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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. I'm not hesitant, I just assumed posters here didn't need to be spoonfed. When you don't like the message, attack the messenger. http://www.azcentral.com/news/specials/mcc...o-chapter5.html http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...751C0A9669C8B63 http://www.newsweek.com/id/94827/ http://www.azcentral.com/news/specials/mcc...o-chapter4.html
  2. I didn't say I had a problem with it, my question was whether McCain supporters know about it, especially evangelicals, since they're the ones who tend to scrutinize other people's personal activities.
  3. Is it anything like the TV show Supertrain? The series took place on the "Supertrain", an imagined nuclear-powered bullet train that was equipped with amenities more appropriate to a cruise ship than a train, such as swimming pools and shopping centers. The train took 36 hours to go from New York City to Los Angeles. Much like its contemporary The Love Boat, the plots concerned the passengers' social lives, usually with multiple intertwining storylines, and most of the cast was composed of guest stars.
  4. I wonder if most McCain supporters know the history of his first marriage. And I wonder if Ross Perot is still upset with him. On Christmas Eve 1969, Carol McCain was driving in snowy, icy conditions. Approaching an intersection on an isolated country road, she skidded and collided with a telephone pole, was thrown from the car into the snow, and went into shock. Some time later she was found and taken to Bryn Mawr Hospital; she had two smashed legs, a broken pelvis, broken arm, and ruptured spleen. She spent six months in the hospital, and over the course of the next two years had 23 operations as well as extensive physical therapy. She did not tell her husband about the accident in her letters to him, believing he already had enough to worry about, and the U.S. State Department told a surgeon who operated upon her not to mention anything to the press, lest it worsen the treatment for John McCain. Businessman and POW advocate Ross Perot paid for her medical care and she remained grateful to him. The McCains were reunited upon his release from captivity on March 14, 1973. She was now four inches (ten centimeters) shorter, on crutches, and substantially heavier than when he had last seen her. During John McCain's assignment as Executive Officer and Commanding Officer of the VA-174 squadron located at Naval Air Station Cecil Field outside Jacksonville, Florida, the McCains' marriage began to falter; he had extramarital affairs. John McCain's next assignment was to the Senate Liaison Office within the Navy's Office of Legislative Affairs. The McCains separated briefly, then rejoined. His job was aided by an active social life the couple conducted, entertaining Navy, government, and other people three to four nights a week at their Alexandria, Virginia home. During this time she worked for Congressman John H. Rousselot. By 1979, the McCains were still living together. In April 1979, John McCain met and began an extramarital relationship with Cindy Lou Hensley, an Arizona special education teacher and Hensley & Co. heiress. Carol McCain was described by friends as being in shock from the developments. The McCains separated later in 1979; Carol McCain accepted a divorce in February of 1980. John McCain would later say, "My marriage's collapse was attributable to my own selfishness and immaturity more than it was to Vietnam, and I cannot escape blame by pointing a finger at the war. The blame was entirely mine." Carol McCain would later say: "The breakup of our marriage was not caused by my accident or Vietnam or any of those things. I don't know that it might not have happened if John had never been gone. I attribute it more to John turning 40 and wanting to be 25 again than I do to anything else." John McCain's biographer, Robert Timberg believes that "Vietnam did play a part, perhaps not the major part, but more than a walk-on." According to Carol, her husband's five-year captivity in Vietnam had left him wanting to "make up for lost time," and John put it this way: "I had changed, she had changed....People who have been apart that much change." Carol’s three children were initially upset with John McCain about the divorce, but later reconciled. Ross Perot would later say, "After [John McCain] came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona and the rest is history."
  5. I don't get how he can be charged with disorderly conduct. If he's just walking in public minding his own business and has some clothing on, and it's other people who are disturbed by how he's dressed, how is that his fault? Unless there's some local law requiring more than a thong or he was flaunting it as people drove by.
  6. He could also be of the mindset that he has more faith in military action than diplomacy, and be quicker to jump to the last option before exhausting all others. Conservative George Will said a couple weeks ago that a vote for McCain is a vote for war with Iran. He's already made up his mind that it requires a military solution in the short-term, regardless of the long-term implications.
  7. How about Gloria (Sally Struthers) on All in the Family before she hijacked the food shipments to Africa. Mrs Brady (Florence Henderson) Mrs Partridge (Shirley Jones)
  8. When I was a kid I got an album of the story of The Invisible Man. It filled both sides of the album. I used to scare myself playing it. Also had one with stories like The Tell Tale Heart. Then I got the 45 of the 70's Sabres song, "We're gonna win that Cup...me and the Buffalo Sa-a-bres, oh yeah!" (still have it). First musical recording I got was a cassette of Elvis Aloha from Hawaii.
