It's been 17 years with no playoffs, seeeventeeeen years. Personally, I think the ONLY thing fun to talk about is every single scenario possible to end this muthreffn thing. I want to know every single week what exact % our chances are and who needs to lose...when. If we can't talk about it now, when the hell are we supposed to have a little fun around here? Buffalo is not winning a Super Bowl any time soon so I'll exhaust every single conversation possible to figure out what 9 wins gets a tie-breaker over that xyz team.
The Buffalo Bills sit in the 6th spot halfway through the season and I could not care less what they have botched in the past while being there. No matter what, even if they lose to the Saints, they will be plenty alive the following week. Enjoy it while we have it folks because who knows when it comes around again. The AFC is a garbage dump and right now, your Buffalo Bills are the 6th best team in that dump. Benjamin and Clay added to this offense gives us even more to look forward to so let's go have a little fun.