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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Of course Cap stands for the ideals of America, but he doesn't necessarily agree with the policies of the government.
  2. The wealthy have prospered under the current tax policies while the middle and lower class haven't seen the benefit of the promised trickle down effect. And the wealthy did quite well even at the tax rates of the Clinton years. Now it's time for them to pick up the slack and give a little more to help out the majority of taxpayers. Should we also reduce spending, of course, and the billions being spent in Iraq would be a good start. If the wealthy want to keep lower tax rates, then they should invest in creating American jobs to increase the taxpayer base, instead of investing in whatever foreign business gives them the greatest return. How about showing some patriotism and sacrificing some profit for the good of the nation.
  3. There's an idea, let's ship our manufacturing workers over to China where their jobs went. Given your background I would expect you to understand the struggle and how some people could use a hand, especially now when prospects for blue collar workers have greatly decreased, especially those who are in their 40s and older and have lost benefits. My dad never got a college education because he had to go to work young to help out his family, and I had to take loans to pay for my college and never had a car until I got a permanent job and could buy one when I was 23, and that was a $300 Buick. So I've been there too and know how hard it is.
  4. There's justification for a black Nick Fury, as was stated in the Ultimate Marvel universe he's black. In the original Marvel universe he's white. But in both of those Marvel universes Cap is white. What you're asking would be like making Superman black. There's no justification for it, and too much character history to change. There are other black Marvel heroes that can be part of the story if they want (Black Panther, Falcon, Luke Cage).
  5. "Let them eat cake!" - Jarhead Antoinette Society needs blue collar workers like auto mechanics. I'd rather know a good mechanic than someone good at calculus. Granted some people screw up their chances, but many people are never given the same chances to recover from mistakes. Having parents who can bail you out and pay for your education, your car, or your house down payment can give you a leg up on others who worked just as hard or harder. And what about the people who followed the rules, got an education, got a job and married before having kids, and through no fault of their own have lost their job that used to take care of their family and now is struggling with a lower paying job without benefits. That person deserves a helping hand from those that have been more fortunate.
  6. Just as it's the right of you chubby chasers and Debbie downers to make asses of yourselves by making a a big deal out of nothing.
  7. They'll use it for t-shirts and other memorablia, just like was done for the hockey Winter Classic at the stadium.
  8. Big Russ called and said this thread cheered him up.
  9. I can honestly say I've never turned down a photoshoot.
  10. This chick plays for the Toronto Argonauts?
  11. That dude's wingman must have flown back to base after coming up against that zeppelin.
  12. How is the Dolphin's mascot still winning in the 2nd round?
  13. Marshawn was practicing to get into the Guinness Book of World Records. His goal is to run over the two fat guys on minibikes.
  14. Are you sure that's a picture of the woman, or is that Marshawn's SUV?
  15. Here's a link to the entertainment section of the Milwaukee news where you can search for your preferences: http://www.jsonline.com/index/index.aspx?id=133
  16. If you want to avoid the drunks and the language I'd recommend sitting in the family friendly section.
  17. Thor is a blonde Nordic looking character, The Rock is dark haired and from the Pacific. The Rock would be good as Namor, with the arrogent attitude and the eyebrows. Slap a pair of wings on his ankles and he'd be all set.
  18. He could always make a cameo as Daredevil. Hulk Spoilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The one thing I was thinking about when the Abomination and Hulk were fighting in NYC was wouldn't the other heroes like Spider-man and the Fantastic Four have responded to such a fight in their city. And when they showed Mr Blue was in NY, I was hoping it was going to be Reed Richards. Notice Mr Blue's pulsating head after getting cut and infected, I think we know who The Leader is going to be in a future movie.
  19. Why are they playing 18 holes today? Why didn't they play a sudden death hole yesterday when everyone could watch it? Why are there different rules for different tournaments?
  20. Latest I read is that Leo Dicaprio is being considered for Cap, and wrestler Triple H for Thor (he was a decent actor in Blade 3).
  21. I agree, it was much better than I expected. I liked the homage paid to the tv show with the cameos of Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno, as well as the theme music incorporated into the movie. I would recommend it. Next they'll be Captain America (liked the tie-in to the super soldier formula), Thor, and maybe Ant-Man/Giant Man, then perhaps they'll have the Avengers search for the Hulk.
  22. Did anyone remember to watch it on Versus? I forgot all about it. I wonder what cheesy Canadian band they had for entertainment this year.
  23. He can't decide Ginger or Mary Ann.
  24. His son just graduated from Boston College recently.
  25. I've read that Chris Matthews has wanted that job for awhile, but I would guess it will be David Gregory.
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