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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Was Dan Quayle the frontrunner in 1996? I think the names that would be talked about that didn't run this year would be Haillie Barber, Newt Gingritch, Charlie Christ, or Tom Ridge.
  2. I hope McCain uses them in a commerical. "John McCain can relate to blue collar workers. He's endorsed by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Sir Evelyn and Lynn know your pain." Talk about elitism! Hah!
  3. The neo-cons decided to retire it once it hit 214.
  4. She already did that, she listed Ireland as one of the countries she visited to puff up her foreign policy creds, even though it was just a refueling stop.
  5. The Repugs would have spun it as, "see Hillary and Palin are there together, so Hillary women you should support Palin".
  6. She's on a mission from God, don't cha know.
  7. And while he met with real world leaders, she'll be wandering around in the Hall of Presidents shaking hands with the animatronic Ronald Reagan. Hopefully she won't shoot the animatronic Teddy Roosevelt just because he was in the Bull Moose Party.
  8. "Vice President Palin, when President McCain asked you send that sensitive diplomatic e-mail to Putin, he didn't expect you to post it on your MySpace page."
  9. It's reported that McCain will be taking Palin to the United Nations so she can meet foreign leaders or ambassadors. So goes the foreign policy Cliff note campaign. What's next, a ride on the It's a Small World exhibit at Disneyworld, and a tour of Epcot?
  10. Funny, I thought Bush took office in January 2001 and was in charge of defending the country. What radical departure from Clinton's policies regarding terrrorism did he take before 9/11, other than Cheney dismissing Clinton administration officials terrorist briefings and wanting to concentrate on Iraq? The Repubs got what they wanted; president and control of Congress, lower taxes, deregulation, and a war in Iraq to spread democracy in the Middle East. How's that all worked out?
  11. That would be like blaming a dog without lipstick for chasing it's tail; it doesn't know any better.
  12. It's more about McCain, and his decisions to surround himself with people like Fiorina, Phil Graham, and Palin, which gives insight into the type of people that would be in his administration giving him advice.
  13. Morris hates the Clintons and doesn't miss a chance to trash them. Is McCain an objective authority on Obama? Yeah, he did a terrible job. When Clinton left office: Unemployment 4.2% Budget: $281 billion surplus National Debt: $5.7 trillion Gas: $1.50 Wall Street going strong Iraq contained 2008: Unemployment: 6.1% Budget: $357 billion deficit National Debt: $9.7 trillion Gas: $4.00 Wall Street in crisis Occupation of Iraq at $10 billion per month
  14. Trying to have a civil discourse with an opponent is fine until they come at you with a knife, then you either fight back or get cut up.
  15. My first thought when I saw this thread was that he must have passed away. Glad to see he's still alive and kicking. How great were the days when the Empires Sports Network was on. A network devoted to Buffalo and upstate NY sports. Friggin Rigas had to get greedy and ruin a good thing.
  16. What do they call New York Republicans in the South? Liberals.
  17. Dick Morris, there's an objective authority. What device did he use to to allow a prostitute to listen in on conversations with the President?
  18. Cutting taxes during expensive wars is not fiscally responsible. Relaxing regulations on financial corporations is not being responsible. Those were both done by Bush and the Repub Congress.
  19. If they're employing Americans and not moving jobs overseas they're helping the economy.
  20. Multinational corporations? Neo-conservatives? Evangelical absolutists?
  21. Oh snap, Sarah gets dissed by her own campaign: McCain supporter Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett Packard, seemed to veer off message for a moment on the McGraw Milhaven show on KTRS radio in St Louis, when she made the case that Sarah Palin may be qualified to run America -- but certainly not to run her old company. "Do you think she has the experience to run a major company like Hewlett Packard?" the host asked Fiorina. "No, I don’t," she replied. "But that’s not what she’s running for. Running a corporation is a different set of things."
  22. Are we better off than we were 8 years ago? When Bush took office: Unemployment 4.2% Budget: $281 billion surplus National Debt: $5.7 trillion Gas: $1.50 2008: Unemployment: 6.1% Budget: $357 billion deficit National Debt: $9.7 trillion Gas: $4.00
  23. Ooh, she's going to be interviewed by Sean Hannity. That's like John Madden interviewing Brett Favre. And now she's pulling a Nixon like tactic and not going to cooperate with the Troopergate investigation because she thinks the process is tainted. Nice job trying to kick the ball down the road.
  24. Even though I have Adrian Peterson and Brian Westbrook, I lost 106-105 because my TE Anthony Fasano who I picked up this week got zero points, while my benched TE Heath Miller got 3 points. Still 5-1 between my 3 teams.
  25. I think we'd notice, Tina appears to be better informed on the issues. She couldn't say the things Palin says and keep a straight face for too long.
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