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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. The Bills play too far off the receivers , probably so they dont get beat deep.They are so far of they get beat deep anyway . No one on this team can blitz. This game is another bad history lesson . Hope the folks in Canada that paid all that money too see this crap game get their moneys worth. Ralph if you arent going to make this a good team then get them the hell out of Buffalo , mayabe you and Al Davis can get together.

  2. I wasnt much of a fan of her and the thought of her being the defacto "leader" of the GOP scares me, but I cant help but find it pretty cute that the SAME 'tards who railed against Sarah Palin are now pining for the NYS Senate seat the ONE person who makes Sarah Palin look experienced and seasoned. They thought Palin was out of touch with her "Russia" comment, yet seek to now make a woman who probably hasnt been south of 59th Street EVER a Senator. Come on.


    This shrew makes Sarah Palin look like Margaret Thatcher in terms of actual political experience.

    You have to understand that those Tards love those whores . Besides her nose is too big, maybe it comes from having it in the wrong place :)

  3. Berman needs to stuff a cork in it. The Bills haven't circled any wagons since the MCM. It sounds silly, empty and is insulting to those great Bills teams that actually had heart and refused to give up like nobodies business.

    And they dont have any wagons ot circle :)

  4. Caroline ,just another Kennedy whore. I doubt if she has ever been to Buffalo , Rochester or Syracuse ,not that that is a requirement . Obama will pressure Patterson to appoint her. All these aholes and I mean all politicians have every one beleiving they are wokring for you but the only ones they are working for are themselves. And now we have Obama the lying communist fraud , if you think its bad now , just wait.

  5. Most threads are started by pro-pillow-munchers who think killing babies are fine and dandy. I don't see how a few "conservative" ones are such a big deal unless your free-speech-o-meter is going crazy. You want a board where only you start and control the conversation. Go shove it up your ass, I mean there is nothing wrong with it right? Maybe you were born that way and might like it.

    :worthy: Well said .

  6. Yikes, Dow down 150 immediately, scary and October and Sept revised downward too... almost a million in the last three months.


    This one month is the largest since 1974, good old Bush economics comin' home to roost.

    The Dems have been in charge of congress for the last two years ,why didnt they do some thing. Between corrupt politicians like that queer Barney Frank and the the corrupt financial gurus they took down the system . Oh and throw in high oil prices at the time. Change is coming ...its going to get worse.

  7. The real thing is what now, not that this is a big surprise, but it looks like we will be flushing this out for a while with more bad news probably coming down the pike and NY is talking about raising taxes... on what? They already have folks by the throat.

    Where did you hear NY was taling about raising taxes?

  8. Quick, everybody run to your local dealer and buy a Suburban! It'll help the ecomomy and keep GM from going bankrupt.


    But will people be able to buy gas with their food stamps?

    Pretty soon free gas as promised by The One and next my free TV hmm I wonder what size it will be a 42 inch hdtv would be nice . Probably wont get that till after the 20th of Jan. Cant wait for the change. :thumbsup:

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