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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Real hockey moms don't wear makeup.
  2. Let it go, I think he's still upset about women being allowed to vote.
  3. The Manchurian Candidate's programming is starting to deteriorate from age.
  4. #17 - 2 minutes for hooking, 2 minutes for unnecessary roughness I voted for #8. Whatever helps you get in her pants.
  5. No, it's like bragging that you're the second richest person in the Sudan.
  6. Was his name John McCain? No, they were to blame for 9/11 (remember Pat Robertson?). This mess is the illegal immigrants fault.
  7. It was funny but a bit too over-the-top, they made Bush seem too stupid and Barney Frank came off like Harry Carry. The beauty of the Tina Fey-Palin skits are that she can take Palin's words and delivery almost verbatum and show how ridiculous she is.
  8. What happened to all the conservative support? Literally beaten by a dog. “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” was barking up the right tree with movie-goers, who put the Disney comedy at No. 1 for the weekend with a $29 million debut, according to studio estimates Sunday. Vivendi Entertainment’s “An American Carol,” a satire of Hollywood’s liberal politics from director David Zucker (“Airplane!”), debuted at No. 9 with $3.8 million. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27036724/
  9. Al Ribeiro, until now McCain's Michigan state director, had the unenviable task of sending out an email to Republicans in the state explaining as delicately as possible why they were pulling out. "With 30 days before the election, the campaign must decide where it can best utilize its limited resources with the goal of winning nationally and ensuring John McCain is our next President,' Ribiero explained in an message Saturday, adding that McCain hadn't given up on the state and urging activists to keep working. One county chair wasn't buying -- and he let Ribiero and a large list of other Michigan Republicans know in a scalding email reply. "If you are going to end visits to the state by McCain/ Palin, do it," urged Jack Waldvogel, Chairman of the Emmet County GOP in a message obtained by Politico. "Just don't formally announce that you are 'pulling out' of Michigan, and then come back two days later asking the base core of support to 'keep working.' What a slap in the face to all the thousands of people who have been energized by the addition of Sarah Palin to the ticket. I've been involved in County Party politics and organization for 40 years, and this is the biggest dumbass stunt I have ever seen." Waldvogel added later in the message: "He has given up on our State? What a total and complete crock of crap. Again, I think McCain owes the Republicans and the People of Michigan a HUGE APOLOGY. SOON!" "How on earth are we to get people to work for McCain here, when he has already, publicly, in the media, given up on Michigan?" wondered Waldvogel. "We feel abandoned, we are disappointed, and we are heartsick to know that we aren't important enough for him to fight for." http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin/
  10. By aggressive, they mean try to get people to believe he's a radical black Muslim community organizer who will take away the white women and your little dog too. But don't be too obvious about it. Annnnd begin...... "We see America as the greatest force for good in this world," Palin said at a fund-raising event in Colorado, adding, "Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country." Palin made similar comments later at a rally in Carson, California. Palin cited an article in Saturday's New York Times about Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers, now 63. But that article concluded that "the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers, whom he has called 'somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8.' " Obama campaign spokesman Hari Sevugan called Palin's comments "offensive" and "not surprising given the McCain campaign's statement this morning that they would be launching Swift Boat-like attacks in hopes of deflecting attention from the nation's economic ills."
  11. She was at Disneyland, spending the day on the It's a Small World ride brushing up on her foreign policy.
  12. Welcome to Bizarro World.
  13. I don't have the transcript, but earlier this week O'Reilly was screaming on the radio about Rush Limbaugh and other right wing talking heads about their opposition to the bailout. Maybe he lost alot of stock value and is pissed at everybody.
  14. This whole line of reasoning given by Republicans that McCain works with Democrats is a reason to support him seems hypocritical. If he supports Democrat legislation, and Democrat legislation is as bad as we're told by Republicans, then isn't that poor judgement on his part? Wouldn't they want someone who supports Republican policies? And if I prefer Democrat policies, why not just vote for the Democrat so I'm sure they'll get supported? Never mind the fact that McCain only opposed Bush supported legislation 10% of the time. Just because someone doesn't vote for the other parties legislation doesn't mean they didn't work with the other party. They all work with each other in Congress to try to arrive at some compromise or consensus.
  15. They're already working on solutions. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14002908/
  16. They could pick up the game from the Syracuse CBS station on Time Warner that shows all the Bills games.
  17. Of course if we hit rock bottom in the next year, and then we make slow but steady progress in recovering over the next 4 years, then Obama will be able to claim he brought the country back from an economic crisis, and why mess with success and elect someone from the party that got us there in the first place. I expect Palin and family to be offered a celebreality show, maybe Palin Snows Best. The pregnant daughter and boyfriend will be the next Britney Spears and Kevin Federline story.
