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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. No word on how Palin is doing about donating that wardrobe ... apparently she's having trouble determining what was hers pre- and post-election....but this is GREAT.


    Apparently the McCain campaign need to recoup some $$$, so they sold off some assets. Assets such as Blackberrys...full of sensitive data.


    For $20.


    Genius. Sheer genius.

    You Tards are living in the past and running out of material . Lets see "I did not have sex with that woman" and I see matress back Kennedy wants to be a senator from New York. Obama is losing his 'shine' :wallbash: Soon Saturday Night Live will be spoofing all the Tards , they will have plenty of material.

  2. What is it with people like you and pBills and your unwillingness to answer a simple question.


    I have yet to resort to name calling, yet you call me a moron. Very nice.

    What else could you expect form a couple of Tards ? They arent smart enough to do anything else.

  3. Because having more people collecting unemployment, not paying payroll taxes, and reducing consumer spending is really going to help turn the economy around.

    Paying payroll taxes with the same money that came from taxes. This one I am not sure of but are public employees eligible for unemployment , I dont think so. Also raising taxew just keep business form starting here. I guess most Communists want to increase the size of government , that is already bloated.

  4. It's easy to blame Jauron, but not this time.. I was happy when they decided to throw late, running was too predictable and too early..


    Losman level of play is unbelievably low,, Thats not Jauron's fault

    It was Loamans and Jaurons fault. The coach should know the tendancies of his qb and Lynch was a running machine. Jauron said he called that play , I dont believe it.

    The O line did a good job today either Losman cant see or its indecision. Run the damn ball Jauron is covering of the offensive coordinator.

  5. And rightly so... It isn't called politics for nothing... Maybe he is better than Slick Willy... Maybe his undoing won't be a BJ... That will drive you guys nuts. Obama "got it" so far, maybe he won't be "undone."


    Time will tell.


    Look at the last (comparing to Slick Willy) Rhodes scholar from Chicago... Mel Reynolds... It is usually sex that makes these types fall apart.

    Well I try this one more time , first of all it isnt the BJ that is in question , its the lying to to grand jury that was his problem .

    Everyone is in favor of a BJ , but on the job and with an employee is some thing else. I dont know where you work but most eplayers frown on this activity while on the job and with an employee .

  6. I think it is great he smokes... I have no problem with that.


    Maybe call me naive... I have no doub he used the machine for his advantage... What is wrong with that. Nothing wrong with spraying yourself with Teflon®... Just make sure nothing sticks...


    How else is anybody going to beat the system that is in place politcially today? Do you think we can elect unknowns like we did in the 19th century?


    Truly a lesson McCain could have learned... And if you don't understand that last statement about McCain... I mean, came running back to the Republican party like a drunk school girl with her skirt down... He should have used them for everything they could bring to the table YET SET HIS OWN AGENDA.

    Above all else Obama is clean and well spoken. He had better keep a large amount of Teflon® handy.

  7. Since you didn't know what it was, maybe you shouldn't have offered it as proof. But since you did, and since you obviously believe the conclusions drawn in an op-ed piece, did you not notice that Gov Dirtbag does not seem particularly enamored of Obama? Of course not.


    I read the affidavits and whatnot and even reading this blog it seems pretty clear that what was happening is what happens everywhere - people were jockeying for position in times of change, and THIS dirtbag really went off the deep end and broke the law. He's a jerk, but if you think Barack Obama would engage in something like this you are a bigger moron than you have so far proven yourself to be. Even George Bush isn't that stupid.

    Well so much for your 'boy' being clean . He is also ah losing the uh well spoken ah too. Never fear the tard sheeple will follow.

  8. Link


    She looks good in the photo. :blink:


    The federal prosecutor's office in Belgium identified one of the suspects as Malika El-Aroud, the widow of one of the men who assassinated a key opponent of the Taliban in Afghanistan two days before September 11, 2001.


    El-Aroud's late husband was one of two men who killed Ahmed Shah Massoud, a leader of the Northern Alliance, in a suicide mission ordered by Osama Bin Laden.


    Belgian police aimed to prevent El-Aroud, whom the police source called an "al-Qaeda living legend," from moving to Afghanistan to play a role in the fight against the coalition forces there, the source said.


    She is thought to be a recruiter for the anti-Western network, rather than a fighter, the source said.

    Nice picture , now if she was shown in a casket it would be perfect . Or maybe Obama could travel there and talk to her .

  9. There was an interesting article in this morning's paper - not that that any wingnut would read it or give it credence, but it's there - that discussed how Obama could live in Chicago and yet not be part of the filthy politics that is Chicago.


    The net of this article was that Obama did not rise up through the Chicago political machine and was pretty much an "outsider", who didn't benefit from that network, and therefore is not a part of it. Obviously being a politician, and a politician from IL, is probably embarrassing (to ALL of them) because this isn't a "party" thing....it's Chicago.

    He was part of the Chicago machine or he would not have been a state senator and you know it. Outsiders dont cut it in the Chicago machine.

    He never heard Rev Wright say anything , Wm Ayers was just a neighbor. Farakaan was just an some one he knew. Obama spokes person Axelrod says Obama talked to The Gov of Ill about the senate seat , Obama said he did not . Obama is a fraud and you know it that is why you will have to talk about Bush to keep the heat the heat of your 'boy'

    Sooner or later some one will have a picture of him smoking that ought to make you 'tards'happy

  10. And I will continue to mock Bush. Obama's pauses may be caused by his desire for find le mot juste....the big difference is he actually FINDS them. I will almost MISS that blank look on Bush's face as he tries to find a word...any word...and then the glee as he spits out...who knows what.

    Obama is a lying communists fraud . He hasnt even been swore in and all his friends are riddled with scandle . He is saddened and sobered AH and he is clean and well AH spoken.

    And AH soon all you will have to talk about is Bush . And Obama pauses are caused by a brain cramp and lack of a teleprompter.

  11. It was always drawing to an end. In 1967 it was almost over, samething a year later, in 1970, same thing. People got tired of the bull

    The draft age people and their families were the ones concerned. Cant say I blame them . Actually this was the advent of the volunteer force . Too bad the slugs had to be mixed with the decent troops back then. Of course Obama will reinstate the draft for the people wanting change <_<

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