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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. SOLID GOLD!! Filling up my life with music. SOLID GOLD!! Putting rhythm in my soul. There's a song that's unreeling, To fit the way that I'm feeling; My head keeps spinning to music, Spinning to gold... There's a song that's unreeling, To fit the way that I'm feeling; My head keeps spinning to music, Spinning to gold...SOLID GOLD!!
  2. No, not a movie star.
  3. He was an athlete at one point, but it’s not what he’s known for.
  4. I’m thinking of a black male, deceased.
  5. Merlin Olsen?
  6. When the lights go down in the California town, People are in for the evening. I jump into my car and I throw in my guitar, My heart beatin' time with my breathin'. Drivin' over Kanan, singin' to my soul, There's people out there turnin' music into gold.
  7. I hate that the Radio.com WGR app always starts with a commercial, even while a show’s in progress. And if you close and reopen it, the same commercial starts from the beginning again.
  8. Fred Dryer, star of Hunter?
  9. I have alot of cards from the 60s through the 90s, all sports. Some of the long AFL cards including Jack Kemp. When I retire soon my goal is to go through all of them and sell them. Trying to downsize. Not looking to make money as much as find someone who will appreciate them. Also have a number of Starting Lineup figures still in their plastic.
  10. Golden slumbers fill your eyes Smiles await you when you rise Sleep pretty darling, do not cry And I will sing a lullaby
  11. J. R. R. Tolkien?
  12. Don Meredith?
  13. Take the highway to the end of the night End of the night, end of the night Take a journey to the bright midnight End of the night, end of the night
  14. Alex Karras, who was in Webster, but better known as football player and tv analyst?
  15. Was he an entertainer?
  16. Was he involved with sports? Lou Holtz?
  17. Was he a politician? Woodrow Wilson.
  18. Was he the star of a tv drama series?
  19. Was he a comedic actor?
  20. Is he in the sporting goods business?
  21. Cowboys, Bills, and Patriots would have guns. So they could shoot all the animal teams, as well as the Vikings, Chiefs, Giants, Buccaneers, 49ers, Steelers, Titans, Raiders, Packers, and Redguys. The Texans don’t necessarily all have guns so they’re out. The Jets would have to Kamikaze to take out others so they wouldn’t survive. And the Patriots would have older guns so they’d be outshot. And the Bills are really just one guy, so he’d be outnumbered. That leaves the Cowboys. But then you have the elvish Browns who could use magic to overcome the guns. And finally you have the Saints who are God’s soldiers, and they’d crush the Brownies and be the last ones standing.
  22. Was he the owner of a sports team? Since the Bills are playing his team, Art Rooney?
  23. Was he in energy business? John Rockefeller.
  24. Was he in the food business? Orville Redenbacher?
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