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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Currently reading an alternate history book called World War: In the Balance by Harry Turtledove. Aliens invade the Earth during WWII and the Allied and Axis powers have to work together to fight them. It's the first book in a four book series.
  2. When they know they have the black voters wrapped up and now want to get the blue collar white voters that are offended by the remarks of their pastor. And there is no such thing as reverse discrimination, it's just discrimination of blacks against whites. The reverse of discrimination would be acceptance and equal treatment.
  3. The difference has been hypocracy in policies and illegal activity. When an elected official has public policy positions that are in conflict with their secret activity, or they are conducting illegal activity, I believe that disqualifies them from elected office. Whether it's anti-gay legislation while conducting gay activity, prosecuting prostitution while using it themselves, impeaching someone for lying about sex while themselves having an affair, or campaign finance reform while taking bribes, it's all hypocracy regardless of political party. If the activity is legal and not in conflict with public policies, then it's a private family matter until the next election, when the voters can decide if that's the type of person they want to represent them.
  4. If the Chinese aren't doing anything wrong, then why not let the international press into Tibet to report the news and talk to the various interests. Why do they restrict the media and internet access of their own citizens. If the Tibet issue isn't resolved peacefully and in the open, I would support a boycott of the Olympics. I think it was a mistake to award it to China in the first place, but money trumps freedom.
  5. Nothing real serious, but some that really hurt. Threw discus and shot put in high school. At an away track meet a relay runner couldn't run so I was asked to sub, never having ran before. At the end of my lap and way out of gas I fell on the stone pebble covered track and got a bunch of sharp pebbles imbedded in my back. None of the coaches helped me out and I was like that for a couple more hours until I got home and my mother picked the stones out of my back. College pickup basketball, came down with a rebound and split my chin open on another guy's head. Another time I got torsioned testicles, where the testicles wrap around each other. Constant sick feeling of getting kicked in the groin for about 3 weeks. Had to sit with my legs up whenever possible so they would unwrap without surgery. Last year while playing ice hockey my legs were kicked out from behind and I fell on my taibone and hit my head. Got a slight concussion and I think I chipped my tailbone, because it still hurts occasionally if I sit too long.
  6. With that much money she should be able to get herself rebuilt like the Bionic Woman. Or at least get a gun for her leg like the chick in Grindhouse.
  7. They had a rough time during their marriage, they went to counciling, and decided to work it out and stay together. As long as they did nothing illegal it's their own business.
  8. Well toilet paper wasn't universally available back then, so I'm sure our founding fathers were quite familiar with dingleberries.
  9. A couple of speedboats packed with explosives targeted towards a supertanker in the Strait of Hormuz and oil prices would go through the clouds (they're already through the roof).
  10. That's funny stuff, you should write for Glenn Beck. I read this and think of Fred Thompson getting all red in the face telling Sam Waterson what a liberal weenie he is. Fred in 08 is back from the dead! The "Snooze 'til you lose" campaign continues!
  11. You really believe that if Clinton had told the truth from the start and never lied to the grand jury, that the Republicans would have given him a pass and said it's a private matter? Let's be real.
  12. But the general voting public wasn't paying attention to details about Obama a year ago, now they are. And like I said, I would expect more to come as the Rezko trial goes forward and the RNC now focuses on him.
  13. Harrison Ford vs the big German by the airplane in Raiders of the Lost Ark. The championship hockey game in Slapshop. Rocky vs Apollo in Rocky. Peter Griffin vs the Chicken (3 different times) on Family Guy.
  14. Still time for Democrats to rally behind Hillary. You know what baggage you're getting with her, who knows what other skeletons are in Obama's closet, but I'm sure the RNC is looking.
  15. I can agree with that, he's no better than a conservative who votes against gay rights and then has a gay affair.
  16. If he was white he never would have been chosen for the DNC speech, and he would have faced a real challenger for the Senate race.
  17. If Obama doesn't drop the race card slander, some of us might be doing campaigning for McCain.
  18. Does anyone know his party affiliation? He's such an obscure figure that I don't think it's ever been mentioned in the news.
  19. The guy was in the national news as an attorney general for his prosecutions of Wall Street figures. Anybody who didn't know his party affiliation probably doesn't pay attention to the news anyways. You'd have a better case if it was a person who didn't have national exposure, like a mayor or representative. It's silly to even be discussing this non-issue.
  20. She was one of the heads of a contribution committee, a volunteer position. And no one is whining about the 90% black vote, just pointing it out as a fact when people ask why Obama has won as much as he has. The race card is being played by the Obama campaign by treating any discussion of race as racist.
  21. Her being there in part because she's a woman is a factual statement, which I have no problem with. Being married to Bill is part of her history and experience that would otherwise not be. Her winning in New Hampshire is credited to her late support from women. Historically, white men have been able to ascend in politics in part because they were white men, because voters weren't willing to give non-whites or women a chance. No one has said it's wrong that some people vote for Obama because of his ethnicity, they've just pointed out that it's a fact. Just as some people vote for Hillary because she's a woman. I would argue that it isn't the most important reason to support someone, but it is for some.
  22. Like take her to a Bills game in Toronto?
  23. The simple solution would have been to stop bringing her food, so she would have had to leave to eat. But like the 800 pound guys who get stuck in bed, there's always an enabler who perpetuates the problem.
  24. It will be official when Bobby Ewing comes out of the shower and posts.
  25. For Ferraro to be called a racist after stating the fact that Obama wouldn't be where he is without being black is ridiculous. He clearly is getting 90% of the black vote because in part due to his ethnicity, as well as votes from whites who feel that a non-white president would be a positive message to send to the world. He may very well still be contending if he was white based on his skills, but I doubt he would be getting 90% of the black vote, which has been the difference in many state primaries and caucuses. I'm disappointed that Hillary has distanced herself from Ferraro. The Obama campaign needs to be challenged on their repeated labeling people as racists because they point out the facts about how ethnicity is a factor in this election, just as gender is a factor for Hillary. If this continues, the Obama campaign risks pushing moderate white voters away who don't appreciate the race card being used without cause.
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