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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. I'd be fine with the simple process of winner take all, whoever got the most votes in a state gets all the delegates for that state. Anything other than that is playing games with the will of the voters in those states. Caucuses, giving one district more delegates than another with similar populations, it all distorts the will of the voters. The state primaries should be the same as the general election, you get the most votes, you get all the electoral votes.
  2. There was a simple solution, a revote in both states, but Obama and his supporters blocked it. The states were ready to move, financing was available, and the DNC would have done it in June. But once again Obama rope-a-doped.
  3. "States won", what a dumb arguement. Like winning Utah's primary is going to mean anything in the general election. If you want to play that game, count the electoral votes from the swing states each won, and then tell me who's the stronger candidate.
  4. Obama took his own name off the Michigan ballots, he wasn't asked or required to, and then he told his supporters to vote for "Uncommitted", yet still got less than Hillary. Obama didn't show the good judgement he speaks about in this case. It's a fact more people have voted for Hillary than Obama. Obama runs the risk of disenfranchising Michigan and Florida voters at his own peril. I never thought an African-American would want to disenfranchise voters after those that came before him sacrificed so much to be counted, but that must be some of the "change" he talks of.
  5. Yet Obama supporters think he should be given the nomination by superdelegates because he has more pledged delegates achieved with less popular votes due to varying caucus rules, even though it doesn't reach the 2025 necessary to win. "We were ahead in the playoffs after the 3rd quarter, so we should be given the game. And don't count some of the points the other team scored, even though we all saw them scored".
  6. If he's the nominee, I expect someone will release a holiday song, "Grandma got run over by Obama".
  7. You obviously haven't been listening, there have been multiple interviews in the past couple of weeks where Hillary has talked about her positions on the economy, gas and food prices, Iraq, Iran, healthcare, and taxes. All I've heard from Obama recently is flip-flops on Rev Wright and negative attacks on Hillary. He says removing the gas tax for the summer is naive, but offers no alternative. Complaining without offering alternative solutions is not leadership. Hillary still has had more people vote for her than Obama, and in fact more than any Democrat in primary history. When's Obama going to catch her on total votes?
  8. NASHUA, N.H. - A 43-year-old Nashua, N.H. woman faces murder charges after a man she's accused of running down during the weekend died. Witnesses say the incident was sparked by an argument between Red Sox and Yankees fans at a Nashua bar early Friday morning. Ivonne Hernandez is accused of killing 29-year-old Matthew Beaudoin, and injuring his friend, 21-year-old Maria Hughes, by running them down with her car. She's also charged with drunken driving. Police say the incident followed an argument. They haven't released details, but witness are saying an argument broke out in Slade's Food & Spirits after Hernandez said she was a Yankees fan. They said Beaudoin was among a group of people who began chanting at Hernandez. http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/24468147/
  9. It was in part predictable because I remembered Obidah Stane being a bad guy in the comics. In Batman Begins I knew Ra's al Ghul was a villian, but I was suprised when it turned out it was really Liam Neason.
  10. Ironic that Drury took a 4 minute penalty for high sticking that drew blood with about 1 minute left in regulation that extended into overtime yesterday to give the Penguins a chance to clinch it, although Pittsburgh didn't score on that powerplay. Maybe they haven't fully shaken the Buffalo sports curse.
  11. About 10 years ago on the way to work I got stopped about a mile from my house for speeding and going through a stop sign (I didn't come to a full and complete stop) twice by the same cop within 6 months. I was worried about the points, so I got a lawyer for $300 and got the second one reduced to a faulty muffler. A couple years ago going from Syracuse to Elmira to coach my son's hockey team, on the two lane hilly highway between Ithaca and Elmira, I was going about 75 on a 55. There was no traffic and it's farm country. As I came to the top of one hill, a state trooper came to the top of the next hill. I tried to slow down, but sure enough she turned and followed me for a couple miles and then pulled me over. Gave me a 72 in a 55. As we sat there the other kids on the team were passing us. When I got to the locker the kids chanted, "Coach got a ticket, coach got a ticket". Fortunately for me one of my assistant coaches is an assistant DA in Syracuse. He made some calls for me and it got knocked down to "Failure to obey a traffic control device" with no points.
  12. Since the gov't is involved, I expect that it would be based on the Ultimate Avengers version. If they wanted to make it really interesting, they could crossover and have the Avengers try to capture the Hulk. I thought the movie was true to the character. The only part I didn't like was that the final villian/fight was pretty predictable. And in general I really hate how much gets revealed in the movie trailers. The Batman and Hulk trailers don't leave much to the imagination. I realize that the internet makes it tough to keep secrets, but I liked when we would go in not knowing what was going to happen. The new Star Trek movie trailer has done a good job so far, only showing the building of the Enterprise with no character reveals.
