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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. I don't want to burst your bubble but the United States has had a progressive income tax for quite some time now.

    Really I had not noticed :bag: Taxing supresses producitvity it lessen the incentive for people to work both for those that create the jobs and for those receiving the money. Obviously taxes are need for national defense . Money corrupts look at our government over the decades. Collectively this is a great country but in the end its the individual that has created this wealth. Actually I dont see much difference as for as the economy goes between Bush , Obama or McCain. I do not favor one party being in contorl of everything be it Republicans or Democrats.

  2. From Acts Chapter 2 verses 42 - 45


    "42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and in fellowship [...] 44 And all that believed were together, and had all things in common; 45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. "

    Did the apostles collect the possessions and goods and distribute them equally? Man has free will so if one did not do it the system would not work.

  3. Please endulge me-what is your interpretation of communism?

    a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably .Thats the dictionary deifnition and is also my interpretation.Lenin in his final stages stated that he felt the theory would not work ,,and it didnt ,mainily because someone had to oversee it , in this case or any case the Government , which meant that the state contrlos everything.


    Are you in favor of communism , as the definition stated in the dictionary?

  4. So lets make sure I have the score card correct. Obama is a terrorist, communist, and baby killer. I didnt tune into Rush today so what new description do we have or do I just have to wait for u and da big man to parrot it.

    Nice try , however you did not answer the question . Are you in favor if Communism? A yes or no answer will do. Or maybe you are ashamed to answer the question. Leave Obama out of it , this is directed toward you.

  5. The fact that the Obama campaign honestly feels this way is both good and bad. It is of course good because it is likely true and needs to be prepared for. Obviously, it is bad because, as Biden is saying, the United States is looking vulnerable. No matter how well an Obama administration responds, Americans are going to get hurt and suffer from this appearance of weakness.

    Both campaings get secutiry briefings . As wacked out as Bidens is he probably has something specific in mind.

  6. Want to see more points..... San Diego's defense is not good. We did a good job of ball control and this was the first game in a while where San Diego turned over the ball, so kudos to the defense.


    Listening to Schopp and the Bulldog go on about TE is just way over the top. I too am very excited about him, but can I ask for 300 yards passing and 30 offensive points? Why is it considered such a big deal to score 30 points on offense.


    Before you jump on me, check Miami's and Chad Pennington's #'s vs. SD two weeks ago..... 22/29 228 yards and 167 yards rushing and almost 37 minutes TOP almost identical to yesterday. I expect we consider TE better then Chad.


    I am thrilled about the team, but not ready to have them deep in the playoffs yet, though I certainly think we can play against and beat Tennessee (easily as their offense is just not good) and Pittsburgh (if we can contain Rothliesburg).....

    We $uck :lol:

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