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Everything posted by Boomer860

  1. He was only a First Lieutenant in the Army as a lawyer , no wonder he is anti military.
  2. No problem here.He will save us. FreeTV and free gas , I will be busy tommorrow filling up my gas tank and waiting for my free TV to arrive.
  3. Where is the link to your website?
  4. Just in . Border Guards. Sentence Commuted!! Yes
  5. Except the Steelers have winning ways
  6. With the aid of a teleprompter.
  7. Enough to know you were the champion of beer pong and thats about it. When I drop your mom off I give her a list of colleges for you to look at.
  8. Whoops another member of Barney Franks rangers. Start planting your ten trees.
  9. You are babbling again Seek professional help.
  10. Oh oh frustration setting in. Must be that time of life.
  11. Ah you have been exposed as another egg head ,Tard . Give my regards to your wife I believe her name is Harold You must have been the Rear Admiral in your college dorm.
  12. "We" whats this we crap are you in Military intelligence. They are the enemy sc%#w them. They are lucky to be alive. Torture somes gets some. info . What happened to those prisoners wasn't torture , harrassment maybe but not torture.
  13. Like I said Harriet go enlist . The military is looking for Tards like you.
  14. Which one gets excused from combat duty ? Who uses the mens room womens room and etc ? Do you think a hard a$$ed guy would join the Military? Queers lack the discipline of the natural order and personal discipline period. The Military will become ineffective and a joke.
  15. Wel Tard if you like it so much go enlist . Don't drop the soap
  16. Let's not forget the queers being allowed to openly serve in the military. Support the military , yea right , destroy it is more like it . It will not be proud to serve . And Barney Frank can be a General in the new militarly Rangers, the Rump Rangers. The Tards are flocking to the recruiting offices.
  17. No Tard . It refers to liberal mental cases but you being a Tard I can see how you are confused . Now Obama is not a Tard he is however a lying Communist fraud
  18. A nozzlenut is a make believe fireperson
  19. Foul , foul ,foul ,no fair , he is supposed to do that himself . He has over 2000 posts and doesn't know that . I am calling the ACLU with a protest
  20. Can't handle it huh? Typical . I know you want intelligent discourse .
  21. Pay mine to while you are at it.
  22. Well never fear your boy from Chicago will soon be here. Who ? Why the lying communist fraud himself , Obama. You don't know the first thing about leadership , because you are too needy like the rest of the Tards.
  23. Well the answer is a government grant . A government grant to all veternarians to slove the cow fart problem. We all know the government can solve everything with money . Also another grant to farmers to purchase green dye to dye all thier cows green . In the meantime another grant to veternarians to clone cows green. Green non farting cows will save the planet.
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