  13. (CNN) – Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign said Friday that movie clips on the Internet which show former administration official and current supporter Mickey Kantor allegedly using a racial slur, and an expletive to refer to Indiana residents, are a “total fabrication.” The footage was drawn from the 1992 documentary ‘The War Room’ — but the actual language used by Kantor is inaudible in both cases. In one clip circulating on the Web, Kantor appears to say to James Carville, “Look at Indiana, wait, wait – look at Indiana. 42-40. It doesn’t matter if we win. Those people are s—. Excuse me." Kantor today told the Huffington Post that he "was talking about the polling and not the people." The film’s director, D.A. Pennebaker, said in an interview with the Politico that, "he says they must be s—ing in the White House." Another clip drawn from the film features racially derogatory language which was not heard in the original footage, and which Kantor and the filmmaker both said was added later. The Clinton campaign also said Friday that the clip had been “doctored.”
  14. They've only had a few debates just between the two of them, new issues come up throughout the campaign (the recent differences on how to provide quick relief for drivers and homeowners), and they've never had a direct debate without moderators who bring up non-policy issues. I just don't see how someone can claim to be the best person for the job yet be unwilling to directly debate their opponent. It might be good politics to try to run out the clock, but it shows a lack of confidence. We'll just have to agree to disagree on our opinions of Hillary.
  15. Well at least there's still one Democrat candidate left who has the balls to debate the issues.
  16. Now who's being dishonest. Anyone can take general statements and twist them out of context, as you have done. She's always been for some gun control, that doesn't make a person anti-gun. On issues like NAFTA and outsourcing, I would be worried if she didn't change her opinions on them after what's happened in the last decade. Changing ones policies to adjust to economic realities is not being dishonest, it's what an elected official is supposed to do. She's always talked about ending combat operations and bringing them home. But even Obama wouldn't leave the embassy undefended. I'll give you points for effort, but not for accuracy.
  17. Yet Obama won't man up and confront her face to face about what you allege are dishonest policy statements. I can understand if you disagree with her policies, but what proof do you have that her policy statements are dishonest?
  18. First you complained that she was just making negative attacks and not talking policy. Then when I called you on that mistake you switch your complaint to her not being honest when she talks policy. Make up your mind. If Obama debated her one-on-one, he wouldn't have to worry about what the moderators asked, and if he's right about policy and she's wrong, what better place to call her out on it. Obama's playing rope-a-dope. You want to be rid of Hillary, then urge Obama to step aside and give her the nomination. Since Obama supporters don't think she can win, she'll lose the general election, she won't be able to come back in 2012, and Obama will have it to himself.
  19. That's just not true and you know it. The majority of her speeches and ads are about what policies she would enact. You see 10 second media clips of her answering questions on what she would have done regarding Rev. Wright or about Obama's "bitter" comment and think that's all she talks about. If Obama wants to talk policy, why not accept the challenge to unmoderated debates where they would be directly asking each other questions? Because he knows he would lose on substance.
  20. Anybody consider that maybe Claire died in the explosion last week, the island is just creating a manifestation of her, and her father was calling her soul back to the dead side, thus the reason she's gone and the baby was left alone. Maybe that's why Miles kept staring at her, he knows she's supposed to be dead. From last week's episode: Sawyer continues to beat on the door and yell. Claire comes out with the baby and asks what's going on. "You alright, sweetheart?" Sawyer asks. "Yeah, a bit wobbly, but I'll live," she says. "Well I wouldn't be too sure about that," Miles says.
  21. You can't evaluate Miller without looking at the whole team. A lack of consistant offense led to more opportunites in our zone and closer games. A lack of consistant defense allowed more quality shots and rebounds on Miller. Over time a lack of confidence in his teammates and fatigue from playing so much caught up with Miller, which affected his mental sharpness. I'd still take Miller over Biron, who would have done worse if he was the Sabres starter. Beside the obvious need to improve in front of Miller, I'd like to see them bring in a veteran who could play 20-30 games, like Olaf Kolzig who appears to have had a parting of the ways with Washington. Look at Detroit, they have 2 starting goalies and don't have a problem playing either.
  22. I think this is the most likely scenario if the Bills move; a retractable roof stadium will be built in Canada somewhere between Buffalo and Toronto. Maybe in Niagara Falls, Ont. so it could be used year round for other events that would take advantage of the proximity of the casinos. The Niagara Frontier Bills.
  23. Didn't she ever see any of those women's prison movies? She could have ran her operation inside the prison, like Caged Heat with Linda Blair.
  24. Five QBs, and we'll be lucky if one of them can play well enough to score consistantly.
  25. I'll never understand why some people are so greedy with their money, unwilling to sacrifice a percentage of their wealth to help others who may not have had the same opportunities or mentors as them. We just think differently about what the priorities of life are. The more I make, the more I'm willing to give to help others, including paying more taxes to better our community and country. To do otherwise for me would be selfish. But we all have different interpretations of What Would Jesus Do. You're entitled to vote your conscience, as I will mine.
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