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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. I thought this was going to be an obituary thread. I think he's best as a supporting actor.
  2. "He could be asleep on his feet, he could be grazing, or he could be daydreaming about a herd of lady buffaloes." This could just as easily be used to describe a Bills fan.
  3. The ones he learned from Rev Wright, or the ones he showed when he threw him under the bus with grandma when they became a liability?
  4. People say they don't believe what Hillary says. What do you think she's going to do that contrasts with what she's said if she's president? Do you think she's going to continue the Bush policy in Iraq? Not increase diplomatic efforts internationally? Do you think she's not going to push for healthcare? Is she going to lower the taxes on the wealthiest? Appoint conservative judges? I'm voting on the issues and who I think can best enact them. I'll leave voting for personality to American Idol.
  5. I want the Penguins but I won't be suprised if the Red Wings win due to their veteran experience. Would be ironic if at some point the backup goalies played; former Sabres Hasek and Conklin. The Penguin's Wilkes-Barre Scranton AHL farm team is still competing in their semi-finals, playing the probable new farm team location for Buffalo, the Portland Pirates. So the Penguins must have some young talent they'll be able to use in the future.
  6. She stated a correct fact. According to the DNC ruling at the time, the election wasn't going to be counted. But she believed it should, and will make that arguement when the DNC committee rules on Florida and Michigan after the primaries. I expect they will end up seating half the delegates, or all the delegates but only let them count as half a delegate vote. But once they are seated, those who say the popular vote doesn't count won't have an arguement because it will have been used to determine the delegate split, which will make it legitimate in the eyes of the DNC.
  7. They signed an agreement not to campaign. It was the DNC that said the delegates wouldn't be seated. The candidates didn't agree to that, that's what they were told. Even if the delegates aren't seated, the people did vote and their votes are on record. Private donations were lined up to pay for the revotes in both states. Money wasn't the issue. The governors said they were willing to allow revotes, but they wanted all parties to agree that it should take place. If they did they would have revoted in June. Hillary agreed, the DNC agreed, but Obama wouldn't agree.
  8. So many people with so many mistakes, I don't know where to start. Let's see, Ohio, Penn., WV, Florida, Michigan, and Kentucky are racist because they're swing states that went for Hillary. White people voting for Hillary are racist because she's white, black people voting for Obama because he's black aren't racist. Women vote for Hillary because she's a woman, men vote for Obama because he's inspirational, not because he's a man. So much for consistancy. If she gets the nomination by getting enough superdelegates to vote for her, which is the requirement since neither can win with pledged delegates, she's stealing it, even though Obama hasn't won it yet. But if Obama gets the nomination by convincing enough superdelegates to vote for him, he's not stealing it, even if she gets more popular votes. In Michigan Obama took his name off the ballot, it wasn't required, because he knew he was going to lose and wanted a way to discredit Clinton's projected win. He still told voters to vote Uncommitted, and of those votes, not all can be claimed by him since many may have been for Edwards. And I was always for a revote in both states, as was Hillary, but Obama's representatives blocked it, because they knew it was politically advantageous to disinfranchise those voters.
  9. A 35% win in another swing state, one that was won twice by Bill Clinton in the general election, and is again in play in 2008. The momentum in swing states is clearly on Hillary's side, and with her once again taking the lead in popular votes, the superdelegates are going to have to decide if they're going to vote with their heads and choose her or vote with their hearts for Obama. Despite Obama and his supporters declaring Mission Accomplished prematurely last night, the majority of voters have said that Hillary is their choice. Obama just hasn't put any meat on the 'change' bones to convince blue collar workers that he'll fight for them and their issues. And on a side note, I wonder why Obama has his young children in Iowa on stage after 9pm on a school night. What kind of message does that send on the importance of education.
  10. Kennedy has been diagnosed as having a malignant brain tumor. The usual course of treatment includes combinations of various forms of radiation and chemotherapy.
  11. I still have a Marx electric train set that my parents got me back in the '60s. The original transformer still works. Also from the '60s is the old metal vibrating football game. From the early '80s are a duel cassette boom box and a Spider-man phone.
