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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Correct, Larry Mathews
  2. Child tv actor.
  3. Well, on a train, I met a dame She rather handsome, we kind looked the same She was pretty, from New York City I'm walking down that old fair lane I'm in heat, I'm in love But I just couldn't tell her so I said, train kept a-rolling all night long Train kept a-rolling all night long Train kept a-rolling all night long Train kept a-rolling all night long With a heave, and a ho
  4. The two Princess Diaries movies.
  5. Yeah, Purple Haze all in my eyes, don't know if it's day or night, you've got me blowing, blowing my mind is it tomorrow or just the end of time?
  6. Correct
  7. But there ain't no doubt, girl, down here We ain't gonna take what they're handing out When I'm out in the street I walk the way I wanna walk When I'm out in the street I talk the way I wanna talk Baby, out in the street I don't feel sad or blue Baby, out in the street I'll be waiting for you
  8. No, but right nationality.
  9. No, but they’ve acted together.
  10. Not a guy, and not a Hersheybar, but she has a reputation for being sweet.
  11. Sign of the gypsy queen Pack your things and leave Word of a woman who knows Take all your gold and you go
  12. I played freshman football at guard and defensive end, but didn’t play after that because at the time I didn’t find it that exciting. I made the freshman basketball team, but then quit after final cuts and told the coach to keep one of my friends instead who really wanted it. Also threw discus and shot put, but again quit. I just couldn’t get that excited about the rah-rah stuff. My passion was ice hockey, but I didn’t start playing until I was 11, and I got cut from the high school team. Back then there was nowhere else to play at my age, so I just played pickup with friends outdoors. I’ve always regretted not sticking with football and basketball to see what might have been. I got my son involving hockey and football at an early age so he’d have the experiences I didn’t. But I let him decide if he wanted to play. He didn’t like baseball or basketball. He played high school football and was senior captain of the hockey team. Now as I prepare for retirement in September I was planning to play hockey 3 times a week with seniors, but the rinks are still closed. ?
  13. Chico Marx?
  14. For the benefit of Mr. Kite There will be a show tonight on trampoline The Hendersons will all be there Late of Pablo Fanques Fair, what a scene Over men and horses, hoops and garters Lastly through a hogshead of real fire In this way Mr. K. will challenge the world
  15. Is she a singer? Her face reminds me of Gladys Knight.
  16. So much heat but not much light. You seem to equate the vast majority of peaceful protests as riots. If they contributed to an increase in positive cases, then why did NYC’s cases continue to decrease afterward, where the largest protests occurred? ? Cuomo never said it was a mistake to follow the law and Trump’s CDC guidelines for nursing homes. Just last week Trump responded to 140,000 dead by saying, “it is what it is”. When Trump followed the airlines lead and stopped flights from China, he still allowed 40,000 people in. He was called racist for targeting Asians with his rhetoric and giving his sycophants license to attack Asian Americans. His slow action to stop flights from Europe was too little too late, which allowed the virus to come to NYC. I don’t know if Trump’s racist or just uses it as a dog whistle, but racists sure do like him. The bottom line is NYS is recovering thanks to Cuomo putting science over politics, while the southern resisters to science are continuing to get worse, in large part because they listened to Trump.
  17. Not an actor. Correct.
  18. People let me tell you 'bout my best friend He's a warm hearted person who'll love me 'til the end People let me tell you bout my best friend He's a one boy cuddly toy, my up, my down, my pride and joy People let me tell you 'bout him he's so much fun Whether we're talkin' man to man or whether we're talking son to son 'Cause he's my best friend Yes he's my best friend
  19. Your lack of facts is appalling. The protesters were outside, not in buildings with poor ventilation, thus the reason outdoor dining was allowed first. And there is no evidence they contributed to virus increases, otherwise there’d be a spike in NYS. Cuomo followed federal anti-discrimination laws and Trump’s CDC guidelines regarding nursing homes. If you didn’t like them then take it up with Trump. Javits and Comfort weren’t available at the start, and weren’t initially allowed by feds to take Covid patients. This revisionist history to attack Cuomo because Trump looks so bad by comparison is laughable, and the majority of Americans agree. NYS is now in a position to help others in crisis, as Cuomo did. today for Savannah, Ga. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/24/us/coronavirus-cases-protests-black-lives-matter-trnd/index.html#click=https://t.co/TH3vJK7C1p https://www.newsweek.com/andrew-cuomo-donald-trump-approval-ratings-1516860
  20. I'm just an ordinary average guy My friends are all boring And so am I We're just ordinary average guys We all live ordinary average lives With average kids And average wives We all go bowling at the bowling lanes Drink a few beers Bowl a few frames We're just ordinary average guys Ordinary average guys
  21. Nancy Cartwright?
  22. Maybe Pam Dawber from Mork and Mindy?
  23. It would be fitting to replace some Confederate statues with those of John Lewis.
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