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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Which takes us back to my original statement that they're idiots if they're willing to squander the next 4 years for that reason.
  2. His positions are Democratic Party positions, similar to Hillary's. His judgement on Iraq is where the Democratic Party is now, and he's a faithful family man of good character. I can understand Republicans opposing him, but not Democrats who supported Hillary. If they believed in Hillary and her judgement, then they should accept her word when she says she wants them to support Obama.
  3. Like the other thread about the threat to Obama says, there's alot of people who haven't accepted the possibility of a black president, including some older Democrats, even though they agree on the issues. It isn't like this guy was just working at a car wash, he knows the issues we face and how the process works, and was ahead of the curve on Iraq and Iran which showed good judgement. Most of the Democrats who ran in the primaries would be a better POTUS than McCain based on their policy positions and their temperment.
  4. That's the convienent excuse that some give, but I suspect they may have a problem with another aspect about him that they're not willing to say publicly. Any Democrat who agrees with Hillary on healthcare, taxes, foreign policy, education, and Supreme Court nominations, can't possibly believe that McCain would be a better partner with the Congress to get those policies enacted than Obama/Biden. There never was a black president on 'West Wing'. The president was Martin Sheen, and at the end Jimmy Smits became the next president. Maybe they confused it with '24', where there were 2 different black presidents.
  5. I heard that Lance Bass wanted to dance with another male dancer, but the network wouldn't allow it.
  6. What possible explaination would he have for picking someone who disagrees with him on practically every issue? These people who claim to be Hillary supporters who say they'll now vote for McCain are idiots. I've been one of Hillary's supporters throughout the campaign, and was upset about how the primaries went, but now it's time to get realistic and support the person who would enact most of the policies that Hillary advocated. If they say they support McCain because he's more experienced in foreign policy than Obama, then the same argument could have been made that technically McCain is more experienced than Hillary. But the difference is what decisions they would make given that experience, so I don't buy that excuse. Cheney and Rumsfeld had extensive foreign policy experience, but look what they did with that knowledge in influencing Bush. Bad judgement overshadows extensive experience.
  7. I had a couple of younger nuns as teachers in elementary school that weren't bad looking. One of them turned out to be the biological sister of one of my eventual high school friends. Years later when I went to his father's funeral, they were there together. They had quit the order and were now "partners". Oh what must have gone on in that convent after school.
  8. Economic Left/Right: -6.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.33 A modern day Ghandi.
  9. Four years ago McCain was still a maverick who took both Bush and the religious right to task. Now he walks lockstep with Bush and the religious right in order to appease the Republican base. He's either changed or is pandering.
  10. I think Hillary would be a great choice which would really unite the Democrats, but Joe Biden is also a strong choice. Either of them are the type of fighter on issues that would help Obama, as he sometimes is too thoughtful and nuanced for the quick sound bite that tends to get attention. I hope it's Romney, because it will hurt McCain with independents, and might even make the loonies on the religious right stay home who don't like him because he's a Mormon. And there will be plenty of stories about how the two don't like or agree with each other, as was displayed in the debates. Just like his innovative campaign of using the internet to bring in new supporters, Obama is again creating a buzz among the new voters by using new technology to announce the VP choice. I heard McCain is going to be handing out 8-track tapes and Betamax videos with his announcement on them.
  11. McCain's choice is more important than Obama's because of his age and health. It's more likely that something could happen to McCain's health that would require the VP to step in, and he might even be a one term president. The likely pro-lifers (Romney, Pawlenty, Portman) are not presidential material. Ridge is McCain's personal favorite, and the pro-lifers will scream and moan for a week if he's chosen, but in the end they'll get behind McCain, as they did after Reagan chose Bush who was previously pro-choice.
  12. H'mm, a dad who wasn't part of Obama's life, or John McCain who applied for a marriage license even before his divorce was final so he could marry his rich mistress, which is the worse character issue? Defining rich as someone who has $5 million or more and having 7 residences isn't a good way to connect to the average American. Advantage Obama.
  13. I think the timetable agreement works in Obama's favor. Just as he can say he was right about the war from the start, he can also say he was ahead of Bush and McCain on the need to agree on a timetable, as he was ahead of them on more direct negotiations with Iran. Plus if it's one less foreign policy issue at the top of the discussions, it turns more emphasis on the economy, where McCain is clearly committed to continuing the failed Bush economic and tax policies.
  14. In this instance I thought the Bush administration's initial reaction was measured and appropriate, with the assumption that they would be doing the tough talk behind the scenes so as not to publicly embarrass Russia. But McCain's reaction was too impulsive and showed a troubling lack of diplomatic skill.
  15. Pizza delivery on Genesee St. Biathalon High diving over Niagara Falls Canadian ballet pole dancing Bicycling on the Skyway Racing up the Ralph's upper deck without spilling beer Bathroom / concession stand halftime marathon
  16. I got excited until I looked closer and saw it was Dustin Dickson, not Dustin Diamond. Screech shows some attitude on Celebrity Fit Camp.
  17. Will McCain be the last man standing against a timetable? http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/a...-security-deal/ BAGHDAD (AP) U.S. and Iraqi negotiators have finished a draft agreement that would see American troops removed from Iraqi cities by June 30, an Iraqi official said Wednesday. But the draft has not been approved by the Cabinet and some members have expressed opposition. The official, who was involved in the protracted negotiations, said the agreement calls for U.S. troops to fully leave the country by the end of 2011. Although Iraqi negotiators have signed off on the draft, another official close to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said the country's political leadership objected to parts of the text, including the immunity provision. President Bush had long refused to accept any timetable for bringing U.S. troops home. Last month, however, he and al-Maliki agreed to set a "general time horizon" for ending the U.S. mission. Bush's shift to a timeline was seen as a move to speed agreement on the security pact.
  18. I haven't seen much proof that Bush does much work whereever he is. And while Bush was obviously out of touch with events during Katrina while he was "vacationing" at his ranch, many people also refer to his vacationing as an analogy for his being so out of touch with the majority of Americans on policies.
  19. He's a major country star. Five of his albums have reached number one on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart, and he has had sixteen Number One singles on the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts. And we shouldn't care about who any celebrity supports, but the rednecks tend to turn on their own when they don't follow their groupthink, and it will be interesting to see how they treat him.
  20. http://fe46.news.sp1.yahoo.com/s/ap/200808...t7GYtSao0pxFb8C Will he face a Dixie Chick-like backlash from country music fans? Are there any non-country singers under 40 supporting McCain?
  21. Anytime I hear about how good a Bills player looks in camp, I worry about how good the guy he's going against is going to play.
  22. It was an NFL rule, but then in order to expand the blackout to Syracuse, the Bills found a farm between Rochester and Syracuse that was at the edge of the 75 miles that could pick up stations from Syracuse, and therefore the Bills pushed to include the whole Syracuse television market which extends east towards Utica, to influence more people to buy tickets.
  23. She could use the defense that she tutors as a sex ed teacher. Whatever happened to teachers just giving it away? I guess the cop didn't qualify for the youth discount.
  24. Nixon had to have somebody to talk to.
  25. I agree with raising the age for all the other things, especially the military. 18 year olds don't have enough life experience to make such a potential life-and-death decision.
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