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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. That's not me, I don't wear that shade of lipstick.
  2. I agree that in the end whoever gets the total required delegates to vote for them at the convention will be the nominee. But since neither will reach that number from pledged delegates, the superdelegates will be the deciders, and when it comes to tiebreakers the total popular vote and wins in key electoral college states trumps total number of states.
  3. Before Saturday, nay-sayers said FL and MI didn't count because the DNC didn't count them. Now that they have been counted, those popular votes are as valid as any other state. The fact remains that she has more popular votes than Obama. That's much more valid than awarding 55 Uncommitted delegates to Obama based on unreliable exit polls, and in fact taking away 4 delegates that should have gone to Clinton. If Obama wants to end the race, he should offer the VP position to Clinton. Otherwise I support her decision to keep working to convince superdelegates to back her until she decides otherwise.
  4. They're renaming their French crullers to be Freedom crullers, to be served with a cup of Liberty latte.
  5. I agree, having to follow Dick Cheney's orders under pressure of getting a face full of buckshot, and then trying to sell his baloney to the public has to be very stressful.
  6. With another blowout win over Obama, this time in Puerto Rico, Hillary is assured of winning the popular vote total. The seating of all the delegates from Florida and Michigan means that those vote totals are now recognized as official. More people have voted for Hillary than any other person in the history of primaries. The last time the Democrats selected a nominee who didn't win the popular vote was 1972 when they picked McGovern, who was crushed in the general election by Nixon. Now it's time for the superdelegates to do the smart thing and not the easy thing, and follow the will of the majority of voters and support Hillary. Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhzAUJB7NDQ
  7. With all the delegates from Florida and Michigan being seated with half votes instead of half the delegates being seated, the argument that their total popular votes didn't count is gone, and therefore at the end of the primaries Hillary will have the most popular votes, while neither will have enough pledged delegates to win the nomination. Until the superdelegates vote at the convention, neither will be the nominee. The Hillary supporters who were upset that Uncommitted delegates were given to Obama based on arbitrary unofficial exit polls had it right; Denver, Denver!
  8. After getting to watch the whole video of the latest pastor disaster at Obama's Trinity United church and not just a short clip and the transcript, what is even more disturbing than the ravings of the pastor is the reaction of the people in the church. These people are lunatics the way they jump up and applaud racist comments. How can Obama continue to associate himself with such nutjobs? Imagine the outrage if someone in a white church mocked a black man and said he was upset that he lost because he's black and thought he was entitled to affirmative action, but had it taken away by a white woman, and the congregation jumped up and applauded. Where are the other black pastors who should speak up and say that that church is not representative of what goes on in other black churches (at least I hope not). If Obama forged his beliefs with the nuts in that church, it really calls into question his judgement and what he truely believes. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but the evidence says otherwise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H11x6bMu4Y
  9. He is a strong supporter of Louis Farrakhan and has been described as a "spiritual adviser" to Obama. He also publicly threatened the life of a Chicago businessman and, according to one report, "is known for climbing ladders to deface liquor billboards." In his Trinity United oration, Pfleger asserted that white people have a moral obligation to surrender their assets, which, he suggested, properly belong to blacks. Perhaps if the media had done their job and properly vetted Obama and his connections before the election got this far, we would have learned about these shady characters before people voted and might have had a different outcome.
  10. Easy Money with Rodney Dangerfield and Joe Pesci Summer Rental with John Candy It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
  11. You can be dismissive, but this "white bashing" that comes from his church is going to haunt him in the general election, especially with the white voters he couldn't win in the primaries. If he loses the white working class vote in November, he only has himself and his wife to blame, partially due to the company they keep.
  12. He's not responsible for what people say in his church, but he and his wife are responsible for continuing to support a church that now has a pattern of preachers giving racist sermons.
