Er war Superstar
Er war populär
Er war so exaltiert
Because er hatte Flair
Er war ein Virtuose
War 'n Rockidol
Und alles rief
“Come and rock me Amadeus“
'Twas in another lifetime, one of toil and blood
When blackness was a virtue the road was full of mud
I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form
Come in, she said
I'll give ya shelter from the storm
Choirs will be singin' Silent Night
Christmas carols by candlelight
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Relax, it’s a one score game. If you were told at the start of the season that the Bills would be in the championship game, most wouldn’t have believed it.
Maybe somewhere down the road a ways (at the end of the line)
You'll think of me and wonder where I am these days (at the end of the line)
Maybe somewhere down the road when somebody plays (at the end of the line)
Purple Haze
Now I'll never forget the day
We motored stately into big L.A.
The lights of the city put settlin' down in my brain
Though it's only been a month or so
That old car's buggin' us to go
We've gotta get away and get back on the road again
Me and you and a dog named boo
Travellin' and livin' off the land
Me and you and a dog named boo
How I love being a free man