  18. There's probably alot of drinkers with hangovers as Palin hit 7 of the 11 drinking points: Winks or gives a thumbs up to the audience. Says a world leader's name, two drinks if it's pronounced correctly. Says any of these words/phrases: Alaska, Bridge to Nowhere, job creation, Washington elite/establishment, media elite, corporate greed, pitbull, lipstick, or maverick. Leaves off a trailing "g" - takin', leavin', changin', etc. Any time Palin answers a question, and someone at your party blurts out "WTF is she talking about?" **This one was a judgement call since technically she didn't answer most of the questions, but she did meet the WTF criteria** When Palin claims that Washington's problems can be solved by small town know how and common sense: Drink a Labatt Blue as you read up on how to become a Canadian citizen. When Palin insists that governing a small town in Alaska is in fact experience: Give your friend a shot glass of beer when he/she asks for a pint and insist it's the same thing.
  19. Georgia was always a long shot for Obama, while Michigan was one of the key battleground states that McCain thought would be enticed by the hockey mom. But unfortunately for him Michigan voters put their paychecks ahead of bodychecks.
  20. I actually started to feel bad for Palin. She obviously was filled with talking points, and no matter what the question was, she would just parrot back what her handlers told her, regardless that it didn't answer the question. She's clearly not ready to think on her feet on the multitude of issues. McCain should do the honorable thing and let her withdraw with dignity. Appoint another VP candidate like Ridge or Liebermann who we could at least feel comfortable that they have a grasp of the details of the issues facing a president. I just can't imagine her being president if something happened to McCain.
  21. Here are the Rules - you have to take a drink every time Palin: Says "Thanks but no thanks" to the Bridge to Nowhere: Demand a new drink from your hosts, say "thanks but no thanks," and then when no one's looking, take it anyway, then claim you never wanted it. References how you can see Russia from Alaska and calls it "experience". Winks or gives a thumbs up to the audience. Says a world leader's name, two drinks if it's pronounced correctly. Says any of these words/phrases: Alaska, Bridge to Nowhere, job creation, Washington elite/establishment, media elite, corporate greed, pitbull, lipstick, or maverick. Leaves off a trailing "g" - takin', leavin', changin', etc. Any time Palin answers a question, and someone at your party blurts out "WTF is she talking about?" When Palin claims that Washington's problems can be solved by small town know how and common sense: Drink a Labatt Blue as you read up on how to become a Canadian citizen. When Palin recounts putting the governor's jet on eBay: Auction off a beer to your friends. When Palin insists that governing a small town in Alaska is in fact experience: Give your friend a shot glass of beer when he/she asks for a pint and insist it's the same thing. When Palin talks about being the most popular governor in the country: Go to a room by yourself, realize you're the most popular person in the room, then finish your drink. http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-99661
  22. Feel free to show up at the rally in Plymouth next week and report back to us. I'll bet you get a good seat.
  23. John McCain is pulling out of Michigan, according to two Republicans, a stunning move a month away from Election Day that indicates the difficulty Republicans are having in finding blue states to put in play. McCain will go off TV in Michigan, stop dropping mail there and send most of his staff to more competitive states, including Wisconsin, Ohio and Florida. Wisconsin went for Kerry in 2004, Ohio and Florida for Bush. McCain's campaign didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. Republicans had been bullish on Michigan, hopeful that McCain's past success in the state in the 2000 primary combined with voter dissatisfaction with Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm and skepticism among blue-collar voters about Barack Obama could make it competitive. McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin spent the night after the GOP convention at a large rally in Macomb County, just outside Detroit. The two returned later last month for another sizable event in Grand Rapids. But recent polls there have shown Obama extending what had been a small lead, with the economic crisis damaging an already sagging GOP brand in a state whose economy is in tatters. A McCain event planned for next week in Plymouth, Michiigan, has been canceled. http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmart...an.html?showall
  24. Anybody see Family Guy last week where they had a costume party where Peter dressed as Laura Bush and Lois dressed as the guy she killed in a car accident. "Laura Bush killed a guy". That was a ballsy reference.
  25. The Bills will be the first to lose, either this week or vs San Diego. Playing bad in the first half is going to catch up to them. The Giants will be the last to lose.
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