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Everything posted by Boomer860

  1. Tebow has one thing that no one on this team has including the coach.Fire in the belly
  2. I, think he wants to tell you when to take a dump and of course pay for it. Except for the Military I want Government out of my life. If you think government can run college football just look at everything else they screw up . I have a couple of old crutches if ya need one. If Obama gets involved in this it will be for one thing only ....money.
  3. I, think he wants to tell you when to take a dump and of course pay for it. Except for the Military I want Government out of my life. If you think government can run college football just look at everything else they screw up . I have a couple of old crutches if ya need one. If Obama gets involved in this it will be for one thing only ....money.
  4. Yes it is. He can't read.
  5. Whats that? The pleasure of Barney 'oiling it up'
  6. Yes and even better. Why they may even make Barney Franks a four star general, if the enemy doesn't surrender he will just love them to death. Bin Laden might even give up doing goats.
  7. Oh boy Tardville is getting in full swing
  8. About time ,something worth the money
  9. Sure you are here.
  10. Man ,can't ya see all those fity five gallon drums fired up for the swearing in. Great day for chicken backs and ribs
  11. So what did Ralph do besides make millions of dollars , at the expense of the fans. I would say Ralph is closer to a billionaire than a millionaire. Taxpayers money for the stadium. Ralph got lucky with the '88 - 93 teams. The team will be gone soon. Quality football in the NFL is pretty much history I have had it with these over paid lazy football players. Ralph didn't give the fans anything , the fans paid for it all. Ralph is a crabby old man as oppposed to years ago when he was a crabby younger man. Get a dome , took them 30 years to pave the parking lot . Todays players are wimpy ,the weather isn't sunny and 65 all the time. Get a girls team ,they have more grit than the guys. I went to the last game and the players pranced around like the Jills. Sorry about the rant.
  12. Starvation in Washington. The tards are eating thier own.
  13. See you don't know who he is and thats is one of those fake honkers. I have heard thats not his real name and he is not a he ,he is a she.
  14. Send him your name , you are a good tard.
  15. White drug dealers,bout time.
  16. I don't like Bloomberg , however how do you know he used taxpayer money for this trip? He is a billionaire and aspires to higher office so I doubt if he used taxpayer money.
  17. The myth of Tardville exposed here. You should seek treatment for your obsession with Alaska and Palin.
  18. Oh Oh the Tard spelling police . My grammar died years ago. Your eyes must be brown from having it inserted in your place where the sun don't shine.
  19. What do you expect from a lying Communist fraud? The parties over Tards , he can't cover it up any longer.
  20. Yep , not to mention the children that you see in the scum press . The children are being used as shields and lets not forget that most of the people voted in favor of Hamas. Wipe out the whole society of Hamas and try again .These thrwobacks in the Mid East will not stop so till the end of time , so just keep killing them or they will kill you there is no in between as the Tards would like to think.
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