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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Not having an abortion qualifies her for VP? Joe Biden lost his wife and child in an accident, how does that rank on the emotion scale?
  2. DENVER — Buffalo Sabres owner B. Thomas Golisano, fresh from launching a controversial initiative to reform New York government, is going national. Golisano, the billionaire founder of Paychex, has announced a similar federal effort that he said will support issues and candidates he believes are critical to the nation’s future. To him, that means ending the war in Iraq, wiping out an increasing federal deficit and setting the country on a course toward energy independence. And while he won’t yet say how much or exactly how he’s going to do it — he pledged $5 million for the state effort — he acknowledges he has the bank account to gain some attention. “So far, I’ve met some very key people in Congress,” he said, “and [Wednesday] we’re meeting with the economic advisory group for Barack [Obama]. They are obviously interested in my input, and I’m happy for that. “To me, this is issue-oriented, and I’m going to look for candidates who fall along the lines of thinking that I think are appropriate.” Golisano, a registered Republican who has bankrolled his three runs for governor of New York on the Independence Party line, bought his access here with a $1 million contribution to Obama’s presidential campaign. http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/story/425965.html
  3. This looks like the script from the tv show Geena Davis was in where she was picked by the Repub candidate just because she brought in some votes, but then he got sick and died, and she had to take over.
  4. McCain has said that the duties of a VP are to inquire as to the health of the president and to break ties in the Senate. Is she really the best person the Repubs have to be a heartbeat away from the presidency? In the event McCain wins, I would be much more comfortable with people like Ridge, Huckabee, or even Kay Bailey Hutchinson. If McCain was younger or healthier it would be more acceptable. It looks like a clear pander to the Hillary holdouts. Obama passed the first major decision he had to make, I don't think McCain has.
  5. A top quality for you is someone who can give a good speech without a teleprompter? So you're supporting Richard Simmons?
  6. Of course it was 4 years ago, and not many people thought we'd still be there in such numbers 4 years later. And no one has ever advocated a 'cut and run' policy, that's just a Repub spin line. Obama would have no trouble explaining it.
  7. And if it is, the first question from millions of Americans will be; Who?. Wasn't she a former beauty queen? If so, Cindy might want to watch her back, what goes around comes around.
  8. '72 Buick Skylark - Beige 4 door, 11 years old. Got my first full time job on a Friday, needed a car to get to work Monday, and found a divorced woman who was looking to get rid of it for $300. Had some surface rust and needed a new muffler, but otherwise a nice ride. '80 Datsun 280Z - Light blue, was my brother-in-law's. Had alot of Thruway miles on it, but was a sweet ride. Unfortunately I had to sink alot of money into getting new rotors, and eventually the frame cracked.
  9. I like the Carly Simon interview where she talks about what a creep James Taylor is.
  10. It would be nice if they showed Obama's speech on the scoreboard after the Bills game.
  11. Three years ago after my job moved overseas and I was looking for a new job, I did landscaping and patio installation from spring to fall for $10 an hour. I'd still be doing it for $50 an hour.
  12. Powell hasn't even decided who he's going to endorse, and he's still P.O.'d about how he was used by the Bush administration to promote the Iraq invasion at the U.N.. And has he said his views on abortion rights, the Repub litmus test? If it's Romney, since the Repubs say picking Biden showed Obama's lack of foreign policy experience, it will show McCain's lack of economic experience. And if it's Pawlenty, since the Repubs say Obama is too inexperienced to be President, it will show a similar lack of experience for a VP who be a heartbeat away from taking over for a 72 year old. So either of those frontrunners would be hypocratical to the Repub message. I wonder if the Fox News analysts (Karl Rove and co.) will actually criticize McCain for announcing his VP pick on a Friday. Last week they made a big deal about Obama showing his "inexperience" by announcing his VP pick on a Friday (i.e. the slowest news day of the week).
  13. Can anyone look at that picture and honestly say what is on the stage? It could simply be a structure with a roof in case it rains. I suppose as an alternative the Democrats could have split the stadium crowd up and had them watch on big screen TVs from the multiple McCain residences.
  14. Look at the bright side, there's less waiting to use the bathroom.
  15. No, Jughead wouldn't share his meat. They have copies of it for sale here in Syracuse at the newsstand. I might pick up one.
  16. If they want more viewership, they should require that they wear the same outfits as beach volleyball. Have a yearly poll to determine which 20 players have to dress that way, so we avoid any Big Mamas in bikinis.
  17. I'd go with Westbrook.
  18. Hey, I've said in other threads that these people are acting nutty and need to let go already and support Obama.
  19. QB - Girlfriend / BlueFire / buftex RB - GF / buftex / BlueFire WR - BlueFire / buftex / GF TE - GF / buftex / BlueFire K - GF / BlueFire / buftex D - buftex / GF / BlueFire Overall: 1.Girlfriend 2.BlueFire 3.buftex
  20. As opposed to the sophisticated rhetoric of the Republicans that if McCain loses, the terrorists win.
  21. Republican politicians up for reelection throughout the Gulf Coast are praying it comes their way so they have an excuse not to attend and be seen there.
  22. Speaking of funny names, how about John SIDNEY McCain III and WILLARD Mitt Romney.
  23. As much as I would support Hillary in 2012 if Obama loses, I don't think either of them would be the nominee again. If Obama loses, the Democrats will be split between the two sides blaming the other for the loss, and it would take a 3rd person to bring the party back together again. Hillary supporters would be wise to support Obama for president, and be content with Hillary taking over Ted Kennedy's role as the advocate for healthcare and education, with the possiblity of being nominated to the Supreme Court by President Obama.
  24. FLIP-FLOPPER! He previously said his favorite was ABBA's Dancing Queen. I've never heard of this guy or song, and I doubt McCain had either before he found a Hispanic entertainer willing to endorse him, but reading some of the comments, it will be a pretty funny gaffe IF what they say is true: 'Does McCain even know the meaning of the word Gasolina? It means “sperm” or “cocaine”. Another biker beauty pageant moment!' 'Why no link to the video? Let readers “see” Gasolina - a sexist depiction of half-naked women imploring their pimp daddy to fill them up with gasoline “hard”.' 'Lets not forget this was at a MIDDLE SCHOOL-11-13 year olds shouldn’t be introduced to lyrics like “Beat it up and break your back Lay the wood and make you sweat Girl, it’s gonna be a long night I’m wide up and ready to rake C’mon and gimme a midnight snackAnd I’m gonna have you moanin’ ”' McCain should invite him to perform at the RNC. This could be a Sister Soldier moment for Obama to comment on.
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