  12. That's not much of an accomplishment. He's not a clone, but on the major policy issues of Iraq, Iran, taxes, healthcare, and judicial appointments he follows the Bush handbook. A new coach using the same playbook means more losing seasons.
  13. No, this only deals with civil and religious marriages being recognized by the gov't. Religious groups are free to include/exclude whoever they want. It's more to give them the same legal rights as married couples.
  14. I didn't say Saudi Arabia. We're in countries all around Saudi Arabia and the strait. The police don't have to live in your house to make you feel safe if they're just down the street.
  15. Maybe it's time to pull our troops and ships out and tell the Saudis to start protecting themselves, instead of going hat-in-hand asking for favors. I'm tired of our country protecting these monarchies who thumb their noses at us when we ask for some reciprocal help. NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Oil prices surged nearly $3, reaching a record high of almost $128 a barrel Friday as Saudi Arabia rejected President Bush's call to increase production. According to the White House, Saudia Arabia doesn't see enough demand to increase production. President Bush met with Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah on Friday as part of his Middle East tour to appeal for greater production to help quell crippling fuel prices. Crude began to rise earlier in the day after traders foresaw a jump in diesel fuel use following the earthquake in China and Goldman Sachs revised its price outlook sharply higher. Oil prices: U.S. crude for June delivery was up $2.96 a barrel to $127.08 on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Earlier, crude hit $127.82, topping the previous intraday record of $126.98 set Tuesday. Last Friday, oil closed at a record $125.96 a barrel. "Everything the market looks at is bullish," Peter Beutel, an oil analyst at Cameron Hanover, wrote in a research note Friday. Traders fear that the rebuilding after the 7.9 magnitude earthquake that rocked southwest China Monday - and killed more than 20,000 people with tens of thousands of others still missing - will lead to a sharp increase in diesel fuel use, the Associated Press reported. http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/16/markets/oi...dex.htm?cnn=yes
  16. It gives the Republicans an issue to get the evangelical voters who are lukewarm to McCain out to vote. Gays and abortion were a factor in 2000, probably enough to give the election to Bush.
  17. Or you could start singing, "The old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be...".
  18. Animals and children can't give consent, adult humans can. And why marry the cow when the milk is free.
  19. The Hooters are great, the girls there put their northern counterparts to shame. They're model good. The traffic during rush hours is terrible. Make sure you get into the proper lane to enter/exit well before you get to a ramp, because you'll have a hard time changing lanes. Expect to go bumper-to-bumper and slow with plenty of quick stops when someone cuts lanes without much room.
  20. If you look at the organizations that don't tolerate not being a contender for long, and make smart changes and pay to remain competitive, it's the Red Wings, Cardinals, Steelers, and Lakers.
  21. Yes they have, but not by Clinton.
  22. If would be better if they also declared straight marriages to be unconstitutional and changed their status to "friends with benefits".
  23. It does sound silly when you generalize it as you do, instead of looking at the specific consistant proposals to reduce the tax burden on the middle class and increase it on the wealthiest who did and will still do quite well with a higher tax rate. And of course short term relief doesn't mean you don't also pursue long term solutions.
  24. If it's Obama, McCain wins 293-245. If it's Clinton, Clinton wins 292-246. The difference is winning the key swing states like Ohio, Penn., and Michigan.
  25. I'm sorry, I missed the part where Obama has enough superdelegates to win the nomination. You'd think that would be headline news. She got more votes in Texas, and more in Michigan where she also didn't campaign but was smart enough to stay on the ballot. And God forbid a politician would actually give voters what they want; universal healthcare, short term relief from fuel prices, and smart foreign policy. Let's vote for the guy who doesn't offer solutions, but panders to the poets. If Edwards could attract the voters that Obama can't and Clinton has he would still be in the race. Obama has just raised the stakes by playing the Edwards card to distract the media from his crushing defeat in WV, and now if he loses in Kentucky by another wide margin, he will really look like a weak general election candidate, and Edwards will look just as bad. Where's Elizabeth Edwards, why hasn't she endorsed Obama? Perhaps her saying Clinton had a better healthcare plan offers a clue, but she doesn't want to state publicly who she favors as long as her husband has a chance at a job appointment.
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