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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Interesting food for thought: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/08/18/caf...cain/index.html
  2. And here I thought it was legal to put mentally challenged people to death in Texas.
  3. I'm hoping they have a game tied going into the 11th inning, so they're forced to use the stupid tiebreaker of putting runners on 2nd and 3rd and starting the batting order wherever they want.
  4. The downside is that it will make it easier for under 18 high school kids to get access to alcohol with fake IDs. Yes I know some find a way now, but it would make it easier.
  5. Clinton would be a huge win-win for Democrats, but Biden would be a very solid choice. I've always liked him, and he was my 2nd choice for the nomination after Clinton. I think picking Bayh would be a mistake in that his Indiana Senate seat would switch to a Republican appointed by a Republican governor. Leaving Kaine as Virginia governor to go along with their two Senate seats after Warner wins would be a solid group of leadership to help transition that state from Red to Purplish/Blue.
  6. You're the one throwing around the character attacks, and we're the douchebags!? I would have responded sooner, but I just got back from the beach on the isle.
  7. What a joke, when there's not a home sellout the Syracuse market gets blacked out, but when it comes to the NFL Network Syracuse isn't considered part of the local viewing market. We get screwed both ways.
  8. I thought that Obama came across as calm and took a few seconds to think about the question before giving a thoughtful answer, while McCain was impulsive and tried to find opportunities to insert his stump speech lines without really reflecting on what the question was. In the eye of the beholder...
  9. But until this year McCain was against further drilling offshore, and now he's pushing it, so he's already crossed your threshhold. I think the whole drilling debate is silly anyways, because it makes it sound like there is no drilling currently going on, which unfortunately is what some uninformed voters probably believe based on what they've heard from the talking points.
  10. I saw a poll over the weekend that showed about 70% of evangelicals supporting McCain, and about 25% Obama, which are around the numbers from the Bush-Kerry election. So if Obama could attract a few percentage more by showing he's not different from them in religious belief and family values, but just some specific issues, it could make the difference in some of the swing states. He's not going to lose many voters on the left, they've seen what can happen by supporting a 3rd party candidate like Nader.
  11. Cripes, demand has gone down because non-wealthy people can't afford the increased costs, because their earnings in this "growing economy" aren't keeping up with increased costs. A few cents off a gallon of gas isn't much when you look at how much it went up over the past year. The "growing economy" has only helped the wealthiest, while the gap between them and the middle class and poor increases. Yeah, that's a great deal for the majority of us.
  12. Lucky for her that the pharmacist didn't refuse to fill her perscription.
  13. We've been adding former Warsaw Pact countries to NATO, and want to include former Soviet states on Russia's border, and it's Russia that's the instigator? Give me a break. Sure Puti-Pu is a totalitarian in his soul, but Russians are historically paranoid, and going right up to their border is going to elicit a response. I understand that neo-cons would love nothing more than to start up another Cold War, and in some cases Hot Wars, to promote their agendas, but you should know better than to drink that Kool Aid again after Iraq.
  14. You're lack of understanding is alarming but expected. The demand for energy worldwide is increasing, therefore additional sources are needed just to keep pace.
  15. He's able to put aside his preferences to present the facts. I disagree with many of his preferences on issues, but he always gives an objective analysis of the facts. The fact that everyone is just assuming Russia is the only party in the wrong shows a lack of understanding of how Russia would react when provoked by recent actions. Bolton takes his preconceptions and then tries to justify them with his slanted analysis.
  16. WASHINGTON - The International Olympic Committee should punish Russia by moving the 2014 Winter Olympics out of Sochi, Russia, the co-chairs of the congressional House Georgia Caucus said. Reps. Allyson Schwartz, D-Pa., and Bill Shuster, R-Pa., said in a joint statement they plan to file a resolution declaring that Russia’s movement of troops into Georgia on the eve of the Beijing Olympics makes it an unacceptable country to host the games. “It is practically and financially untenable to hold the 2014 Winter Olympic Games less than 20 miles from a zone of conflict, particularly when the prospective host country has played a significant role in the escalation of that conflict,” according to a draft of the resolution. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26223848/ The most suprising thing to me is that there's a House Georgia Caucus.
  17. That's the problem with conservatives, no new ideas, just lower taxes and everything will be great. Too bad it never works. There's this new economic opportunity called alternative and renewable fuel sources, I guess you didn't hear about it.
  18. Because he makes Dick Cheney seem like a pacifist. A more objective view of the situation from conservative Pat Buchanan: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/...ar_baiting.html
  19. The economy did quite well with the previous higher tax rates of the '90s, and it can do so again. The Republicans had their chance to prove trickle down economics where lower rates would result in less gov't debt and a stronger dollar, and it's been just the opposite result.
  20. Why is this still an issue? It has nothing to do with Obama. Edwards has been vetted and found lacking, so he's no longer a consideration, if he ever was. That's what vetting is supposed to do. Now going forward it's a personal problem, unless and until he tries to run for public office.
  21. "Other witnesses described having to take time off work because of the sleepless nights caused by their neighbour." Yeah, they probably got worn out from having a glass to their ear with one hand and their crank in the other.
  22. The question is whether he'll really give up power, or will he just give up the title like Puti-Pu did in Russia.
  23. My dad didn't even buy me a condom. #16 - It is proper boating etiquette that when you take it out for the first time, whenever another boat passes by you should drop your pants and moon them. This is known as the First Crack at Boating salute.
  24. I always thought she was known for her torpedoes.
  25. To simulate the exact conditions in December, will the Toronto residents in attendance also be complaining about the Maple Leafs being in last place?
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