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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Yeah, I can honestly say it wouldn't be interpreted as racist. He also is younger looking than presidents on bills, maybe he's pointing out that not having white hair and looking young doesn't mean he wouldn't be an effective president. McCain's campaign has found other ways to remind voters that Obama is black. When they mock him for being a community organizer, that's an attempt to make voters think he's one of those urban black activists who complain about the injustices done by whites like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, as opposed to the real work he did helping people get job retraining and housing.
  2. Any of the erectile dysfuncition commercials. Who are all these guys that can't get it up? And we really don't need our wives seeing romantic commericials when we're trying to watch football, it just reminds them to be mad at us for paying attention to football instead of them.
  3. So you're saying liberals are better protesters and don't give up so easily...
  4. I remember when Bush ran for president how people thought he would improve relations with Latin America because he came from Texas and spoke Spanish. That worked out well.
  5. 16 games and the Bills are best. Yo ho ho and watch Marshawn run. Time to put Al Davis to his rest. Yo ho ho and the Raiders are done. Brett Favre is a New York Jest. Yo ho ho beating him will be fun.
  6. Damn, the service at McDonalds is too slow as it is. I don't worry about my 401k, I'm assuming I'll be dead before I can take advantage of it, and why should my wife have so much fun without me.
  7. I'd say you were, if you also were on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, drafted legislation to secure nuclear material, talked about issues with world leaders in those countries, and had been debating foreign policy for the last few years. Not so much if you just started travelling overseas last year.
  8. That's like saying the backup driver in an auto race doesn't need to be ready to drive the car, because they're not starting the race.
  9. "The irony is that this critique puts Mr. McCain in the same camp as some of the Wall Street CEOs who have led their firms so poorly." Maybe Carly was right, he's not qualified to run a company.
  10. This is OK, but McCain attacks Obama because he voted for educating kindergarteners on how to avoid and report sexual predators. "Kids, we can't talk about the strange man in the raincoat you see outside, but we can tell you about how to prepare for a nuclear attack".
  11. Actually our kids and grandkids are bailing us out. Since we're already in deficit spending, any further spending like the $1 billion we're giving to rebuild the country of Georgia, we have to borrow from the Chinese and any other country who wants to make us further indebted to them.
  12. "She doesn't have any foreign policy credentials," Hagel said Wednesday in an interview. "You get a passport for the first time in your life last year? I mean, I don't know what you can say. You can't say anything." "I think they ought to be just honest about it and stop the nonsense about, 'I look out my window and I see Russia and so therefore I know something about Russia,'" he said. "That kind of thing is insulting to the American people." "I think it's a stretch to, in any way, to say that she's got the experience to be president of the United States," Hagel said. http://www.omaha.com/index.php?u_page=2835...;u_sid=10435997
  13. It's semantics; the proper wording would be that 95% of Americans will not have their taxes increase, and of those that pay taxes, they will get a tax cut. A flat tax is regressive against lower income taxpayers; someone making $50k and paying 20% in taxes is going to feel the impact much more in basic spending needs (home, food, gas, healthcare, education) than someone making $5 million.
  14. Voters could still write-in their choices, but it would make it more confusing, and could suppress voter turnout which could affect down-ticket candidates in Texas.
  15. The problem in this case is the subpoena was issued by the legislature, not a judge, and therefore if it's ignored it takes a vote by the full legislature to hold them in contempt. And isn't it convienient that they don't come back until January, so it will get kicked down the road until after the election. Politicians never learn that the coverup usually ends up worse than what they did, it makes it look like they're trying to hide something. If there's nothing to hide, then cooperate.
  16. Who's whining, I'm just stating the fact that there are many conservatives on the other stations that some think are left wing. I prefer to watch shows that have different perspectives. I don't agree with much of Pat Buchanon's ideas, but he is honest and factual when talking about the candidates.
  17. From the second guy (who's desperate for a QB), he wants to package Tomlinson & David Garrard and maybe a 3rd player for either Romo or Rodgers. How can you pass up the chance to get Tomlinson for your backup QB? Even if he's got a toe injury, there's too much upside. Then you just ride Romo all season except for the bye week.
  18. Look at the puff piece interview that Shammity just did with Palin. That wasn't a hard-hitting interview, it was a conservative mutual admiration society. Earlier this year the White House admitted that they forwarded talking points to some of the talk show hosts on Fox. And MSNBC does have regular conservative contributors, such as Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanon, and every night there's some Republican/conservative spokesperson on Hardball. This Week on ABC has George Will on every week.
  19. Syracuse needs someone who has experience recruiting on the East Coast. I heard yesterday that SU only has 4 players committed to coming to play for them next year.
  20. Godzilla keeps destroying their infrastructure, and they can't keep up with rebuilding it.
  21. Or a bipartisan committee could be formed to come to a compromise on how to resolve it, as has been done in the past. Like I said, if private accounts are such a great idea, why isn't McCain making it a campaign issue when everyone is focused on the market? Seems like a great time to push such a great idea.
  22. Nice of you to diss on the 95% of working Americans who in your opinion just sit on their butts while the 5%ers do all the heavy lifting.
  23. The Republicans don't want Bush acting presidential and going on national television explaining to the nation what has happened and what's being done about it. It would remind everyone who's been in charge during all this, and that it would be more of the same if McCain was president, since he was such an advocate for deregulation (before this week of course, when he had an epiphany). Have you noticed you don't hear Repubs pushing for private accounts for Social Security lately? Imagine the uproar among the AARP crowd if that was in effect now. Dems would be well served to remind voters of that great idea.
  24. When they lose, they'll drop her like a hot potatoe, err, potato.
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