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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. So if I work in a gun store and have no problem with rifles, but object to people buying pistols, should I be allowed to refuse to sell them? Taking a job implies that I'm willing to carry out ALL of the job requirements, not just those I agree with, otherwise I should get a different job.
  2. And many of the founders of our country were slave owners, but that doesn't mean that's the current mindset. Planned Parenthood is mostly in economically poor neighborhoods, which in many cases happen to be populated by blacks. They're there because many people living in those areas couldn't otherwise afford proper reproductive healthcare, it has nothing to do with their ethnicity. And nobody is forcing anyone to use birth control, just offering it as an option.
  3. I was thinking more of Cheney and company, as well as the people who voted for him, but if you want to include the Republican majority who went along with it at the time that would also fit.
  4. The next Super Bowl is really going to rock. This year, Tom Petty rocked the halftime crowd at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Ariz. But Super Bowl XLIII on Feb. 1 in Tampa will feature Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, sources said. "He was just confirmed," a spy added. "Little Stevie (Van Zandt) has already rented out the Hard Rock Café for a party." A Boss rep didn't return calls or e-mails. http://www.nypost.com/seven/08112008/gossi...bowl_123968.htm If it's true, what three songs would you like him to play?
  5. I don't hate Bush, that would be like hating a dog that craps on your lawn. He doesn't know any better, but the people who let him get away with it do.
  6. Rick Jennereret Mike Lange - Penguins Jiggs MacDonald Steve Tasker Ron Jaworski Bill Raftery Mean Gene Okerland
  7. At halftime Ralph will call down to the locker and tell Dick that people didn't pay for those high-priced tickets in Toronto to see the 3rd stringers, put the 1st string back in.
  8. Great, because Bush couldn't get major powers to help out in occupying Iraq, he turned to countries like Georgia so he could pad the number of countries supporting his cause by bribing them with support to join NATO, and now feels obligated to return the favor. This is how World War I started. And why the hell are we having to pay to clean up the mess the Russians made? Make them pay the bill or kick them out of the G-8.
  9. When did the topic shift to McCain's campaign to win the Republican nomination?
  10. Sure, the guys who praised Kerry previously, then changed their versions of the facts about him when he ran for president. Now the same wing-nut has written a book about Obama, that's already being discredited by fact checkers. But throw enough mud and some people will believe it. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/13/us/politics/13book.html?hp In the summer of 2004 the conservative gadfly Jerome R. Corsi shot to the top of the best-seller lists as co-author of “Unfit for Command,” the book attacking Senator John Kerry’s record on a Vietnam War Swift boat that began the larger damaging campaign against Mr. Kerry’s war credentials as he sought the presidency. Almost exactly four years after that campaign began, Mr. Corsi has released a new attack book painting Senator Barack Obama, the Democrats’ presumed presidential nominee, as a stealth radical liberal who has tried to cover up “extensive connections to Islam” — Mr. Obama is Christian — and questioning whether his admitted experimentation with drugs in high school and college ever ceased. “The goal is to defeat Obama,” Mr. Corsi said in a telephone interview. “I don’t want Obama to be in office.”
  11. More swift-boat pablum that does nothing to explain how McCain is going to help solve our economic problems. If McCain can try to exploit Obama's physical appearance and the opinion of a few airheads, then I suppose it's fair game for Obama to have a commercial with some old women saying they like McCain because he's old like them.
  12. What else is there to do when you're sitting on a bench waiting for your wife? Nothing wrong with "window shopping".
  13. Our 360 just got the ring of 3 red lights over the weekend, so it will be 2-3 weeks until we're back in action.
  14. That's why they have the paralympics. No artificial enhancements in the Olympics.
  15. To make it fair and equal, shouldn't all the swimmers have to wear the same swimming gear, or swim nude to remove the technology factor? Likewise, the runners should all wear the same brand of shoe, and the pole vaulters should all use the same pole, just hand it to the next person. That way you'd get a real measure of who's better based on skill.
  16. I guess you weren't a fan of Van Miller or Rick Jennerett. The Chinese grow them in a box to control their growth, only letting them out to practice. An extension of the old Japanese practice of binding feet.
  17. I'd like some more discussion about all the people who were kicked out of their homes against their will and not fully compensated so the Olympic venue could be built where it was. Or the reformers who were imprisoned or detained so they wouldn't protest during the Olympics. Or the fact that Tiananman Square was put off limits to everyone so there would be no public displays of protest. Or the restrictions on internet access that the Chinese imposed on even the foreign journalists. Let's see the real China, not the happy face farce that is being promoted to make people think everything is great in China. I wish one of the medal winners would hold up a Free Tibet banner while on the platform.
  18. Pro-American doesn't equal Pro-Bush policies. And I doubt the first issue a European voter looks at is how their government relates to the U.S..
  19. Get a radio talk show and pander to like-minded people who don't want to acknowledge there's a problem that needs to be dealt with. You can sell them chairs and t-shirts with your logo on them so they can show others they're "Proud to be a Global Warmer".
  20. The left understands there are bad guys, but you need allies to build a coalition to stand up to them, and use diplomacy and sanctions when possible, and military force as a last resort. McCain comes across as having a short fuse, and more likely to jump to the last resort quicker than is prudent. What do you propose the U.S. do, blockade Russia? Send troops into Georgia?
  21. The smart response is not to lose your cool like McCain as a first response. The tough talk should be done behind the scenes so as not to publicly embarrass Russia and make them more resistant to a pull back because it will look like they backed down to the U.S..
  22. The amazing pictures were the ones on the news earlier in the day that showed the crying people who's homes were bulldozed to make room for this publicity farce, and the people who got arrested for protesting it.
  23. "Mr President, do to me what you did to our country".
  24. - Can the left tackles protect the QBs back side - Can Edwards get the ball away before getting hit from the back side - Can the O line maintain a sustained ground drive - Can the D line get good push up the middle
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