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Everything posted by Boomer860

  1. Sure Tard. Don't you think the Government should run everything?
  2. Who is Palin? Wasn't she on SNL?
  3. Mrs Forrest Gump . She looks like the road more traveled A typical tard. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/04/nyregion/04disclose.html
  4. Ok , "your President is white"
  5. I am sure you have first hand knowledge of situations like this
  6. Justice would be just kill the enemy , it's the nature of war.
  7. Ugh , well used.
  8. These announcers are a bunch of U Conn homers
  9. That time of the month huh?
  10. No they don't have that right. However if they were seeking revenge or say me personally I would just kill them and say they were trying to escape. You know 'Dead men tell no Tales.' War is hell.
  11. What channels are the games on ABC,NBC etc. and times?
  12. Thanks , the sharpshooters of the board knew what I was talking about probably didn't know this.
  13. .All the same according to you , No wonder Hamas is trying to chase the Jews out or Israelis or what ever
  14. Ok sharpshooter ,what is he name of the Jewish equlivent to our Navy seals? Not that you didnt already understand that.
  15. Practice what you preach. It's probably over your head anyway. It's like the Mayor of NYC Bloomberg calling himself a Republican , running on the Republican ticket while practicing liberal princiciples. Just calling yourself something doesn't make it so ,or even being born into it.
  16. Still water runs deep. I'll bet she is good in bed
  17. I'll bet she is It's nice to know the Bush school of public speaking lives on . Thanks tards.
  18. The Jews that control the media are all about money, not loyality, they are Jews in name only . It stirs things up and makes news to take the losers point of view. Palestine is wrong. They say Israel is using too much force of course there is no such thing if you want to win.
  19. Israel will move with a ground attack . Israel gave Gaza back to Palestine yet they continue to launch rockets. If I were Palestine I would not be looking at all those tanks prepared to move on them , I would also look in the opposite direction . The Navy Seals of Isreal most likely are in Gaza along with a number of other operatives. The real question is will Iran come to the aid of Palestine? Hamas cannot stand against the forces of Israel. There will be much blood shed on both sides, Israel will prevail. Palestine is the front man for Iran and Syria. Look for massive air strikes before any ground attack. Israel of course will not allow reporters in the combat. This will cause the liberal media to take the side of Palestine.
  20. Very profound ,sonny .
  21. So much for character.
  22. She could sit down with them she has the same nasty attitude
  23. She is running a Ponzi scheme......on you
  24. Getting thier leaders would help, but this will be an on going thing for some time to come as the suicide bombers have been brought up since children to die for thier cause. If you do not have the religious beliefs they have then you should change or die and there is no in between as far as they are concerned. We joke about the 72 virgins but they actually believe it. They do not hold the value of life as you and I do.
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