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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. It is very unfortunate that people will dismiss this. I understand the frustation of wanting Bush out of office and seeing your guy in there, but what has gone on in the Obama financial department is !@#$ed up.


    Can you just imagine the complete sh---storm that would occur if McCain had raised this much money - with a great deal of it suspected to be illegal contributions online?


    "Republicans try to steal the election!" "Republicans trying to buy the presidency!" "Republicans thwart democracy!"


    The Washington Post decided to run an article on page 2. Gee thanks. Nothing like the week before the election to scratch your head over a trillion dollars given in $25 amounts. :ph34r:

    You are right , no wonder he changed up on public funding , or course he lied about that.

    I know I am repeating myself Obama is smooth and

    Obama is a lying fraud.

  2. Like you can't believe!!! I was at a family party this past weekend, and the presidential race came up amongst a number of us outside over a couple of beers. It was a good conversation with people discussing both candidates pros and cons. Then one member of the family walks up, hears what we are talking about and in all seriousness starts yelling "Bill Ayers!, Bill Ayers!". He then proceeded to yell us (I mean yell not tell) how Obama is a terrorist, terrorist sympothiser, muslim, his father can't be found, he is not a citizen, if he is, where's his birth certificate... and it went on. I walked away amazed that the only qualification for voting in this country is not dying before your 18th birthday. :o

    And being a heavy drinker helps. :ph34r:

  3. More word association I see.....


    Obama....... transformational figure


    transformational figure......... everything he touches should be touched by god.


    murder's in Chicago aren't going for it........ OBAMA'S A FRAUD!!!!!


    I again cannot understand why intelligent people make their decisions based on crazy rhetoric, buzz words and irrational arguments like the one above.


    If you feel people are voting for Obama because of misplaced impressions of him, make a real argument, don't spew rhetoric that lowers you to their level of intelligence.


    Your posts make it sound like you are upset that people are inspired by Obama for whatever reason, valid or not, where maybe what you should really be upset about is that fact that the other candidate has NOT been able to inspire in the same way.

    I dont want inspiration I want performance.

    Actually the line I like the best is OBAMA'S A FRAUD. :ph34r:

  4. I take issue with your use of the word "hippie" since I've never met a violent one before- but in regards to your original post I will say this:


    During the early parts of the primaries, when the "contenders" for the Republican nod was the boob chorale called Romney, Guilliani, Huckabee, and McCain- and when the Democrat primary was clearly between Hillary and Barrack, I said that I would consider voting for McCain.


    As the election season has unfolded, however, his rhetoric, his tactics, and his ideas have completely belied my earlier impressions of John McCain. Your example illustrates the progressive politican I MIGHT have voted for. He lost that somewhere.

    There is really one priority a President has and that is national defense , everything else is BS. The position of President has been diluted over the years. Hippies are not violent just brain dead.

  5. Monday Morning: Begin drinking heavily

    Tuesday Morning: Begin drinking heavily

    Wednesday Morning: Begin drinking heavily

    Thurdsay Morning: Begin drinking heavily

    Friday Morning: Begin drinking heavily

    Saturday Morning: Begin drinking heavily

    Saturday Afternoon: Watch College Football

    Sunday Morning: Begin drinking heavily

    Sunday Afternoon: Watch the Bills

    Best plan yet .Now the Gubmint can send me a check for my booze and all is good and right.

  6. If there were republicans to pin this on, the dems in congress would already have the gallows built. Therefore the dems are at fault. Frank and Dodd are the first two that should be doing the perp walk.

    Well I agree with you on Frank and Dodd , I wonder how many 'average' people were aware of this when happened. The job of bringing this to light is the Presidents, although he opposed this ,he should have been shouting it to the rest of the country.

  7. I don't think it is a fair statement to put the blame on any one person or party. Many many people made many mistakes. Republicans, Democrats, financial typcoons, rich people... possibly even poor people.


    So ya, I think your statement is wholy wrong, misleading, and irresponsible.

    You are right!!

  8. Good. Lock him up. I never liked him since he tried to hold up the defense appropriations bill a couple of years ago . He tied it to that stupid bridge in AK. The Bill passed when he finally with drew the attachment. Wonder how his re election is going :wallbash:

  9. Here's a good article from Bloomberg.com today on the growth of securitized loans. I liken Wall Street to the plant Audrey in "The Little Shop of Horrors:" "Feed me, feed me!"




    Note, it mentions almost $3 trillion that the government has spent or guaranteed to help prevent the meltdown. Why is it that the possibility of Obama spending a few more hundred billion makes right-wing heads explode, but the Bush-Paulson $3 trillion doesn't? Hmmm...

    Paulson is a friend of OBama

  10. Don't you know? They don't answer questions that might prove them wrong.

    First of al I never said it was a socialist country . Now that you have brought it up I will say it has been moving in that direction for about 70 years. Obamas policies will jump right past socialism right into Communism. Read your history.

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