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Everything posted by Boomer860

  1. Who won??
  2. Why do the Lions ,Raiders and Bills have any fans at all?
  3. He is not senile he is just a cheap SOB when it comes to hiring coaches.
  4. I am sure Blind Dave has his instructions to hire her.
  5. Even if Ralph fires him , he will just hire another loser as thats all that will be out there. And if there is a winner out there Ralph will not pay the price . The only winner in all this is Ralph taking all your hard earned cash to watch a bunch of losers.
  6. Naw , my first game in 13 years. I have seen -30 degrees wind chill with two feet of snow in the stands . This is mild. Lets hope the players can handle it I know the fans can..Go Bills!!
  7. A coaching change will not make a difference to this team . Look at all the coaches here since Levy left coaching. Everyone know the change that is needed and that is not about to happen. It's all about Ralph.
  8. Thanks . I have all the stuff for bad weather , went to all the home games for 12 years , had seasons tickets, so I saw plenty of bad weather 20 below zero snow etc. I figured there were some changes as far a taking stuff into the game . However there hasn't been any changes in the teams performance. My grandson invited me ,he is in the Army ,other wise I would watch it in the comfort of my living room.
  9. A little off the subject , but I a going to the game. Its been 13 years since I have been. Can you bring a small bag in with rain gear , gloves etc. a lot has changed in 13 years and GO BILLS!!
  10. Si vis pacem, para bellum
  11. And I have a vision of a pimp truck pulling up to the the White House on the 20th of Jan and dumping a load of chewed upon rib bones and chicken bones with loud rap music coming from the cab of the truck This would be more approiate.
  12. Or go into the ROTC program ,Army pays full ride for school , take your choice of college subjects.,get comissioned as an Army officer , get further training . Stay in till you retire or get out after you obligated time. Service is a great background to have when applying for most jobs.
  13. Mattress back Kennedy has not voted in a number of elections . Well Bind Dave (Gov.) can get on the good side of Obama , the lying Communist fraud. Patterson went to visit Iraq right after his budget message . He probably figured he would be safer in Iraq than in NY.
  14. Quote probably came fro the Denver organization after yesterdays loss
  15. Nice you libertards can make fun of a new life , of course you do not have one of your own.
  16. He is not used to losing to a bad team.
  17. He is on th couch eating wings and drinking beer to beef up a little
  18. Thanks , thats not bad coming from a disciple of Al Gore and global warming . Not to mention the sheeple of Obama. also I am sure you and Barney have a lot in common. You answer will probably be , that being queer is fun . You libertards never cease to amaze me.
  19. I have said it befor and I will say it again . Obama is lying Communist fraud.
  20. Ah yes another resident of tardville calling people names. Your moms calling you for breakfast . I am sorry your moms not home yet I ll see if I can wake her up and send her home. Is that Simon as in Simple Simon?
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