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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Matt Cassell @Miami Also, pick two running backs: Michael Turner vs Carolina Marshawn Lynch @Kansas City I'd be suprised if Tennessee gives up alot of points, and they're tough against the run.
  2. You're confused, McCain was the Manchurian Candidate, but by losing they never got to activate his programming.
  3. Bin Laden is toast, it's just a matter of time. The question is does the U.S. do it alone, or do we gain back the international support we had after 9/11 and before Iraq so it happens sooner and easier. And can we give those that al Queda recruit from a better option than supporting them so we reduce their influence among young Muslims.
  4. It's happened twice to my son's Xbox, both times they sent us a replacement one. They don't send the mailing box anymore, but they can box it up for you at UPS. Here's the support website for the red ring problem: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/907534
  5. I qualified it as being a Democrat because I believe he will choose a Republican to be SoDefense after Gates leaves, probably Chuck Hagel, Colin Powell, or Richard Lugar.
  6. I've try to buy American when I can find it, even if it costs more. My last 3 vehicles have been Ford, Dodge, Chrysler. I'm going on 5 years of boycotting Walmart on principle for forcing vendors to lower costs to the point of them moving manufacturing overseas. And if I have no American option, I still look at the country of origin on similar products. If there's an option, I try not to buy a product from China.
  7. So lets hear your ideas for an outside the beltway Democrat that you think would be as effective a SoS as Hillary, Richardson, or Kerry.
  8. Change: Policies different than Bush/Cheney/conservatives. That's all the change I was looking for.
  9. Yes, I think Obama should take advantage of Bill's experience and international good will and use him as a special envoy in one of the hot spot areas like Kashmir or Palestine. He knows the issues and the players, and is respected as a fair broker by other countries. Or make him U.N. ambassador.
  10. I'm satisfied with them having a seat at the table.
  11. I say give Edwards another start at KC. If by halftime he hasn't shaken his tentativeness, then start Losman for the 2nd half and let him play until either he self destructs or the Bills are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs.
  12. If Hillary becomes SoS, I hope Gov. Patterson appoints Bill Clinton to finish out her term. Besides being a great representative for the state, it would drive the Clinton haters nuts.
  13. Big Ben, Willie Parker, DeSean Jackson, Reggie Wayne.
  14. We're going to Buffalo for Thanksgiving to see my mother, and I've been informed that dinner this year will be at my niece's house. Her husband works at his father's Christian radio station, and they don't have a television because they think it is corrupting to their little kids. I try to avoid discussing politics, but eventually someone will chime up about how the liberal Democrats want to kill babies. And this year I can't even avoid it by watching football.
  15. A Republican having an affair with someone of the opposite sex would be a refreshing return to traditional conservative values.
  16. You can have an honest disagreement with the policy views that Biden has, but you can't honestly say that Biden is an idiot. Now to be fair, it's not correct to call Palin an idiot either. But based on her answers to relevant questions she clearly has a lack of knowledge that you would expect someone running for VP to have.
  17. The difference of course is that Biden is known to be an informed and intelligent person who has been in the public eye for decades, but who sometimes doesn't properly articulate what he meant. Whereas Palin is new to the public and has yet to show that she is informed, given that her limited exposure has shown a lack of knowledge and a misunderstanding of facts, which is quite different than not properly articulating what she knows.
  18. I don't understand why they won't make them accessable. Now is the time to maximize their exposure and profitablity, while the generation that grew up with them, as well as their children, are the prime spending demographics.
  19. As long as Howard Stern is still on, everything else is gravy. I do wish they could add a Beatles channel. They have Springsteen, Elvis, Sinatra, Grateful Dead, and now Led Zepplin, so why not the Beatles.
  20. They always show promise but end up not being quite as good as their sibling teams: Frank Stallone Tito Jackson Ashley Simpson Frank Sinatra Jr.
  21. Some might be from the 70s: Chief Jay Strongbow and Indian Billy Whitewolf Superstar Billy Graham The Grand Wizard of Wrestling Captain Lou Albano Baron Von Raschke with the Iron Claw The Bushwackers
  22. You're assuming that fraud is inevitable. How is it any less fraudulant to have someone win because the fraudulant vote in one state resulted in a candidate winning it's electoral votes, and therefore reaching 270 in a close election? And a candidate who represented the views of the less populated states (i.e. agriculture, rural values) could get support across the multiple states to offset the urban voters, which plays into the other issue of a 3rd party candidate, who could win a 3-way race with a broad cross-country alliance of rural voters.
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