middle East that they're willing to stand up to the West, in the short term it's helping them make a nice profit on the oil market. The price of oil has gone up $5 since this started. Imagine how much it would go up if there was a shooting conflict and the Strait of Hormuz (sp?) was closed to shipping.
  24. My bad, the report I heard yesterday said it was an Iranian ship. But the Iranians still dispute where the ship was. Of course both sides will say they were in the right. It's not hard to manufacture pictures or documents to support their statements. Opie and Anthony? That might be worse than watching The View!
  25. Ask Wacka for the popcorn, The View is over so he doesn't need it anymore.
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