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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. My heavens this is a terrifying development! What if Linda Panetta is used by her chum Hugo Chavez to subvert our intelligence capabilities? There's only one problem though-Leon Edward Panetta and Sylvia Marie Varni don't even have a daughter and Linda Panetta's father is Leonard P. Panetta and her mother is Jocelyne M Panetta . Too bad this fact was lost on the Right Wing Cut-And-Paste-Osphere. This is really too funny!


    Obama’s nominee for CIA chief has a daughter who just loves anti-American dictators


    Compañera Panetta, with Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega


    PHOTO: Leon Panetta's daughter with Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega!


    Panetta's Daughter




    If Leon Panetta Was A Republican And This Was His Daughter …


    Will Panetta Daughter Cause Roadblock To CIA Director Post?


    Linda Panetta- Anti-Us Agitator, Leon Panetta- CIA Director Nominee… Is there anything wrong with this picture?

    Where is the link to your website? :wallbash:

  2. You brought it up. For the record, I find it an asinine idea to limit current property owner's land in either the commercial or residential districts with these "green" laws (quick everyone, if we all go plant 10 trees the global warming crisis is over).


    Still the precedent for laws similar to this is there. IMO worst case scenario, all current property holders should be exempt. If they want to limit new owners of new property, then those people can make an informed decision.







    Since he considers homosexual rape harassment, I would think that you are correct.

    Whoops another member of Barney Franks rangers. :thumbsup: Start planting your ten trees.

  3. I'm not surprised that you're frustrated. Given the symptoms you exhibit, you have good reason to be frustrated.


    You're just PO'd that you got yourself all twisted around "Tard" and missed the opportunity to use "Turd". So you like branding me a Tard, that's great. Unless you ALSO are a Tard...which you'd never admit to...then by process of elimination you are a Turd.


    Which certainly explains a lot.

    You are babbling again :thumbsup: Seek professional help.

  4. It wasn't done for interrogation- and the MP's already admitted to that. Some of it was done because there was nothing else to do and some of it was done out of frustration because people in their patrols had been slaughtered. Even if it had been done for the sake of interrogation, everybody knows that toture does not get actionable information. We actually got more info after eliminating torture.

    "We" whats this we crap are you in Military intelligence. They are the enemy sc%#w them. They are lucky to be alive. Torture somes gets some. info . What happened to those prisoners wasn't torture , harrassment maybe but not torture.

  5. I wouldnt sweat it. Two gay men get busted for relations and they will be out on their asses just like a hetero couple would be.

    Which one gets excused from combat duty ? Who uses the mens room womens room and etc ? Do you think a hard a$$ed guy would join the Military? Queers lack the discipline of the natural order and personal discipline period. The Military will become ineffective and a joke.

  6. Coming to a fascist city state near you. A classic Führerprinzip system. Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!



    Let's not forget the queers being allowed to openly serve in the military. Support the military , yea right , destroy it is more like it . It will not be proud to serve . And Barney Frank can be a General in the new militarly Rangers, the Rump Rangers. The Tards are flocking to the recruiting offices.

  7. "Tard" as an insult seems to be catching. When one tard (Rkfast, Boomer) calls another person (blzrul) a tard, does it mean you're all one and the same tard brethren?

    No Tard . It refers to liberal mental cases but you being a Tard I can see how you are confused . Now Obama is not a Tard he is however a lying Communist fraud :thumbsup:

  8. Go to any of Boomer860's posts and click on his name in the upper left corner, an option box will drop down.


    Click on "View Profile"


    When the profile opens click on "Profile options" in the upper right corner an option box will drop down.


    Click on ignore user.


    A dialoge box will open asking if you want to add Boomer860 to your ignoe list. Select Yes.


    Enjoy a serious reduction in the nonsensical blather content when posting.


    Repeat as necessary to maintain sanity.



    Foul , foul ,foul ,no fair , he is supposed to do that himself . He has over 2000 posts and doesn't know that . I am calling the ACLU with a protest :beer:

  9. But you have a limit, do you not, on using fossil fuels? Things would be a lot cheaper and more efficient if there were less filtering/cleaning on power plants and engines. Of course, we'd be back to coating the world in inches of soot and more acid rain, but in the interests of efficiency, things would be more efficient. You'd concede the need for restrictions on FFs in the interest of controlling pollutants right?


    Although you claim to be in agreement with the interests of businesses, you are not because for reasons not economic at all, many businesses have adopted green strategies. The simplest and most widespread example of businesses doing a small green program is recycling. It takes a little more work but it's just the right thing to do. Businesses don't get paid to do it. In most places, there's no requirement to recycle. And yet they recycle.


    The conclusion to use alternate energy (including nuclear) follow from these premises that I think you'd agree with:


    (1) Cleaner less-polluting energy sources are better for us all than dirtier polluting ones.

    (2) Sending hundreds of billions of dollars to the middle east and Russia is not in our national best interest.

    (3) Fossil fuel resources are limited and certain fossil fuels are more limited in supply than others.


    I would add a 4th premise that I'm not sure you'd agree with:


    (4) I'm willing to pay a little more for energy (not in taxes but in the form of cost at the pump/light switch) to follow the premises in 1-3.

    Pay mine to while you are at it.

  10. If you were sitting in your office/cube, whatever and someone came to you and said your wife/mother/brother/whatever has just been shot and is in the hospital, would you just sit there and wait for someone to tell you what to do?


    Of course you'd be in shock. You weren't expecting anything like that.


    You might say OMG what do I do? You might leap up ... you might burst into tears... you might say Well I need to talk to the police / hospital, can someone get me the info?


    What you would NOT do is look around blankly waiting for someone to tell you what to do.


    There are a many things he could have done that didn't involve crying, screaming, leaping, or bolting. The thing he opted to do was NOTHING which shows an EXTREME lack of leadership.

    Well never fear your boy from Chicago will soon be here. Who ? Why the lying communist fraud himself , Obama. You don't know the first thing about leadership , because you are too needy like the rest of the Tards. :thumbsup:

  11. Well the answer is a government grant . A government grant to all veternarians to slove the cow fart problem. We all know the government can solve everything with money . Also another grant to farmers to purchase green dye to dye all thier cows green . In the meantime another grant to veternarians to clone cows green. Green non farting cows will save the planet.

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