  9. North Korea has demonstrated that they have missles that can reach Japan and possibly even Alaska, and they have demonstrated that they have nuclear weapons, yet we didn't attack them. We were fed the same bull about Iraq having the capability of flying a pilotless drone plane to the U.S., and that the smoking gun could be a mushroom cloud. This administration has no credibility in my and most American's books. If Europe felt so threatened by Iranian missles, they would be attacking Iran. The fact that they don't call for attacks is telling.
  10. Congressional leadership was briefed, but they weren't consulted to provide their input, and they can't discuss it publicly. So in the end the administration does what it wants even if it isn't what was agreed to with the Congress. It happened before when they overstepped their wiretapping authority. After it became public knowledge, Rockefeller said he knew about it beforehand but was legally bound not to discuss it even though he knew it was wrong. What a screwed up process. I want the media to let us know when the president is violating agreements with Congress that the Congressional leadership is legally bound not to discuss publicly. If the president would stick to what he agreed to with the Congress, there would be no need to scrutinize the programs in public.
  11. If the media can come upon the information, don't you think that other countries and groups who may be affected by the actions can arrive at similar conclusions? I want the media out there scrutinizing our government and informing us of what is being done without our approval or Congressional oversight.
  12. I'm not aware of anyone who's part of Obama's campaign attacking McCain's service. Just as there's people who favor McCain but are not part of his campaign who say controversial things, so too are there Obama supporters. The most either can do is disavow statements and reiterate their own views. In the end it's what they say and do that counts.
  13. Yeah, I always have a camera ready to film in case a turkey flies over my car.
  14. No love for an original; Elizabeth Montgomery from Bewitched?
  15. I once had a turkey fly over my car to get across a two lane road. I was expecting it to come through my windshield, but it made it over without contact.
  16. I saw Wesley Clark on Face the Nation. Bob Schaffer begged the question (paraphrase) doesn't being a pilot and being shot down qualify McCain to be president? Clark answered no that doesn't qualify a person to be president, which is a true statement. Clark also said he respected and admired McCain's service. It was expected that McCain supporters would take it out of context. In the same show, Joe Libermann said that he thinks it's likely that the U.S. will face another terrorist attack in 2009, so that's a reason to elect McCain. So we should elect someone who will continue the same policies as Bush even though it won't make a difference because we're likely to be attacked anyways?
  17. We let North Korea get them, they created enough material for 6-8 nuclear weapons before dismantling their plant. Was it worth going to war over? No. It could be the October suprise to scare people into voting for McCain. But hopefully people will see through the politics of fear this time. Otherwise Iran could cut off the oil lanes through the Strait and we'll see $300 a barrel oil. Then the oil companies will scream about how we need to give them more domestic drill sites. Hmm, interesting how it all comes back to the oil companies.
  18. Fondly fondling, whatever he was doing it worked for the majority of Americans.
  19. If it's true and not just another unsubstantiated rumor, given that he's the best president we had in the past 40 years, and most Americans look back fondly on the peace and prosperity during his administration compared to what we have now, I'm sure Obama will give him the proper accolades and Bill will come around. They just finished a tough campaign where Bill was falsely accused by Obama supporters of being a racist, and that probably hurt for someone who has a history of being a friend to the African American community.
  20. Afraid he'd get a tape of you seducing your chest of drawers?
  21. If I was one of the fathers I would have held out for a free night at Shotgun Willys.
  22. I hope you want a major in international studies, because you'll be matriculating in Iraq.
  23. Let's not rehash the primaries, but I'll just say he was never vetted to the degree he should have been, otherwise Rev Wright and other issues would have come to light sooner. And if the Clintons had brought them up, they would have been labelled as racists (again). The media dropped the ball. That's my last word and I'm stickin' to it.
  24. I'm not bitter, just disappointed. Obama is facing many of the questions now that should have been asked at the beginning of the primaries, but being the fresh face, he got a pass from the press early on. I said from the start he wasn't the agent of change he said he was, and recent policy shifts have made him more mainstream, thus the increased scrutiny. But even so, he's a change from the Bush/McCain policies, which is the change I'm most interested in. I don't care about how the sausage gets made, as long as it gets made to my taste.
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