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Everything posted by Boomer860

  1. It's good to have him here .He is a good represenative of tardville.
  2. Like my father used to say "no matter how thin you slice it , it's still baloney" I watched these news channels for just so long and then I thought ,why should I pay to listen to all this hot air? I cut my cable service to just basic ,saved fifty some dollars and did not miss all the people babbling. One person says one thing then the other person says the opposite..Really there is nothing of value on TV. There is always bad news so why pay for it? News is news so just report it without giving thier opinion. The reason the country is divided is the news media. In the mean time the politicians are robbing the country at the expense of the people they are supposed to represent.
  3. F the unions their leadership is as corrupt as the politicians they pay off
  4. And while you were sleeping. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1208/16740.html
  5. We now own the car companies. So where is my free car . F the govt. No wonder they developed an Army unit to put down a domestic revolutioin.
  6. Great . Gas 22 cents a gallon I remember that .
  7. You are right . The politicians are a joke and the media loves it. As for the people ,deep down they all know what needs to be done. Hopefully every one has the scrotal fortitude to do it.
  8. I understand they are getting together and butcher a few chickens in thier hotel room.
  9. I havent heard anything either but he did donate a million to the State Democratics and also 25 million!! to the Clinton foundation. And Clinton was with Golisano at the Sabres game a couple of nights ago.Thats what got me thinking.
  10. Could it be that Tom Golisano is a dark horse in this race to be a Senator?
  11. The writer said in his article he would love to see a “Twinkie tax” . Must be he had Barney in mind.
  12. Well it's over she has received the ultimate endorsement.........Al Sharpton
  13. When she gets to the sixth she will have ot jump to the other hand.
  14. The Huffington Post you are in a fantasy world. "conservative advocates of unlimited homeownership" , Who were they? Actually they were most likely libertards.And while we are at it did not your girlfriend Barney say Fannie and Freddie were in good shape. He was probably busy in his basement apartment.
  15. It is hard for him to speak when his mouth is full
  16. In response Patterson pissed on himself.
  17. She has had work done ,no joke, fact, and you are right about everything else. Too bad she doesnt jump in the senators seat.
  18. The one thing economics does not factor in is corruption ,which is a game changer.People do not trust the market because of the corruption .My guess is after and only after a few convictions for illegal activities will the maket stabilize.
  19. The banks just jumped on the lifting of any restrictions by your girlfriend Barney saying the banks cant use income or ability to pay or as you call it redlining. Barney also said Freddy and Fannie were well run and in good shape. Sure the banks were at fault for taking that liberty but so were the people that could not pay in the first place. How do you make ligimate loans in poor areas gimme a break . Fact of life there will always be have- nots. Affordable housing for everyone , the dream of tards.
  20. The whole organization is a mess. What good players we do have (Lynch,Evans) are having thier football future ruined by staying here.
  21. Its a clean sweep , its all of PA.
  22. Caroline should wait till Uncle Teddy dies or resigns and take that seat or Maybe Illinois . Stay the hell out of New York its in bad enough shape already.
  23. Edwards will start.
  24. I am so far right I am off the chart. You tards serve at the altar of Barney Frank
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