  13. The next day the man went to McCain's office, where he was offered a part-time job with no benefits. Unfortunately it would cost the man more money for transportation, food, healthcare, and clothing if he took the job than he would make from the job. The full time jobs with benefits that had a living wage were shipped overseas by companies who were rewarded with big tax cuts by McCain's party. And McCain didn't even miss the $6 that came out of his pocket because his wife had about $6 million more to take care of him.
  14. A video making the rounds on YouTube shows Obama spiritual advisor the Rev. Michael Pfleger in Obama's Trinity United Church last weeked mocking Hillary Clinton for becoming teary-eyed before the New Hampshire primary in January. In the video, Pfleger, a strong supporter of Louis Farrakhan, wipes his eyes with a handkerchief and suggests Clinton wept because she thought that as a white person and the wife of a former president, she was entitled to the presidency. "When Hillary was crying [gesturing tears, uproarious laughter from audience]--and people said that was put-on--I really don't believe it was put-on. I really believe that she just always thought "This is mine" [laughter, hoots]. "I'm Bill's wife. I'm white. And this is mine. And I jus' gotta get up. And step into the plate." And then out of nowhere came, "Hey, I'm Barack Obama." And she said: "Oh, damn! Where did you come from!?!?!" [Crowd going nuts, Pfleger screaming]. "I'm white! I'm entitled! There's a black man stealing my show." [sobs.] She wasn't the only one crying! There was a whole lotta white people cryin'!" http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1212078535...ign2008_mostpop
  15. She was just back in the Senate yesterday voting on bills. She doesn't have to be in the building to conduct business, her assistants keep her up to date on issues. If you have a specific issue you need help with that only she can resolve, give her office a call.
  16. We'd have been in much better shape if the Electoral College sided with the popular vote in 2000. I'm still waiting for someone to show me where Hillary is breaking the rules. You're just reaching at straws now because it kills you when you're wrong.
  17. Of course you're not supporting Hillary because she owes some bills. Nevermind the fact that the majority of Americans owe money on their credit cards and don't pay up front. Try again.
  18. You could always do a write-in vote to show your preference. I'm considering doing it.
  19. Read up on the rules, last time I checked superdelegates can vote for whoever they want for whatever reason. Even pledged delegates can switch if they want. And Florida/Michigan is TBD by the DNC. So nothing Hillary is doing is against the rules.
  20. Hillary's Witch Brew Rev Wright Malt Liquor Loafer Light NA Dolphin Cerveza
  21. It was good until the end. C'mon, tap water hurts the aliens? They weren't rock creatures, so they had to have liquid inside of them. It's a contradiction.
  22. Another distortion of facts. She is not mathematically eliminated. She can't pass Obama in pledged delegates, but neither has the number of pledged delegates needed to win the nomination. She can get the nomination with the support of superdelegates, or if pledged delegates switch their votes at the convention. It may be a long shot, but it is not a mathematical certainty that she is eliminated. It's the Obama elitist arrogance of arithmetic.
  23. I suspect that those other states would have been similar had the Rev Wright controversy been exposed by the media at the start of the primaries instead of waiting as long as they did. Did he vote against it? No, because he wasn't in Congress. It's easy to say what you'd do when you don't have to do it. But then when he became Senator he voted for Iraq funding appropriations. If he wanted to make a consistant statement he would have voted against any funding for Iraq.
  24. I understand quite well that Obama cozied up to Wright to get street cred in Chicago when he was a local candidate, and then had to distance himself as a national candidate. But as said before, that just makes him the same old calculating politician that he and his supporters claim he isn't, and shoots down that claim of "change". To not realize that obvious fact would be dense.
  25. Commissioners are hired and given power by the owners, so in the end whatever may be wrong falls back on the owners. I give Bettman credit for overseeing the expansion of the NHL into the south and for bringing some order to the salary structure, but on the negative side the league has done a poor job of maximizing their television exposure by leaving ESPN and by not continuing the strict calling of interference penalties as they did after the lockout.
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