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Everything posted by Boomer860

  1. Nope , thats just the way its is and always will be for obvious reasons.
  2. Its that time of the month huh? I now pronounce you and your boyfriend "queers" . It seems that the bigots in CA are in the majority and the queers are in the minority.
  3. I agree but it will be sold sooner .
  4. I went to the game Sunday. First off 25 dollars ot park gimme a break . This was my first game in 12 years and every thing pretty much looked the same but the stadium is looking dingy The best thing about it was the jumbotron.Too bad the economy is bad because the Bills need a domed stadium to accomodate the wimpy football players . These players sure didnt look rugged to me. There appeared to be a severe lack of continuity in the team . The one bright spot was Fred Jackson. Oh and 3 bucks for a hot drink and 9 dollars for a beer!! Ralph is raking it in and dont believe him that he could do better elsewhere other than the fact he could get over on some new fans. The only thing that can turn this franchise around is winning. The NFL is a joke and for the most part thier product blows. The fans of the NFL teams are being seriously conned. Watch college and Highschool football where you see players give 100 percent all the time. I think you will also see the end to the NFL network soon another scam on the fans.
  5. It would have covered up the brown stains .
  6. Every business has a plan and this is just one more step in moving the team . Ticket sales drop ,time to move the team .
  7. I see then .You are not allowed to drink at home?
  8. Ralph is setting you up folks. Season ticket sales or sales in general drop off Ralph moves the team period
  9. If the team was sold would the new owner(s) have to honor his contract?
  10. Firing the coach is a big scam run on the fans by the NFL and the coaches (good old boys club) It seems like al lthe fired coaches end up as an assistant some where. It just doenst make a difference. Jauraon already had that extention some time ago. Just get a top flight group of hard nosed players. Offensive coordinator , bah, dont need those either let the QB run it . The good old boys club (coaches are overated.) Look at Atlanta , rookie coach rookie QB. , who needs the dog killer ? If the fans want animation on the sidelines hire a hype guy to do it for the coach.
  11. I agree that he is a great college QB , but he sure didnt look the big when I watched him play (on tv). I thought he had a much better arm than Teibow but didnt look as rugged.
  12. Bradford is a great QB but he is too small for the NFL.Now Tim Teibow could be a Buffalo kinda guy with the possible exception of the weather. Buffalo needs domed stadium. All of todays players are from warmer climates . Bottom line is all of todays football players are a bunch of limp di^&3d pu$$ies.
  13. If the offer was right Cower would take it. When I watched pre game shows ,he always had could words for the Bills ,even when they were losing .
  14. How many do you want ?
  15. Gov Blind Dave plays it on his eyespod all the time, Get a life.
  16. He is just doing what the rest of the fans should do.
  17. I have already started . The NFL is a joke , over rated poor football Paychecks are nice but thats all the players care about . No will to really win but in college and highschool the players play to win. The NFL is boring.
  18. Give it up. Nothing can help this team they are just a bunch of losers.
  19. Many back injuries on the Bills . The injuries were a result of the Bills bending over grabbing their ankles. Label the Bills now and forever losers..
  20. Clock management , play calling and coaching in general is so bad one might almost think the plans were to lose the game on purpose. Some highschool coaches couls have done better. Could it be that somewhere along the line the plans were to lose the games along with other games?
  21. The Kennedys were just a bunch of drunks and philanderers . I am sure Matress Back fits the description. Blind Dave has his orders to appoint her.
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