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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. Many will not get this...


    So this is for you :D

    Ah John Murtha a true American scum he will most lilkey attack the victim , like he did with our troops. Got it :lol:

    I think the attacker was Obamas half brother from Kenya,who needed money for his family and habit.

  2. Do you realize how much of a bully you come across as when you insult people this way? And you wonder why conservatives are thought of as intolerant? Instead of responding to legitimate questions, you just question peoples' manhood and disrespect them. Is it because you don't have answers?

    Thats right I am a bigot , a racist and now a bully :D I dont have ,a as you call a sensitive side what a sorry a$$ed bunch of girly men. :lol:

  3. What's your point? Have you not gotten anything from this thread?


    What is your question meant to imply?


    He doesn't know what he's talking about because he's not in the military?


    Is he any less entitled to his opinion? Is he any less informed?


    Talk about closed minded bigotry!!

    Go grab another joint this is none of your beeswax.If you had any brains you would know this is from a previous discussion. I guess I would have to say you are anal retentive with a lack of scrotal fortitude. "Big Cat ' more like big pu$$y

  4. One thing I can't stand is that Obama seems to have brought out all the BIGOTS. You can smell them right through the Internet. Actually, it's not them per se, it's their freaking intolerance and ignorance.


    Come to think of it, it's not Obama's fault. They were always BIGOTS but now they are scared bigots because Obama's engaged people from all walks of life...even maybe some retired baby boomers ... and when BIGOTS are frightened they come out of their caves and expose themselves. Yuck.


    Seems a little odd to hammer people who volunteer for something they believe in. That's kind of how America got its start.

    He didnt vouluteer , he got paid the rest of them volunteered.

    If calling Obama a fraud is being a bigot , count me in.

  5. So you're one of those people huh? Joe McCarthy reincarnated...You take every statement that doesn't say "freedom ain't free" or "we have to protect ourselves and our families against the evil-doers" and you associate it with sympathizing with the enemy.


    Those tactics worked in the 50's but I like to believe that maybe people are most rational these days. I'd like to see an America where folks don't use fear as a tactic to tear people down.

    You live in a fantasy world it is a nice thought but doesnt exist. Typical ,you didnt answer the question . There are people in the world that want you dead . Take the rose colored galsses off and answer the question ,What would you do about people that want you dead?

  6. So we should kill all radical Muslims? How about radical Christians who parade around saying we should nuke the entire Middle East and rid the world of the heathen scum? Should we find and kill all of them too?

    Then what would you do to people that want to kill you.Maybe radical Christians parade around but the dont tie bombs to themselves women and childred Where are these radical Christians you speak of and what have they done.

    Like I say what would you do with someone that wants to kill you . Sounds to me like you are a radical Muslim sympathizer :ph34r:

  7. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


    Some people in this country just drive me insane. Denouncing Barack for being a Muslim is a good way to simultaneously show that you are both ignorant and intolerant. It proves you know nothing about the candidate and that you think a person being Muslim is a bad thing, as if it would be wrong to vote a person of Muslim or Arab descent to be president.

    Barack is a fraud from the back rooms of Chicago being a Muslim or not has nothing to do with it.

  8. http://www.lcsun-news.com/ci_10783845


    I hope historians of the Iraq War take stuff like this into account when trying to understand why we invaded. It wasn't about a "freedom agenda," it was about killing Muslims to a lot of the base. And no, I don't think Bush thought that, but a lot of his supporters sure did.

    You are right . So whats wrong wiht wanting to kill radical Muslims,not all Muslims, that want to kill you Besides the media likes death and destruction its good for business.

  9. Something has to give or else the younger people will be kicking in way more that they will ever seen in return.


    Of course getting the young adults to get politically active about this isn't going to happen tomorrow or the next day or maybe ever

    Maybe the young people should do something like the ones that preceded them did...work one , two , maybe three jobs and get off their fat butts. or course the spa's would suffer. No wonder most of them are obese.

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