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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. So, your solution is armed revolt against the United States? Doesn't that make you a terrorist? I'm calling Cheney.

    See at no time did I say armed or revolt I just alluded to it. So I guess you have a solution so please reveal it . .Strange back in the days of Geo Washington they did not call them terrorists they called them patriots. I now I have to go back to the bunker with Cheney :thumbsup: There is an active duty BCT ready to take on this situation in violation of law , so I guess its ok with you if the Govt violates the law

  2. Off topic: Man I was at that game (it was actually Jan. 90) sitting in the third row of the endzone second deck overhang where Kelly led Harmon perfectly. Saw the whole play develop from my vantage point. Someone tell me that Harmon wasn't on the take. See: Rose Bowl.


    Then I had to meet my party after the game at the East bank of the now long gone Flats district in Cleveland at a joint called D'poo's on the River and had to deal with a buncha toxic Browns fans bark at me the whole time I was there.



    I still have no idea why we are not in the same rust belt division as Cleveland and Pittsburgh.



    Oh yeah...Ralph "as in puke" Wilson.

    That old stadium was a dump but boy the Flats district was GREAT

  3. I don't have a solution. All I know is that I am tired of the BS they have been feeding us. There has to be a better way, or we are doomed. I may have pie in the sky dreams. I may wish for a better way of life for my children. All I know for sure is, we are heading down the wrong path with these two parties leading the way.

    Over the years they have closed up all the loop holes in the two party system . You say you dont have a solution but you know there is one , unfortunately it might cost you your life as well as many others. In this day and age its almost hard to believe tht something like the Civil War was real and not a fantasy. This will not happen as society has been wimpified

  4. In short Obama is a fraud. His campaign is getting worried as they only thing they have left if the race card and they are playing it . If you listen carefully the Dems mention it twice as much or more than the Republicans. The Socialists/Communists are losing.

  5. Wingnuts need not read since anytime a liberal is recognized for anything, it's because the world is all against the poor, downtrodden, pinheaded wingnuts and not because the body of work has any merit.


    Krugman's columns often make me nervous as hell but...it seems like he may have been onto something.

    Naturally he won the Nobel. So did AL Gore , when he got off his carbon spewing airplane, to go to his energy hog mansion :thumbsup:

  6. A GD rasist? Thems some strong words.


    I am not sure if I've ever actually seen a more poorly written post. I didn't think it was possible to make at least 13 grammatical and spelling errors in a 35 word blather.

    Oh oh the grammar police , no spell check but you have received the message , or we could discuss grammar :)

  7. This is just my opinion from what I have seen of him and read, which is a good deal:


    Reverend Wright, and blacks like him, don't hate white people as a race or as a whole at all. He thinks that white people in huge numbers, over a few hundred years, and in much smaller numbers now, have hurt black people by their racism. And he simply wants to promote and empower his own black people now, at the expense of whites, but not violent or with hatred toward them, because he feels that they have been held back and discriminated against for so long. And it's still not an even playing field.


    That's racist, wanting blacks to succeed above their white counterparts. He also seems to want reparation for past ills. But I don't at all think he sees a white person on the street and has any ill will toward them whatsoever, unless he finds out otherwise about that particular person. In fact, I would bet he's rather friendly to everyone, black or white, he meets on the street, and that it is genuine.


    He also thinks our government is not always the good guy, and has done its job of racist acts and not helping the situation, but a lot of whites and blacks think that in the same way.


    All that said, that element of his personality is not even close to being the dominant one. 99% of his time it appears is spent doing God's work and helping the poor and making his neighborhood and his city a better place, not a worse place. If you actually listened to his full sermons and not just the nasty isolated sections, they're all rather extraordinary, pro-American, very religious, and very be nice to your neighbor kind of stuff. 99% of them. The one where he claims "God damn America is actually remarkable. I don't condone that sentiment at all. But the actual sermon was about NOT feeling that way, and when things are bad, looking into your God, and your family, and your community to not retaliate violently.

    I will put this as nice as I can , He is a GD rasist an anti American and a crook F'him and I would say that if he was black ,white blue or purple. ..out

  8. What about her wacky children's name? There is no reason anyone should mock out the names in other cultures (especially African-American) after hearing the crazy names Palin gave her children!



    This contest is all about feelings.:lol: Whos cares what whose name is , Obama is a fraud.

  9. No, I think Reverend Wright is somewhat of a racist. A totally different kind than Da Big Moron, Bradley Syndrome voters or other blatant racists, like, apparently, yourself. But he is a racist of sorts, and I don't like that much either.


    For the record, I don't think race is going to hurt Obama much, ultimately, for several different reasons. But it doesn't mean anyone should cheer azzholes for not voting for him just because he is black.

    So if ,or should I say when Obama loses,you know that they will play the race card for the loss .As I said big money real big money will determine the outcome as it always has . That is meant to include both candidates. Also if Colin Powell was running I would vote for him. Race aside I believe Obama is a fraud. Would you put a horse in a horse race if you didnt know his background?

  10. Oh, so you're an **** racist, too? Thanks for admitting it. It's quite honorable of you.

    So I guess it ok if Obama's close friend for 20 years are racist. Which would also make him an **** as you call it. His gang played the first race card as usual. Big money will determine the outcome , not race ,its the American way

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