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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. Then McCain has lost. I hear McCain is losing Indiana! If that happens the GOP is in for a bad two years.

    The GOP office holders will have it made , they will just collect their checks. On the other hand America loses. Work hard all your life just to pay your hard earned money to losers ,Welfare. The incentive in America will be gone , just what the Communist want.

    How can any reasonable American see this is a good thing.

  2. Normally I avoid discussing any advice regarding buying or selling of stocks, but I felt this is important enough to share and warn you since this explosive situation might prove to be yet another ENRON.


    Please review any holdings you might have in the following stocks: American Can, Interstate Water, National Gas Company, Northern Tissue Company.


    Due to uncertain market conditions, I advise you to sit tight on your American Can, hold your Water, and let go of your Gas. You may be interested to know that Northern Tissue touched a new bottom today, and millions were wiped clean.


    It's a tough market out there. Be careful! :D


    Have a good weekend, gents!!


    And as usual Go Bills

  3. From what I've heard from Republicans, with a super majority the Democrats will ensure there are drive-thru abortion clinics, which will be needed after teaching sex education to kindergartners, they'll be riots at Joe the Plumber's house as everyone making less than $250k will be trying to get their welfare checks from him, the new holiday will be Che Guevara Day, the military in Iraq will wave a white flag and retreat in shame, our children will no longer have the choice to become gay but will be forced into it, divorces will skyrocket as gay marriage destroys the meaning of our marriages, and only criminals will be allowed to own guns. What did I miss?

    The boat :)

  4. Dear fellow Bills fans and politicking enthusiasts,


    As of this morning, at least 24 of my friends have lost their lives in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. A countless number of others who mean a great deal to me suffer or will suffer because of the affects of combat.


    Senator John McCain has promised that as president he will assure my friends' ultimate sacrifices were meaningful and not in vain. Sen. McCain has promised to bring home my friends who are still fighting with honor when the job is done and this battle is won.


    And to all the Communist followers of that fraud Obama , stuff it!! :)

  5. I just find it so amazing how any criticism at all of the settlers in Israel is immediatly taken as support for the Holocaust.

    Once again you are an anti semite ,the Holocaust wasn't mentioned. Obama is a fraud and an anti semite so are his followers .Those Burkas must turn you on.

  6. With a Democrat Triumvirate and a super majority. Does anyone think this is good besides the lefties?


    A Pelosi, Reed, Obama lead country scares the hell out me. This country would make such a drastic turn left, it will take 20 years to undo the damage on the supreme court, our military, intelligence services and other socialist policies.


    If you think Jimmy Carter was bad, just wait, this will be worse.

    At first look I would say yes.On the other hand they will begin fighting with each other

  7. "So where will all these people filling these jobs come from? And who will pay their salaries? "

    The will come from China and Mexico and you will pay thier salaries. You see he will not only be the Pres of the US but of the world . Obama is a fraud as you can see by his mindless drivel.

    On the other hand when he eliminates the military that will free up a few people.

  8. You moron, you think he decided to rob a woman at an ATM becuase she had a McCain sticker on her car? What a doofus.

    Are you a head case or what ? The other poster was talking about physical viloence in campaigns , and no I dont think he robber her because she had a McCain sticker. AFTER he robbed her she said he saw the sticker then beat her up.Read the article.

    And while we are at it you did not answer the question. Do you favor Communism? A simple yes or no will do.

  9. Oh for crying out loud I somehow doubt that this was anything more than a spur of the moment thing done by a freaking jerk who probably has no clue about the election and probably doesn't vote anyway. The person who did this is a SICKO. Why does it all have to be politicized?


    It's one thing to complain that a McCain supporter steals signs, or an Obama supporter calls people rednecks. THIS is nowhere NEAR that.

    Ther is no room left under the bus for this Obama supporter

  10. where did anyone say anything about it being obama's fault?


    the point as I see it is that while the left and the media won't shut up about the horrible comments from mccain supporters - it is clearly evident that BOTH sides have plenty of idiots, and that there appears to be a lot of hate being perpetrated against mccain supporters - including physical violence.

    I havent heard of any physical violence against Obama supporters.

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